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[Outdated][3.71][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b [Outdated][3.71][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b

Ancient cheat menu I've been working on for the past couple of year's, noticed a lot more people playing since steam release and decided to create something more user-friendly than manually using cheat engine.

Warning: When using the injury editor, make sure your injuries are valid when adding new ones (type, severity, location, damage, side) as I have not added error checking for incomplete injuries, and they do cause a game crash when viewed.



Injury Editor:

Map tab:


Console commands:
  • ~ key - Opens console. Must have Unreal world focused.
  • /tpadd waypointname - Adds a waypoint at your current location to your characters waypoint file.
  • /tpdel waypointname - Removes a waypoint from your waypoint list.
  • /tp waypointname - Teleports to a saved waypoint.
  • /tp x y - Teleports to X Y map location.
  • /tpclick - Toggles localmap left-click teleportation, must be zoomed in. (when you reach map render edge, you must move manually to update the map)
  • /dirclick - Toggles ability to right-click on a direction to face it.
  • Skill & Attribute Editor
  • Stats Editor
    • General Stats (Hunger, Thirst, Nutrition, Energy, Carry Weight, Temperature, Fatigue)
    • Cosmetic/Identity Stats (TribeID, Weight, Height, Phobia, Physique, Gender)
    • Additional values (Starting XY location, Current XY location, Time of day, Starting skill points)
  • Injury Remover
  • Injury Editor
  • X-Ray Vision
  • Inventory Editor
    • Item ID - Changes the item to another one.
    • Quantity - Changes how many of these items you have in your inventory.
  • Name & TribeName customization
  • Teleportation
  • Local-map Onclick teleportation
  • Onclick direction changing
  • Teleport waypoints (example: /home)
  • Map tab
    • Render map - Renders game map, saves as image file.
    • Zoomed - Toggles zoom mode.
  • Tutorial/Goal changer
Future goals:
  • Item Editor
  • NPC Spawner
  • Fast Build/Task
  • Tile Editor
  • Game file exploits
  • Overlayed UI
  • Github repo
  • Save and load character settings
  • Load default items into characters .obj file
  • Adding / Removing rituals
  • Skill increase proficiency
Version History:
  • v1.0.4b - Added patch to remove checksum error message; Updated to 3.71.
  • v1.0.4 - Updated to 3.70 for steam users, forgot to do standalone for 3.63 (so use 3.62 I guess), added textilecraft to skill list.
  • v1.0.3c - Updated to 3.63 for steam users, 3.62 added for standalone users.
  • v1.0.3b - Fixed bug in injury editor, added Last tutorial/goal changer, condensed character page for a little more space, added map rendering/viewing on map tab
  • v1.0.3 - Updated to 3.62 for steam users, added injury editor
  • v1.0.2b - Revised inventory editor code and (hopefully) patched all bugs, fixed bug with text encodings, upgraded version checking substantially. Other forgotten minor-bug fixes.
  • v1.0.2 - Fixed bugs with saving/loading waypoints, fixed multiple bugs in inventory editor and improved functionality, added injury remover, added xray-vision, fixed version checking
  • v1.0.1b - Fixed multiple bugs in inventory editor, added button to add new items to inventory, added version checking
  • v1.0.1 - Added console, inventory editor, time of day, skill points, various console commands, various bug fixes, item ID scraper
  • v1.0.0 - Initial release

Please report any bugs to me via this thread, my PMs, or contact me directly on steam:

Download attached to thread.

   Night - Creator/Programming.
   Jiggie - Item ID assistance, assembly injection.
   Boomer/Jagsy - Game save files for referencing.
   Strix - Trigonometry for changing directions w/ mouse.
   Enormous Elk - Unreal world.
   Stefan - Testing.
   thefinn777 - Identifying and mapping cultural & tile map addresses and data.

Requires Microsoft .NET Version 4.6 or later. (Usually already installed)

November 12, 2019, 06:49:07 AM
[Mod Idea] Training combat skills at the expense of weapon condition I would like to train combat skills in a consistent manner. I also tend to have spare weapons lying around my camp. I figured a decent way to solve both issues would be to "sacrifice" weapon condition in order to train a skill. The amount of experience you get from each session and the number of sessions a weapon would provide depends on the type of weapon and its quality. For instance, a crude stone axe would train the axe skill very slowly, whereas a masterwork battleaxe would be far more effective. What do you guys think?
August 03, 2020, 04:24:32 AM
[Mod Idea] Selling captured Njerpez Just thought this might make for a higher risk and higher reward alternative to outright killing Njerpez, especially since slavery exists in Unreal World (although not mechanically). The player would have to knock them out and restrain them. As for restraining, the player could use rope and it would take an allotted amount of time to do so. During this period, the Njerpez might wake up and attempt to flee or attack you. Even if you restrain them, they may succumb to their wounds if not patched up quickly enough. Upon successfully capturing the Njerpez, it would become an entity like an animal companion. This would allow them to be leashed, require food, have their own carry capacity, and have a value to be sold for at villages (or possibly foreign traders). Their value could be static or could vary depending on their stats, like with animals.
August 03, 2020, 11:12:32 PM
3.63 Item duplication glitch When I was healing myself, I opened the wound and started bleeding. I didn't realize so I started crafting something and bled out in my cabin, however I was able to regain consciousness and stop my bleeding. When I passed out I was holding a Masterwork Northern Bow and when I woke up it was on the floor. I assumed when I bled out that I had dropped it on the floor so I picked it up, but when I went to put it on I had two in my inventory.
August 18, 2020, 03:19:13 AM
Re: 3.50 villagers dying in wells (again)
August 21, 2020, 07:32:07 AM
Re: Do NPCs maintain their injuries? NPCs heal over time. Just like a dog, sheep, cow etc.
September 28, 2020, 05:51:13 AM
Small predators like ermine, pine-marten and polecat much more common I've trapped hundreds of birds, gluttons, hares, bears, seals, wolves and foxes during my experience with Urw. But the times I caught trapped one of the three in the subject: only very, very rarely.

I really feel these small predators should be much more commonly encountered and more easily trapped. In fact, more than any of the above.

I'd like to see trapping small predators a lot easier and harder to trap the valuable big predators. For realism and game balance. I'd reduce the value of big herbivore hides too.

Also I think it would be an idea worth considering if birds would be only possible to be trapped with loop snares. That way one could focus more on birds and hares or small predators.

Almost since the beginning of URW I've had one dream: to make myself a coat of self-caught pine-marten or ermine.  8) My current char has perfect eyesight and otherwise well rounded too. I'm trying to yet again become a small predator hunter but it really seems to be next to impossible.  :'(

October 19, 2020, 08:42:32 PM
Putting Out Fires Title. Currently, afaik, the only way to stop a fire from spreading along a fence or a wall is to deconstruct any wooden structures in the fire's path.

We should be able to put out fires by standing next to the fire with a container full of water, "a"->apply the tub/skin/etc. and have this either reduce the fire's size or put it out entirely, depending on how much water was in the container.

February 04, 2021, 04:59:37 PM
Reinstate leather cord for arrow-making (3.70 beta 3) With the introduction of yarn, only "yarn" is suitable material for making arrows. At least from what I can find quickly, it seems like animal sinew was most frequently used, at least by American Indians. Here's the state archaeologist of Iowa: "Points were attached to the arrow shaft with a variety of methods. Most frequently, the arrow shaft would have a slit cut into the end to accept the point. Sinew would then be wrapped around the shaft to pinch the slit closed".[1] Not that yarn is wrong -- other parts of that Iowa page make clear that plants were sometimes used for bowstrings, and so why not arrows as well -- but rather that it should be possible to make an all-animal-product arrow.

This is relevant for gameplay since I'm doing "The Challenge", and so in that scenario starting in winter with no access to villages there's just no way to make an arrow anymore (wild nettle is all wilted).



August 07, 2021, 04:27:34 PM
Hunting gripe I really am getting irritated at the current state of hunting.

In the past, it was easy to follow tracks, maybe too easy, but at the same time, the current system is the opposite.  It's nearly impossible to track animals through woods, something that should be vastly, vastly easier than tracking them through the open.  I would likely be less annoyed if it weren't the simple graphical limitations of what we are doing making it not work, you have to be zoomed out to hunt because animals react to you before they are on screen at any reasonable zoom.  I don't like squinting at the tiny graphics on the screen, that's annoying enough on it's own, but the changes to tracking within wooded tiles are just unforgivable.  An elk moving through forest leaves a distinct trail that should be EASY to follow, thick woods make it easier to do, not harder, yet the second an elk is in thick woods, which represent probably 80% of the map, it's impossible to follow them with the sparse tracks.  Zooming helps, but not much.  You can't have relevant game data hidden by the normal environment like that.  The past system might have been too forgiving, but the current state of "oh, you want to see a track that's behind this normal sized tree?  Too bad, I know you'd be able to see them clearly if you were standing on the ground but you are hovering 60 feet in the air.

Punishing us this way is inane.  Hell, hunting in general has become inane.  Animals recover fatigue so quickly that chasing them down over the course of hours just does not work anymore, and I'm on a character with 6km walking speed.  There's no point to hunting in forests at all anymore, live on a mire or don't bother hunting.

Sorry about the gripe, I love this game, it's just disheartening to see another game go this way where they'll make everything stupidly hard but not give us the tools to deal with the simple game limitations that shouldn't be limitations at all. I watched C:DDA descending into utter unplayability over the course of years and seeing this game become less and less playable as time passes makes me sad.  And it's not just this, I've read the new beta nerfs fishing, requiring bait to get anything at all.

Which is silly, because the game doesn't offer you the infinite free bait available to any iron age finnish fisherman.  Every single pike you caught would have it's guts put into a trap for other fish.  Worms are everywhere and free with a little sweat.  Other insects too.  There's no reason to nerf fishing other than "it made surviving too easy and we want it to be hard", it's not realistic, it doesn't expand the game content, it just makes it so everyone needs to be constantly scrambling for another reindeer because another normal source of food is off the table. 

August 07, 2021, 06:29:54 PM