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Re: Masterwork weapons and Encumbrance/Injury Penalties I've read somewhere that a base skill of 95+ is effectively considered the same as 100. But bear in mind that combat performance can be very contextual.

Regarding physical penalties (fatigue, injury, encumbrance), I think the 10% masterwork bonus can behave like a buffer that extends the lower threshold of the 95% skill rule, thereby allowing you to continue achieving grandmaster-level rolls.

A couple of other under-the-hood equipment modifiers to factor in:
One-handed penalties for two-handed weapons (introduced in version 3.17). Example: a shield and battleaxe combo will incur a -15% weapon penalty. With masterwork-quality this likely is mitigated to a base penalty of -5% for attacks and counter-attacks. When your other hand is wielding a weapon instead, using the masterwork battleaxe to block will also have a -5% penalty.
Crossbows have a 10% bonus to shoot (according to the version 3.19 changelog); masterwork crossbows accordingly would have a combined 20% bonus for accuracy, though I don't think the time to load a projectile is impacted.

Of course, the NPCs' stats and gear are taken into account as well in determining the success of your combat actions.
There's also the flanking penalty (introduced in version 3.13) when you're engaged with two or more hostile NPCs: attack and defense maneuvres are impacted by -10% per combatant after the first.

July 21, 2021, 04:53:08 AM
Ability to select starting position Following the discussion at about Nights scrpt to allow better chice of starting position as a option, is it possible to add some similar code to the vanilla game? The script requires Microsoft .Net to work which limits it usefulness on other systems and even some none technical windows users have problems, if it was in urw as an option, in some form, then it would be cross platform and better integrated.
July 23, 2021, 10:07:15 AM
Re: squeezing damage? There are some hints in urw_combat.txt file, note the emboldened line:
rg -i squeeze | tail -n5
messages\urw_combat.txt:// value: POINT/EDGE/BLUNT/POINT/BITE/CLAW/SQUEEZE
messages\urw_combat.txt:// PAW, SQUEEZE, HOOF, ANTLER, HORN, TUSK, BEAK
messages\urw_combat.txt:// for previous version compatibility also use: paw,squeeze,horn,hoof,tusk,antler,beak
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:to crush]
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:paws grab]

And in the game log, squeeze damage (crush) attack by a bear manifests itself as so:
msglog.txt:(000000):29gh:[T]{05C8047C}      | The female bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush TWO truck.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush Dolores.
msglog.txt:(000000):q5hj:[T]{049503CA}      | The female bear tries to crush Dolores.

July 26, 2021, 09:53:24 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.70beta3] Excess bartered goods distributed to village dog After bartering for goods with a human villager, I returned to the same village weeks later and discovered that one of the resident dogs was carrying things I had traded away.

While I don't remember exactly which human NPC here was the one I had chatted with, I've got a fair idea that the entire stack of clothes I had sold did not exceed their individual carrying capacity, since I hadn't observed the NPC drop items at their feet immediately after the trade was concluded. This fact contrasts with a barter exchange made elsewhere which had a few hundred roasted meat cuts be dropped by an NPC afterwards (and I tidied up the area by moving the stack indoors).

The dog in the screenshot is not for sale, which makes me unable to determine whether ownership of the dog might also transfer ownership of the items in its inventory.

August 04, 2021, 07:57:13 AM
Reinstate leather cord for arrow-making (3.70 beta 3) With the introduction of yarn, only "yarn" is suitable material for making arrows. At least from what I can find quickly, it seems like animal sinew was most frequently used, at least by American Indians. Here's the state archaeologist of Iowa: "Points were attached to the arrow shaft with a variety of methods. Most frequently, the arrow shaft would have a slit cut into the end to accept the point. Sinew would then be wrapped around the shaft to pinch the slit closed".[1] Not that yarn is wrong -- other parts of that Iowa page make clear that plants were sometimes used for bowstrings, and so why not arrows as well -- but rather that it should be possible to make an all-animal-product arrow.

This is relevant for gameplay since I'm doing "The Challenge", and so in that scenario starting in winter with no access to villages there's just no way to make an arrow anymore (wild nettle is all wilted).



August 07, 2021, 04:27:34 PM