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Re: Roleplaying Lolotov- I think of that scenario differently. I'm playing it as though I've been indentured out and a poorly watched fire killed the man I'm indentured to, during the trek to his holding.

I don't know where I am (could not zoom out until I found high ground) and have spent this first two months learning to build a shelter (from the wounded man quest and one I found built in a village), making some particularly poor fur clothing from a drowned bear I came across. I have not killed anything larger than a squirrel because the biggest trap I know how to make is a pawboard that the wounded man had lying around at his shelter.

The wounded man rewarded me with tales of a hidden treasure on an island. Coincidentally, an old man asked me to help him get a new punt, which I used to reach that very island before I gave it to him. So, With two master axes, 6 bags of grain, two bags of flower, some masterwork fur boots and a few bits of jewelry, the passable meat from a drowned bear, a dead man's sow and belongings, and the Fine broadknife that Father gave me as a parting gift, I mark time in a shelter, in a grove, near a village, near a lake, talking to wise villagers, improving my fishing skill. If I talk to enough hunters, maybe they'll pass on some trapping secrets?  I hope so because the only thing I seem to be good at is stripping off tree bark!   

July 20, 2020, 03:21:03 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? The last couple of messenger quests I received have sent me to vagabond villages with a single Driik resident. I initially thought that if I should meet one Driik then perhaps one-half of the population in town is Driik, but that wasn't true.

The messages exchanged between Boulderyclimb and Boulderland were: "The lake turned red" - "it is in the north"
From Passagesteep to Cloud wild: "The wind is raising" - "it is not ready yet"

July 29, 2020, 05:58:47 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Started a new character. Teppo Reemiläinen. Big guy, 223lbs. Trying to play him as home/border guard. Killed 2 Njerpez. Got decent condition (15lbs) mail habergeon. And traded for fine broadsword. Visiting a local village, there was wounded adventurer. “Find his lost handaxe in coniferous bordering heath”. Sure.
But darn, bumped into an very angry small female bear.
Managed to kill it. Barely. Took 81% damage in the battle. BOTH elbows with grievous wounds*. Luckily have some loot to sell for food. Couldn’t skin not butcher the mere 250lbs bear gal.

*Couldn’t angle, but could keep flopping the sword with those injuries. Strange mechanic. Other injuries were minor tear on thorax, minor tear on abdomen and fracture on left shin.

December 17, 2020, 05:30:48 AM
A family survival game (in the making) As many of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have another game project in the making. The game is called Ancient Savo, and it is also keeping your family alive in the 1200CE woodlands of Eastern Finland. The time-scale of the game is so that one turn is 24 hours, and the gameplay is about planning actions. Like "fell down that area of woods", "sow rye", "build a cabin". You don't actually see your family members going around their daily business, so it is more like the old Sim City and such management games, where you hover over the map clicking tiles to plan actions. No fighting; cold, hunger and accidents are your only enemy. And the game is designed to be modding-friendly.

The development has been going on, and at the moment we have most of the basic elements set up. We have 2D and 3D graphics, and you can switch mid-game. You can plan actions and watch your children grow. You can visit a marketplace to barter with NPCs.

In addition to my own coding we already have a few rather awesome contributions by other people - like four original music pieces composed, played, recorded and mastered by Erik Torpström from Rogue Analogue.

Learning to code the 3D graphics took some time, but finally it works good enough. So that for coming weeks and months I'll shift my attention back to the actual game-play, balancing values, adding details etc.


EDIT by Erkka at 26th of December 2021 : Removed some outdated information, and here are the fresh additions;

To be honest, I haven't yet gotten to balancing values and adding details. Instead I've been busy with implementing the basics of a modding system, marriage and ability to continue playing as your offspring. All that kind of stuff took more time than I had thought.

Despite lagging a few months behind the intended schedule, the project is still very much alive. A private beta version is available for a restricted audience, and if no fatal bugs are found, there will be public beta sometime towards the end of January, or in February if bughunting eats away time from the actual development.

Apparently the old screenshot got deleted as I updated the project info at Enormous Elk site, so here is a fresh one:

August 22, 2021, 06:26:48 PM
A treasure hunt, a home and a badger. On a fine summer day, the world mine to be explored,
Soon though my mind bewitched, senses to be ignored,
All too soon the sun sets, sure on it's way.
However I remain lost as night takes over day.

I travel fast but without a thought,
Hunger sets in, at least there's no drought.
I come across a village with hopes for help,
I stumble on an adventurer who lets out a yelp.
A bear, a fight and lost family heirloom,
I head out after trading for a room.

Spruce forest with a pine mire to the east.
Soon enough I find the tracks of the beast.
Following the blood and items everywhere,
Axe brought back and treasure location to share.
Another search, another trip, the clues concurs,
Finally in the dawn, digging up jewelry and furs.

Why not call this island my new land?
Slowly a home is built right on the sand,
I harvest, slash and burn and plant and sow,
Nettles threshed and planted row on row,
A badger appears and mills around,
I build traps and set up about the beast's mound.

My new enemy takes my birds and hares,
Eating right from my lever traps and snares.
Dodging arrows and knives alike,
Even coming into my home and stealing my smoked pike.
So busy I was chasing my new foe,
My field burning spreading to my home, reaction slow.

As I stared at the burnt out husk, all my items lost to the kerfuffle,
I read in the bottom: "You hear a snuffle."

October 23, 2021, 04:00:42 PM
It's been a while... Hi, everyone.
Today I've downloaded the game and played since years.
The love for this game haven't ended, and it feels so good to play it again.

Mila from the Reemiläiset just spent her first in-game day.
Did some exploration around an abandoned camp. It was really rainy.
After wondering around, picking some berries, set a snare-loop and simple traps, noticed she was sweating all the time.
Gotta took off that heavy and warm fur over-coat, beeing chest naked. Soon she'll get some lighter, perhaps a woollen shirt or so.
So far no human at sight, nor activity besides that camp.
In the way back to the shelter, spotted both a glutton and bear.
Reminded her 3 initial rituals, all of them Bear-related.
Night time is aproaching, and Mila just wonder where the road might take her.

Wanna thanks both developers and workers of this amazing game.
And also recalling how I've not sent any squirrel furs so far. Need to contribute economically, and yet you guy keep updating the download section for free. That's really honorable.

And lastly, hope you're all doing well.
Summer is getting closer here. And I hope that in in-game summer as well, Mila and I get surprised and get to have good experiences together.

From South America, Regards¡

December 11, 2021, 03:24:30 AM
Season's Greetings The midwinter and holiday season is at hand!
It is time to send you our warmest Season's Greetings with a few moody photos from this very day.
Thank you for 2021 to those who already roam the UnReal World, and welcome into the Far North, all you new adventurers.

We have just passed the Winter Solstice on northern hemisphere, and the amount of daylight now slowly starts increasing. Otherwise the winter in Eastern Finland continues in decent -20 degrees celsius temperatures with delightful amount of snow. Sami (UnReal World creator) heads towards the real world in horizon.

Merry Christmas, Tree. This mighty spruce grows beside the village road, not very far from the development chambers.

Now let's survive the midwinter, and see you again in 2022!

December 22, 2021, 04:22:44 PM
Re: It's been a while... No wollen shirt so far, and further along.

Not something that concerned Mila anymore as approached to two farmy villages Northeast from the purple N-warriors and North her Remilaiset folks.

Over there, so much work on fields and pretty much the daily meat stocked. And a wonderful pot...

Before get the dirt out the back of her feets and getting into the habitated lands she'd been gathering some herbs, berries and fungis knowledges, None of the last ready for ripe yet. Except the not edible ones and kinda lethal ones.

Tried talking to a small bear, it was uninterested. Another one, big bear - the carer she guessed - just snorred her back, after planting several steps and foot prints all over the small hunting-spots, and the two shelters 4 kilometers away each. She'd worried once or twice, mostly at night-time when weary... not to be so ingenious and lacking respect... But instead real curious about these mythical and great criatures. Helding a hard staff with some metal reinforce, and her woodsmen's axe. She's tall, strong and doesn't lack of agility. Somehow her inteligence is poor as everyone always told and treated alike. Might that be way she insisted on talking to animals? Like to Shift+c F3 pointing them?

Traps weren't feeding her. Nor the small games up there (just some black birds). Nor the new heavy ones nowhadays.
It's only been 16 days anyhow. Those Elks in the valley were contemplated from the exposed bones of the earth. With  a glance of joy over her face. Weather nowhadays are feeding the fields and the rivers as well, The rain is tender. There were a feline, white and fast, she knew it heard her since minutes, those clumsy steps cutting the forest in half. There it let her saw it, before banishing away. A hare played with her as well, always ahead, from here to there, never crossing the lake, and when Mila "lead" its scape towards the 5 small lever traps and the 3 loop snares, the hare just went trough so skillfully. Mila is fine just getting some darkish berries and yellowish mushrooms. As found a pretty nice little unique spot in the lake, and trying her luck with the loved staff, her scarce greenish stomach and the fishing skill, the water spirit gifted her with a good Pike.

Seeing so many big trunks lying around she started to dream about a cosy home, out there far... Something her grandma have told her once? Mila can't recall.

South... the Remilaiset homelands, after the Kaumos. Many rivers and big croocs act as barriers there? She can't recall neither.

There's no big plan. Even if two weeks ago the wollen shirt was the guide, or that pot with those growing fields draw her attention to other paths... Or the big trunks molded and gathered... with stones and shovel...


I've always felt an urge to devs (Both, Great S and his well Companion) add some unexpected things, abandoned camps or random items around, new, excitment, stuff alike...
Then Mila got to see some Angry territorial bird kicking off another smaller intruder bird.
That's for me, Bakkat, beyond "Animal hunter+pray" code, or "Animal interacting between each other".
There's good spirit inside the proyect. And that's something I got to see, and also to feel.

Many many thanks to Sami and Erkka.
Feel free any admin to move the post into Story boards.
Welcome to the people that is getting into the game, this year, last year or last decade. That there's always a welcome to get inmersion in this fine deep level UrWorld has.
Thank you ¡¡¡¡



January 03, 2022, 05:44:27 AM