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Year 2018 now added to development history log Briefing of year 2018 is now summarized up at "Development history of UnReal World" section at the homepage.
Mostly about fixing and balancing it was. And little bit about cats and Guinness World Records.

You can take a look at the since 1992 page here:

February 24, 2019, 05:45:27 PM
[Diary entry] Skiing and tracking I guess we haven't seen any lynx related dev's diary entries here at the new forums. The old forums surely had some. So, how about a little picture story from the real world adventures of unreal world developer - with a lynx involved.

I went skiing the other day, and the ski trip then turned into a tracking exercise. Soon after entering the forest I spotted some lynx tracks, but our paths then departed as I went about my own trails.

Later, when returning home, strange curly tracks caught my attention - and sparkled my tracking instinct. I guessed that this might be the same lynx now dragging its kill, and had to confirm the theory.

I scouted the area, found lots of hare tracks, and then the lynx tracks which eventually turned into sneaking tracks as it approached the location.

The hare's last dance with the lynx went to many directions until finally the place where it ended was found, with some hair and (not too old) bloodscape.

There, the lynx had dragged its kill to a more peaceful location for eating it. That was some twenty meters away, among thick young spruce trees. Not much was left of the hare, but a few hairy bits on the snow.

Afterwards, I had to search for my backpack for half an hour as I had left it somewhere on the snow in excitement. I enjoyed the day and I hope you enjoyed this first, but hopefully not the last lynx related diary entry at these new forums.

March 07, 2019, 08:50:45 PM
[Diary entry] Talks with PhD about folk beliefs in UnReal World The folklore, mythology and folk beliefs displayed in UnReal World have also arised academic interest.
Last weekend fresh Doctor of Philosophy, mr. Kyyrö, from Univerity of Turku School of History, Culture and Arts Studies paid a visit and came to talk about these themes for a project he is planning regarding computer games and religion.
Should there be some related publications or articles in the future, I'll keep you updated, but you gotta be patient as ambitious academic studies are proceeded slowly and carefully.
It's the same with ambitious iron-age inspired computer games too... :)

March 14, 2019, 11:11:53 AM
Who let the dogs out... Let's try to make a return with development news then. It's taken some browsing of the code and decoding hazy written notes to find the path which I was following prior to fracturing my arm, and the sick leave that followed. But now also my to-do memory has recovered to great extent and there are snippets of upcoming features to present.

Dogs... NPC dogs... Village dogs... Dogs to better protect the NPCs... that's what I had started to code, and that's what is now to be continued.

Village dogs are now released out of their pens, and they roam freely at the village area. This allows village dogs to truly protect the village from possible threats and intruders. Village dogs are also improved in their watch dog behavior, and unfamiliar visitors are now greeted with alarm barks and by coming close by to sniff and check them. Village dogs may seem intimidating for strangers but this behavior is gradually toned down when you become more familiar with the village. be continued -- there are a few more dog things coming up..

March 21, 2019, 02:53:06 PM
Re: Njeperz, who are they and why?
Didn't know UrW time frame is Corresponding to Medieval Age,

Yes, that is because while most of the Europe was living High Middle Ages marked by influence of The Church, cultures in Finland and Scandinavia were still pagan. So, in the history of Finland "Middle Age" only begins after the King of Sweden had converted to Christianity and launched a series of crusades to Finland, eventually conquering the territory. (that happens gradually during 1150 - 1250 AD. UnReal World is not stricty based on exact timeline, we are using some artistic freedom to imagine a world where those crusades either started a bit later, or didn't happen at all.)

So, before those events Sweden, Norway and Denmark were living their Viking Era, the rest of the Europe was Middle Ages, and in Finland it was the Viking period of Iron Age. (The philosophical point; History often operates on broad general terms which apply to central areas. When speaking about the history of Europe we conveniently use terms like 'Antiquity', 'Middle Ages' and 'Modern Times', but it should be noted that those broad terms don't apply uniformly to all of what is now Europe. The details and local variations are always a lot more diverse than the convenient simplicity offered by the general broad descriptions.)

March 28, 2019, 08:29:50 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? (On a daily routine training in my danger room)
arggghh MY BALLS!! That hurts! Deer,  Don't ever kick it.

April 01, 2019, 09:13:39 AM
Colorful domestic animal summary A little summary of the latest future additions with screenshots.

We'll be seeing wandering NPC woodsmen and adventurers occasionally having dog companions with them in the wild.

And we'll be seeing village dogs released out of their pens, to roam freely at the village area - in this fashion:

You may ask, is it just me or are the two dogs of different color?
Nothing wrong with your eyes, they are different color, and so are the cows in the pen also - if you look closely.

See, as another new addition all the domestic animals may have subtle varieties in their coat colors now. This adds some flavour to the game world, but also makes it easier to distinguish different colored pets from each others just by their looks.

Lets end the briefing with some pigs showing off their new varying coat colors.

These are future features, not yet functional in current version 3.52.

April 10, 2019, 03:22:55 PM
Legacy snakes issues fixed, some new snake love added For quite a long time there's been a gutsy fistful of legacy issues related to snakes which are now fixed and balanced as follows:

- snakes now cause point type wounds. (Currently they cause tear wounds, which isn't quite right.)
- snakes now hibernate during the winter as they should. (Currently they are active all year around, which isn't quite right.)

- snakes are now slightly more common than previously

- snakes are now venomous, as they should be

 The snakes in the game are vipers. They are venomous species but the bites are usually not highly dangerous.
 If the venom is discharged upon a bite it will take several days for the snake to refill its venom glands.
 However, the snakes can naturally bite without venom too.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.52

April 13, 2019, 08:21:31 PM
"Religion in digital games", lecture in finnish This is mostly of interest to those who understand spoken finnish, but I'll brief it up in english.

University of Turku is hosting course of lectures titled "Katsomukset kartalla: Uskonto tieteessä, taiteessa ja populaarikulttuurissa" (fin) - which can be freely translated as "Views on the map: Religion in science, art and popular culture". All of these can be followed online.

The lecturers consist of Turku based religiologists and folklorists, and among them is Mr. Kyyrö who has paid interested in folk religion and worldview displayed in UnReal World. He did visit me - and also Erkka - earlier this spring. You might remember this post.

Now today, 23.4.2019, Mr. Kyyrö together with Tuomas Äystö are giving a lecture titled "Uskonto digitaalisissa peleissä." which translates as "Religion in digital games". The title is interesting in itself but what might be even more interesting to you is that UnReal World may possibly be referenced in the lecture.

You can follow the lectures remotely online, live or afterwards, via this link. Sign up isn't required either. Here's direct link to find the lectures:

And here's main page for the course of lectures:

April 23, 2019, 09:46:08 AM
Roast cooking for NPCs, and also as companion command As we continue with focus on NPCs, which becomes the core content of next release, they have now been given wits to actively roast raw meat or fish in their possession.
This feat is mostly witnessed by player character when meeting wandering NPCs who can now actively cook the meat of the animals they've hunted and butchered.
It now becomes an actual game created scene possibility to meet a wandering woodsman sitting by the fire and roasting the meat of hare he just happened to hunt down.

Moreover, roast cooking is also added as a new companion command. Unlike player character, companions don't leave the meat by the fire and pick it up when it's done, but they stay put by the fire while roasting is being done. Companions roast ten pieces of meat at a time, and if not given another order they try to keep on cooking until everything is roasted.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.52.

May 03, 2019, 12:44:45 PM