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It's been a while... Hi, everyone.
Today I've downloaded the game and played since years.
The love for this game haven't ended, and it feels so good to play it again.

Mila from the Reemiläiset just spent her first in-game day.
Did some exploration around an abandoned camp. It was really rainy.
After wondering around, picking some berries, set a snare-loop and simple traps, noticed she was sweating all the time.
Gotta took off that heavy and warm fur over-coat, beeing chest naked. Soon she'll get some lighter, perhaps a woollen shirt or so.
So far no human at sight, nor activity besides that camp.
In the way back to the shelter, spotted both a glutton and bear.
Reminded her 3 initial rituals, all of them Bear-related.
Night time is aproaching, and Mila just wonder where the road might take her.

Wanna thanks both developers and workers of this amazing game.
And also recalling how I've not sent any squirrel furs so far. Need to contribute economically, and yet you guy keep updating the download section for free. That's really honorable.

And lastly, hope you're all doing well.
Summer is getting closer here. And I hope that in in-game summer as well, Mila and I get surprised and get to have good experiences together.

From South America, Regards¡

December 11, 2021, 03:24:30 AM
Re: Windows install problems
I have not used windows for over 20 years but <snip>

Based on 0, api-ms-win-crt-runtime is part of the Microsoft software package 'Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015'.
Have you tried installing that package to overcome the lack of .dll issue, using link 1 below or another official Microsoft website?


July 10, 2022, 06:33:41 PM
Re: Windows install problems Thanks that solved that problem now to get nights mod to work.

I remember now why I ditched windows decades ago.

July 11, 2022, 01:54:44 PM
Re: Forum having issues? As a reply to Erkka, I can now reach the forum without complaints, after staying away for a few days due to the issue.
July 14, 2022, 11:56:45 AM
Re: That's how you think the weather will be like I try to avoid using weatherlore as the grammar of the message is painful to the mind of a pedant.
December 14, 2022, 09:56:22 AM
A big thank you to the Enormous Elk team Greetings everyone,

I just felt like sharing this story and at the same time, give my thanks to the Enormous Elk team for creating this masterpiece of a game.

I have accidentally stumbled upon this game many years ago, when I was just a kid, perhaps 12 or 13 years old. Considering that I had no income to speak of, and I came from a country that paying money for video games was a luxury that not many could afford (Romania) at that time, the model adopted by this studio in which they would offer a older version of their game for free, with the possibility to donate, was a blessing and a breath of fresh air.

I have many fond memories and cool stories with this little game, and with each update, and as I grew older, I would find myself returning to Unreal World in order to check what cool features have been implemented.

Now, 15 years later, I return once more. Older, with a family of my own, a job and a new house, to repay the debt that I have owned for granting me the pleasure of playing this game.

Bought a official copy off steam, and started a new campaign, and all I can say is that the nostalgia of it all hit me hard, as well as the random wolf that decided to attack me from behind my character while butchering another wolf.

Once again, a big thank you to the Enormous Elk team, and a big thank you for the business model you follow. You managed to make my childhood a little bit more brighter.


December 23, 2022, 01:41:35 AM
Re: What's on this guys back? Thanks for the suggestion Erkka, I think it came out quite nice.
February 14, 2023, 07:30:44 PM
Re: 'Asentokuusi' - simple shelter under a leaning spruce tree And I did not take it as underrating either =)
February 17, 2023, 01:51:59 PM
Bear matter (another longish post)   I've noticed how dangerous wolves are, and Njerps as well. Gladly It's been several characters with no robbers at sight, those are dangerous as well. And I'm proud to have taken my first bear down.
   In fact I've taken one down time before, but it doesn't count for me. The character has just been created and encountered a sleeping bear, after walking few miles. Approached with caution, step by step, till the Character was near enough to land an axe hit right over the skull, killing in instantly. That Character was abandoned pretty quickly. Because for me it was more like an experiment. I would never approach an sleeping bear, with little 16 years old in such a manner.

   Now what happent recently was different. I've accepted the quest to recover a valuable woodman's axe from a camp site. The man that asked me for that item was crippled, perhaps never beeing able to walk again. He told me that an agressive bear showed out of nowhere and attacked him. Eventhough he tried to disengage from the combat several times, he couldn't.
   I've succesfully recovered items from camps in similar quests. Stealth, plus patience, some tracking and hearing. I was able to get in, pick them up, and get out without facing the source of danger. Somehow this time, as I couldn't find the camp site, and the tracks of the bear seemed older and older while days and nights passed, the character began to lose the patience, skipped some stealth and kept covering more terrain. Almost considering to abandon the given task.
  Hearing the roar of the bear, as to notice it was rushing towards the Character was alarming. My heart raised. But I knew I had to be still, no keys pressed in the keyboard. I had to be thoughtful in that exact time. The bear came out when less expected, and it was agressive and... it was over me.
  What now?
  If I turn my back and run, well, that could go horribly wrong.
  So, I stand? I can't stand... I can't stand...
  Weapons: I've got Long bow, a set of knives and axes. My strongest hability is the axe. Woodman's axe proves to be a little unhandy in certain face-ups.
  I've got to make a desicion, the hand axe it will be. It is already in my hand.

  I'll run, but facing the animal.
  Get one back-step in, and it tries to bite me.
  So, bite will be met with sharp blow in the head.
  When the claws, I go for the arms, and blunt?
  Holly shit, the weapon is always "almost falling from my hands".
  Some F3 checkings now and then.
  Step back, counter-attack, step back, counter-attack.
  The beast have even another type of attack.
  And each time I have the innitiave, I'll take a step away.

   As the wounded person told me, trying to disengage wasn't possible. And this creature could end the life of the Character for sure.

   After some several actions taking place the bear suddently gets like normal, no agressive, it even seemed as it was going away.
   Another moment to get away of the keyboard and think.
   In one hand, the bear was a little bit tired and with some wounds or bruises...
   In the other hand, I was also injured and a bit tired as well...
   One part of me wanted to go for the kill, the other part wanted to not take the risk, just let the animal go.
   But for any outcome, I'd have to recover those fatigue points.
   Back to Walking, and [.] wait a turn - rest.
   The bear just jumped over the character. Oh-Oh-Oh.

The strategy used was new for me, and it worked. The character could get the skull high up there in a tree, and its skin to preserve near there.
I've been playing this game for years now. And after all these characters and all those hours in-game and several months in real life, I can now say I brought down my first bear.
It was challeging
  and I'm really glad about it.

April 06, 2023, 01:04:40 AM
[Brygun] The Story of Calle (long story style) Real world its April 2023 and I've decided to go another round of Unreal World play with story writing. Those familiar with my early ones know this thread will be growing journal style.

The next few posts are the preamples setups

Character for 2023 April

Links to my other stories:





The island challenge

An adventure to emulate Conan

A long adventure establishing a first winter house

April 27, 2023, 10:12:47 AM