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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? This morning, I slipped and fell on the ice, bruised my knee, and broke my phone screen. This was after several minutes of wandering lost-ish in the cold.

Then my URW character fell out of a tree. Now she has to crawl through the snow, and she's woefully underdressed for the weather. Suddenly, my morning doesn't seem so bad.

Thankfully, I finished my cabin in time for winter, though I think I've angered the forest spirits with all my tree-chopping. I've seen almost no wildlife for months, besides a brief period of bird migration. My traps are empty. Food isn't a problem (I catch plenty of fish), but clothing... now that Dead month is here, my linen trousers, woolen undershirt, and birch-bark shoes and cap aren't nearly sufficient.

I wonder if it'd be worth using part of my shirt to make a pair of mittens (I have Rain's clothing mod). Though apparently I'm unable to do that while injured. Oh well. For now, I guess I'll hunker down, keep fishing, and sacrifice herbs daily hoping to appease the spirits.

EDIT: Trapped a squirrel just after posting this. Fancy that! Between that and the hare furs I recently bought, I can finally make myself some mittens!

January 13, 2021, 02:55:12 PM
Re: Peeling bark I think it’s intended. As if you try to peel bark in fall/winter the game prompts: “It is not possible to peel bark at this time of the year.
The best season for harvesting bark is early summer

That bit in gray to me indicates it’s intended feature. If you peel bark with spring start, you’ll get 60-80’ lengths, then from Seedtime/Fallow you get up to 110’ (I think), and it’ll diminish to 50’ by Harvest. Fall, you likely won’t get any.

February 12, 2021, 07:34:35 PM
Re: Dogs eating priorities
Thanks for the explanation, @Sami!

And what do you think of just making bones much less durable? So that a dog, say, eats them one at a time (exaclty like meat cuts)? My guess is, that would solve the case.

I think chewing bones is more of a slow leisure for dogs. (Don't they chew the big bones for days and days in real life too?)
In the game bones aren't all that nutritious since it's not actually tracked how meaty each bone is.

February 14, 2021, 11:58:34 AM
Re: Fence as drying rack Well... I gotta thank you for putting me up to this. If nothing else, its been a few very interesting days, full of remembering a LOT of things and connecting with some folks I havent talked in quite some time:) All in all, I did learn the recipe and the way the meat was stored long term. Here is goes:

Beat up and roll out the strips of completely fat and any membrane free meat into 2.5-3 finger's wide strips and make them as thin as possible. Try not to rip them too much - the stuff gotta be placed as flat as possible on as wide as possible area. The best meats are those that are quite lean to begin with - chiken, beef, rabbit etc. Pork is not advisable. Perfectly doable, but you really gotta know what you are doing, otherwise it may not be safe.

So far nothing new to what I said earlier. One interesting thing that was mentioned several times is this - if grandma wasnt too sure about the weather's conditions, she used to soak a woolen mitten and place it in the morning on the rack. If it was completely dry by supper, the weather was good enough for drying meat.

The interesting part is how they stored it. Once the meat was dried (strips are completely dry, snap and crumble in your hand like a potato chips would), they'd crumble the strips into a fingernail size flakes, pack them into clay jars (something like this one -, leaving about two finger's space in on top of the jar. The empty space would be filled with dry hay, usually from rye, then sealed with about a finger's thick layer of tallow, covered with a cloth cap and then closed with the jar's lid. Aparently, this way the meat would sit in the earthen cellar as long as you'd like, but no one really remembered it being there for longer than about half a year. Probably would be ok longer, but everyone agreed that by mid spring, the meat that was prepared in the summer was gone, or just about gone.

February 24, 2021, 07:56:32 AM
Re: Hardest things to find... Masterwork or even Fine skramasaksi are rare. Even finding decent ones are far and out on most of my world gens.

I don‘t recall seeing Fine ango, but the decent ones usually are available in the archipelago.

February 26, 2021, 07:24:29 AM
Re: 3.63 New fire mechanics
15 firewoods a day for how long?
This prevents from traveling and exploring the world.

I personaly find this masochistic. It is fun when there is new content in the game but not when common tasks require repeating same actions.
Im very casual player so may be missing some joy from game  ;D.
I've found myself using salt more often. If my current plans are to stay near home and do various tasks for 2 weeks then I smoke. If it's October-April, then I dry. If it's summer and I want to do stuff, I use salt.

Before I basically never used salt because it was expensive and smoked stuff lasts longer. Now it's sometimes a worthwhile tradeoff

March 05, 2021, 08:32:35 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Not much at the moment.  I'm training my carpentry skills by making paddles from boards so that I can eventually start making my own arrows.  Mostly to not waste the feathers I get.  I may not have to make my own arrows though, if these robbers keep showing up to give me hand-axes instead.
March 07, 2021, 07:03:06 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I've been trying winter starts with the Hurt, Helpless and Afraid scenario and, after a few characters froze to death and one got boar'd, I've managed to get a character past the worst of winter. I started out far enough south that I was able to make a stone axe and a shovel before the ground was too frozen to dig. Trading my knife for a fishing rod kept me fed which I waited for my injuries to heal, and the stone knife works well enough for now. Recently my pit traps paid off and have bagged me a forest reindeer and a small elk which means I'm warm enough to step away from the fire and I've used to extra elk cuts to trade for a woodsman's axe. It was an important trade as the stone axe wouldn't cut it when it came to splitting boards to make skis. Just before I logged off I found the shelter of a wounded adventurer complete with the bear he warned me about and a bonus lynx prowling around, so hopefully the hastily assembled bear deadfall trap will pay off...
March 22, 2021, 07:57:43 AM
Re: Honing blades Already on the dev.plans under “Items and crafting”: Ability to sharpen edged weapons and tools
March 24, 2021, 03:42:07 AM
Re: Best equipment for hide working Snip—
Mother Pipe will work, too, but I don't find many of those.

They only grow in Northern areas, bear pipe in Western and Eastern. Effect seems to be the same.

March 24, 2021, 08:13:20 PM