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Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
Since when marriage is something political? Let's leave out 2020 drama out of this, this is a game in another period of time. The elks should decide what to add, if they decide to add something, based on what happened then, aka history, not politics. If they decide to do that they will be called nasty names. Most people who get called those nasty names capitulate to the people doing the name-calling. Rather than that happening, I'd rather see things remain as they are. March 26, 2020, 06:34:48 PM |
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Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
If they decide to do that they will be called nasty names.There is a simple solution for abusing people. It's called banning them. So if someone becomes like that, bye. I don't see why the rest of the people have to be punished because of a small minority of aggressive persons. March 26, 2020, 06:46:41 PM |
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Re: How to check if item limit is reached?
What to do to save your items? Skerry in rapids, set an oversized (bear) trap on it. Animals seem to avoid heavier than their own “class” traps (except pit traps). And only creatures getting on skerries would be birds or seals. Other option is to build 3x3 log cabin* with all walls, no door. You’ll need to disassemble and rebuild a wall section to access stored goods. *you could search for a cave with 1tile access and block that with log wall, if combined with elevation change on both sides, you could climb into the wall, from both sides. Glitchy, but no NPC nor critter should get to your goods. Or if one would spawn inside the cave, they couldn’t leave. January 06, 2022, 08:27:33 AM |
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Re: How to heat a building?
I think placing dried moss in between the logs is automatically simulated in UrW. Another historically used method was to slam clay on the walls. But cabin building in UrW doesn't explicitly mention all these details - it is just assumed that some method is applied based on materials locally available. I know a person who, in real life, used to live alone in the Finnish woods, and wanting to minimize boring repetitive tasks he also minimized time spent on making firewood. So in the wintertime he maintained indoor temperature of +8 Celsius, for anything warmer would've required spending more time chopping firewood, but the guy preferred to spend more time playing a flute, or crafting tools and clothes etc. But, to do that one has to compensate by always wearing warm clothes, and having a lot of blankets (or furs) on the bed. It might sound counterintuitive at first, but in real world a sauna building doesn't need to keep temperature as well as a cabin. In a cabin people would like to maintain a temperature in range +8 ... +18 or so, constantly. But a sauna can be heated up to +120 Celsius, and then allow it to cool down, and since no-one lives there when it is not heated, it doesn't matter if the temperature falls below freezing when the sauna is not in use. So, the sauna stove is built differently than the one used to warm a cabin. And the process of heating them is different - a sauna stove can be heated until many of the stones are red-glowing hot. Because water is applied onto the stones, there will also be a lot of moisture in the air, so it is only good that there is good ventilation - no need to tightly insulate every little gap and crack in the log walls. November 30, 2022, 08:21:17 AM |
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Re: What makes enemy fall unconscious?
1. It should be the same things that cause the PC to fall unconscious: - Injuries - Fatigue - Blood loss - Shock (I had one character that tended to faint when injured. The last time was a bite to the hand by a wolf, something the character never woke up from, presumably because the wolf wouldn't stop the assault at that point). The two first factors add up in some manner, but while you're rendered immobile at 100% penalty, you don't fall unconscious at that threshold. Blood loss also factors in together with the other factors in some manner (a character can faint due to blood loss but wake up still bleeding). I don't know if head trauma provides an increased risk of unconsciousness. 2. Weapon skill affects the outcome of weapon attacks, so a higher skill should increase the chance of an attack resulting in a more serious injury. Attacking an unconscious creature with a melee attack results in a guaranteed hit, and the target doesn't exactly have a wealth of factors to reduce the damage roll. July 18, 2023, 09:07:42 AM |
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Re: Shields vs projectiles vs dodging
I believe this is the case. The shield position provides a defense for the parts covered, and this defense comes into effect if the missile's hit roll ends up on a covered part, so no shield skill check is made.
July 18, 2023, 09:11:59 AM |
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