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Re: Javeline and eyesight
Some attributes will affect skills even if they aren't used in skill calculations. For instance, you will fumble more attacks if your dexterity is low even if you are using spears with high spear skill. Eyesight may or may not affect how well you hit with ranged attacks (devs are purposefully mysterious about this sort of thing I think) although I think it is more that javelins are more short to medium ranged weapons. I don't think people in general are going to be precise that often throwing a stick at a moving target 16-40m away. I try to use javelins within 5 tiles, 8 if i'm really pushing it.
September 29, 2018, 04:24:54 PM |
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Re: Unpleasant noise during rain - on linux Kubuntu
What exactly should I do? Download source file and extract it to the folder? I'm not familiar with Kubuntu but in case you want to try updating SDL libraries (or audio drivers) there must be update manager within Kubuntu, though I don't know what it's called. But in case of trying manual audio hack, you can find all the game samples in folder called audio/ in your game's installation folder. There you can find rain.ogg which is a sample for rain. Now if you have an audio editor (audacity for example) you could try to open rain.ogg and save it back with different parameters (if some are available). Or maybe just open it, crop it a bit, and save back with audio editors .ogg defaults. There's no guarantee this will fix things, but the issue sounds like audio decoding problem. October 03, 2018, 06:58:01 PM |
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Re: Best way to the kill trapped animal to preserve the skin.
Since I'm a bit of a cheater, I usually use blunt attacks aimed at the head with a spear. For dangerous animals caught in traps (bears, wolves in particular, but also gluttons and lynx to some extent) I stand two tiles away and pelt them with rocks/stones or blunt arrows, aiming for the head. Once an animal is unconscious I whack it over the skull with blunt spear attacks (I get a little more training out of it than when killing quickly with a pointed spear attack through the skull). For bears and wolves I continue my attacks from a safe distance, although it will harm the skin more (ranged attacks aren't guaranteed to hit the skull). Attacks to the neck somehow damages the skin, but larger animals can take more abuse before their skins are damaged. October 11, 2018, 10:46:19 PM |
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Re: Best way to the kill trapped animal to preserve the skin.
I'm not a long time pro, but, I've got 87 for Spear skill and the blunt end rarely damages a skin. There's been a few times, like with a fox or capercaillie, when I've actually missed clubbing them into unconsciousness with a shot to the head multiple times before I finally succeeded. The skin has suffered then, usually. I've pelted squirrels in trees with rocks for no skin damage. By the way, always tether your dogs at a safe distance before you go to make a kill in a trap. Otherwise, they'll savage the animal and all you'll get is a harsh pelt/skin. IF you use a club, mind that your skill with clubs is used. I've swung and hit the wrong target (NOT the head) a lot using clubs and squirrels-with-rocks rarely damages because I finish off with a spear butt to the skull. October 12, 2018, 05:22:05 AM |
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Re: Keep live stag or deer inside fence
It should be possible to keep animals alive that way, as they don't actually have to eat. However, animals can teleport in (spawn inside complete enclosures and on isolated islands), so they can presumably teleport out as well, eventually. One case of teleporting in was a squirrel who appeared on a tree inside my "stable". The "stable" has a wall with a closed door and floor/roof over all tiles except two trees. The reason I've left the trees there is that it allows me to tie the cow and the sheep to one tree each, so I don't have to jump through hoops to prevent them from escaping when entering/exiting (a hook on the wall had been better, but the game doesn't support that). I eventually killed the squirrel, so I didn't wait to see if it would disappear. I've also had elks spawn inside the trap fence protecting my farm plots (finding an elk in a trap in the fence, with tracks only on the inside, and none on the outside). September 13, 2019, 02:32:05 PM |
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Re: Does every village has a sage, shaman
No. You might have one for every two or three villages. However, you can have your character attempt to treat the injuries once per day until the treatment level seems to be as good as it can get. Or, you can treat it every day regardless, both to get more training in the Physician skill and to role play a daily change of bandages. Injuries heal by themselves over time: treatment increases the healing rate, but I wouldn't be surprised if your character is stuck crawling for a month (and thus being unable to perform tasks that require standing). The UrW world hasn't invented crutches, although I suspect they wouldn't be of help when both legs are disabled. September 16, 2019, 02:45:34 PM |
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Re: Does every village has a sage, shaman
The treatment model is odd. Each treatment results in a changed state for the injury (possibly to the same one as before), and it seems random what you get (taken skill into account, though). This means that to get the fastest possible healing you should stop treating the injury when it's in as good a treatment state as you (think) you can get. Shamans are presumably good at the Physician skill, which means they're likely to get better treatment results than your own character, but apart from that there's not really much point in seeking out a shaman rather than perform the treatment yourself. There is one major exception to this: if your character has suffered major blood loss, treating the injury can open the wound up again which can be lethal if you don't have the blood staunching incantation. In that case it's best to seek out a sage (I don't think they can open up wounds, but I don't use them much), or leave the wound untreated until you've recovered enough blood to survive a wound opening mishap. Each wound can be treated once every day (although some wounds may have several treatment stages, e.g. cleaning and dressing, both of which use a Physician roll (and potential for skill increase). The "day" uses the same rule as sacrifices, i.e. the day changes over sometime in "morning" with nothing to indicate exactly when (a day changeover may result on embers disappearing, which can give you a clue). I try to perform all "once daily" activities in late morning. September 16, 2019, 10:02:39 PM |
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Re: Spears are better than swords - video
Interesting, but where's the spear and shield vs sword and shield group fight? I'll also tell you from experience that a Shield wall with shorter weapons with a wall of spears behind them is even better. My favorite tactic was to use an axe and shield. I use the axe to hook the opponent's shield and bring it down a bit and the spear guy behind me stabs him in the face. Works really well. - Shane September 21, 2019, 06:57:25 AM |
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Re: Traps and hostile forest
I doubt there's any connection. The spirits get angry if you take and don't give (or don't give enough to compensate for what you've taken). "Taking" includes killing animals, of course, but also cutting down trees. October 07, 2019, 10:34:24 AM |
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Re: Traps and cellars
Maybe it is not significant, but, even with a trap on the cellar, you can still remove items and put in new items. Perhaps it is the same for thieving animals?
October 07, 2019, 07:09:41 PM |
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