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Version 3.61 released on Steam, and for Lifetimers The last update of the year is 2019 is out now as version 3.61 is released.
It's available on Steam, and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.
In addition to fistful of bugfixes this update also features a small bag of new features of which some are long-awaited and suggested improvements.

3.61 changelog

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version.  **

 - added: companions can help you with hauling and pushing items

          Unoccupied companions spontaneously help you when pushing or hauling heavy loads is
          being proceeded.

 - added: fence gate

          Gates can be opened and closed just like doors. They can be also built by player character
          from Make menu under Building options.

 - added: when [C]ommanding animals the animal name is displayed in the menu title

          For example, if you would command a dog called Rekku the menu title appear as:
          This helps owners of multiple animals to be sure they chose to command the desired one.

 - added: target selection if multiple creatures occupy the same location where an action is to be done

          If there are multiple creatures at the location where you proceed to execute certain actions
          you will be asked to select the target creature. This applies to following actions:

          - melee attack
          - packing and unpacking animals
          - looking at the location

 - added: limping and animal size tracking information

          When examining tracks now you can also see if the creature is limping. This requires
          character's TRACKING skill to be 25% or more. Severity of the actual leg injury can't
          be interpreted so crippled animals also leave limping tracks.
               Animal size, big or small, can be also seen from their tracks now. This is so
          obvious that only absolutely untrained trackers will fail to notice it.
          Moreover, the actual track graphics are also shown smaller or larger depending on
          the creature size. Notice that as the young animals smaller in size their tracks pretty
          much always appear as small ones.
               The new information is displayed in tracking messages for example like this:
          "You see here fresh limping tracks of small elk..."

 - added: tree in front of the character automatically selected when cutting branches

          You don't have to specify a direction for cutting and peeling actions if there's a tree in
          front the character you. That tree is always automatically selected for these actions.

 - added: chat option to ask for a sage in the village

          When chatting with NPCs there's now a way to find out ask if there's a sage in the village.
          "Is there a sage around?" chat line can be found from "Ask for help/company" chat options.
          If there's a sage you will be told his whereabouts in the village.

 - changed: need for heated room, fireplace or fire are checked first in cookery recipes

          It's more convenient that way as you aren't bothered with meaningless ingredient selections
          if these requirements aren't met.

 - fixed: failed hideworking with "somebody else got the skin" message diplayed and no skin obtained

          This rare occurrence might happen if the hideworking got cancelled at the very last minute
          of the hideworking process.           

 - fixed: agriculture graphics representing a planted tile disappearing soon after planting certain crops
          This was a result of crops mistakenly entering wintering state if the planting was done early
          enough, and thus the planted graphics was removed. They still sprouted properly though.

 - fixed: wrong inventory weight with certain startup scenarios

          When starting a new character the inventory weight was displayed wrong until you made your
          first move.

 - fixed: gaining skill options during character creation by hovering over encyclopedia hotspot

 - fixed: wrong tying equipment requirements when making patches of items

          This was noted eg. when making arrows. Crafting multiple arrows mistakenly increased both
          tying equipment length and amount requirements.

 - fixed: pushing duplicates items

          The issue was related to ice breaking messing up item data while pushing action was proceeded.

 - typo corrected: "coffing" -> "coughing" in herb effects dialog

Who can have it?

You can have it, but you gotta get it from Steam. There's still one seasonal sale coming up there, so stay tuned if you happen to be looking for discounted price.
Standalone versions of 3.6* are being released at turn of the year, though. The release interval between paid and "donation-based" releases have grown significantly longer than what we have gotten used to in the past. This is because during past years donations have dried out disallowing solely donation-based development to thrive. Donations are still an option, people do it for a reason or another, but your generosity isn't any longer linked to the great perk of most up-to-date version being freely available for everyone. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors, so don't hesitate to eg. e-mail me if you feel like it.



December 17, 2019, 07:27:05 PM
Winter greetings, sales and releases The time has come to enter the holidays.
Thank you for 2019 fellow adventures, and we'll be seeing you again after yet another winter solstice.
The fresh version 3.61 seems to be running smoothly ...aaaand Winter Sale on Steam has begun, in case you want to give it a shot.
We will release 3.61 also on the homepage at the turn of the year.

With this picture we wish best of the season to all of you!
Cheers, and happy holidays!

Sami (creator) and Erkka (co-designer) prepared to chase away the darkness and welcome the nearing winter solstice :)

December 21, 2019, 07:32:50 PM
3.61 released (on the homepage) and a happy new year! On my behalf this decade ends with release of version 3.61 out to public on the homepage. Standalone installers are available now. If you're new to this version find your way to downloads section and be sure also to view changelog there as a lot has changed in 3.60 and 3.61.

We wish you a happy new year! (...and happy new version for those who only now get to try it out.)

I'll keep hibernating for a little while, although may occasionally reply to a post or two, but getting back on track for real with coding will have to wait until mid-january.

See you in 2020 - that's yet another decade for UnReal World development as well.

December 31, 2019, 05:27:07 PM
The Kalevala Day and 10,000 days of digital Finnish culture in UnReal World Today, February 28th, Finland celebrates Kalevala Day and the Day of Finnish Culture in honor of The Kalevala - a 19th century work of epic poetry regarded as our national epic. That's something to celebrate, but we've got some more for you on this special day...

In early 2020 we received an interesting e-mail from a player (Cheers, Travis!) sending congratulations on a milestone: UnReal World had lasted 10,000 days in the real world.
This was calculated from the date stamp in executable file of version 1.00b distribution archive. We don't even remember the exact release date, but it was summer of 1992. So the continuing lifespan of the game is at least 10,000 days - and well, it's quite something.

Needless to say, The Kalevala and UnReal World go well together. It is not so much about direct influence as a book, but the game draws inspiration from the same pool of oral tradition, folklore and mythology of our ancestors. Of this content some is rooted in ancient unrecorded history dating back thousands of years, and some is closer to Iron Age - where the game takes place. So let this day be a celebration of The Kalevala, but also 10,000 days of digital Finnish Culture in the form of UnReal World.

10,000 days...

10,000 days is a long time. Lines of source code in the game now sports somewhere around 140,000.
On average that makes:
14 lines of code per day
for 10,000 days.

Changelogs for version releases contain around 15000 lines of text, so that makes:
1,5 lines of changelog entries per day
for these 10,000 days.

...and continuing

That's just some numbers to give an idea of the long history, which is continuing as we speak. It seems to be 9 days since the last here at the forums.
So on average there should be around 126 new lines of code and 13,5 lines of changelog entries written.
We haven't checked but we are continuing.

Would you buy an old but continuously developed fenno-ugric roguelike from these guys?

From the left: Sami (creator) and Erkka (co-designer) of UnReal World

We wish you happy Kalevala Day and the Day of (digital) Finnish Culture.
Let's continue.

February 28, 2020, 07:40:40 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
Found out topic about companions so this already implemented. Now I dont see a necessary to add marriage additionaly.

My suggestion also would be not adding marriage as a lone standing feature, but having npc action and interaction becoming more complex. Like, making the world more alive with autonomously acting beeings, may they be animals or humans.

And at some point, any given individual would perhaps establish some kind of binding to the player's character.
Depending on your interactions, perhaps some simple differences in "npc personality" (like, "naive", "simple-hearted", "trusting", "unprejudiced" "neutral", "skeptical", "wary", "distrustful", "unapproachable"...)

that would automatically implement a kind of life partner/companion, neutral speaking, whatever you make of it.

It could be a woman/man you made gifts to for an exceedingly long time,
or an outcast hunter that you helped with an injury and becoming your friend,
a child you care of after having rescued it from a njerpez village raid

or an old man, who asks you for food and shelter, and gives back some teaching about wooden crafting, cooking, trapping, herbs, or just telling you some stories, because he has nothing else to give...

March 11, 2020, 01:20:27 PM
Pausable digging and filling up pits We're wrapping up version 3.62.
A trusty small patch with about half a dozen additions and dozen of fixes.
It's just around the corner.
Of the latest additions digging and filling up pits are now made pausable, so you can stop these shoveling processes at will and continue later on by [a]pplying your shovel again.

Now it only takes some building, packaging and testing and hopefully the next week will be the release week.

March 14, 2020, 12:56:22 PM
Version 3.62 released on Steam, and for lifetimers Wrapping things up went easily so it's time for the first release of 2020 as version 3.62 is now released.
It's available on Steam, and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.
Later this week we'll be setting things up on and release the game there as well, with continuing updates. We'll announce when it happens.

But well, what's new?
Half a dozen additions and dozen of bugfixes as follows:

3.62 changelog

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version.  **

- added: trading cap for meat and fish

         Villagers stop accepting meat and fish in trading when if they have decent reserves already.
         This cap isn't fixed but depends on village population. Also, cooked meat and fish are often
         accepted in larger amounts than raw.

- added: digging and filling up pits are now pausable tasks

         You can stop these processes at will and continue later on by [a]pplying your shovel again.
- changed: pits are now simply called pits instead of former vague term 'hole in the ground'.

- added: tracks getting covered and decayed by snowfall and rain

        Snowfall and rain now affect to tracks getting covered and decayed. You'll notice these effects
        by tracks getting less visible, and eventually disappearing completely. How fast this happens
        depends naturally on amount of the rain or snowfall. Severe snowfall may cover even the fresh
        tracks in an hour or so. Decay caused by rain is often lesser, but still noticeable. The older
        the tracks are the sooner they are prone to decay and disappear in case of both elements.

- added: tracks left by children now appear smaller

        This includes graphical presentation and description of the tracks eg. "You see here small
        human tracks."

- added: aggressive village dogs calm down together with their masters

        In case of minor breaches villagers might punish you for a while and calm down after you had
        learned your lesson - but their dogs didn't react accordingly. Now village dogs will calm down
        if their masters do so. This doesn't prevent village dogs from being a serious threat as they
        don't always reason the power of their attacks the same way the humans do and may cause lethal
        wounds by accident.

- adjusted: precautions regarding character save failures

        Additional precautions to overcome rare cases of character data blanking upon unexpected
        termination of the game have been added.

- adjusted: map maintenance routines
        The adjustments remedy rare occasion of too frequent maintenances of fresh characters with heavily
        explored zoomed-in maps.

- fixed: overlapping tracks modifying the existing track information

        Things like animal size and track freshness were sometimes mistakenly modified by overlapping tracks.

- fixed: watercraft mistakenly transported with the character when zooming out right after getting on shore

- fixed: everlasting small bones

        Certain bones would never get eaten up completely no matter how long dogs would chew on them.

- fixed: carcass disappearing if the creature dies while making a hole in the ice

- fixed: human tracks described wrong

        NPC description was mistakenly added to track description.
        It said eg. "You see here craftsmanhuman tracks." instead of intended "You see here human tracks".

- fixed: quality improvement when items decay to stale stage
        Foodstuff and skins might mistakenly improve a bit in quality when decaying if their original quality
        was the lowest possible.
- fixed: sages of some cultures not replying with valid phrases when asked for their skills and expertise
- fixed: animals released from the forest cover not following character on zoomed-out map level

        This got broken along with NPC pet ownership additions. Now it works again as it should.

- fixed: some cave treasures you heard of were never to be found

        The bug was caused by map maintenance being prone to mistakenly remove cave treasure locations.

- fixed: partially skinned carcasses mistakenly turning skinned upon map load

     This bug usually manifested itself when skinning got interrupted and the character fell asleep, which
     also initiates map save and re-load.

- typo corrected: angrered -> angered


Who can have it?

You can have it, but you gotta get it from Steam - or later this week also from
The release interval between paid and "donation-based" releases have grown significantly longer than what we have gotten used to in the past. This is because during past years donations have dried out disallowing solely donation-based development to thrive. Donations are still an option, people do it for a reason or another, but your generosity isn't any longer linked to the great perk of most up-to-date version being freely available for everyone. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors, so don't hesitate to eg. e-mail me if you feel like it.


March 16, 2020, 05:12:52 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority I think it's possible to add this feature without it becoming political. I'd like to second for the notion of more complex "bonding relationships" between characters as suggested by Dr. Hossa above. If the relationship isn't directly spelled out, then there's no need to be overly concerned with being PC, as people can fill in the gaps as they like with RP (isn't that what we do anyway?).

I also like the idea of PC's relationships with NPCs going beyond just the "marriage" definition. Maybe an old man comes to live with me and I roleplay it's my aging father. Or a child is an adopted orphan. Or a fellow woman is my sister or my cousin or my weaving get the idea.

Perhaps a feature could be added where if a young man and young woman (either one being the PC) live together for at least one game year, there's some percent chance a baby appears. If some players feel strongly against this, it could even be a toggle on/off option.

To be honest, for me personally it's less important to have the game be a marriage simulator than it is just to have some kind of more complex social interaction so my world feels less empty and lonely. Just the addition of villagers remembering and greeting me made a huge difference, having a complex companion option would be icing on the cake. Even before adding a marriage feature, I would adore it if we occasionally ran into village events like harvest festivals, solstice ceremonies, the weddings of the villagers themselves, etc. Or if the replies to "How's it going" gave more answers than "Fine" - perhaps things like "It's great, we just had a baby born" or "What terrible weather, the crops might fail!" (which could prompt extra gratitude if the PC gifts food) or "Where did you get your fancy axe (shirt/shoes/etc)?" or "I'm fine but you're looking hungry, have some bread!" if the PC is a tribesman/woman with a good relationship with the village and is starving.

March 26, 2020, 09:47:05 AM
The situation and stuff These are challenging times. I hope you are doing okay and healthy.
And I believe the game may serve as a breath of fresh air during the times of isolation.
Also, it's fine to express our thoughts and feelings and experiences about the pandemic on the forums too, if you feel like it.

Finland is locked down too, but things haven't changed all that much for me or Erkka as it's remote countryside life anyway.
The virus affects the daily life nevertheless, and these days portion of my time and energy also goes to assist close elderly people who need help.

The development is being kept on, but I tend to get swamped under feedback simply because people have more time to play the game and I have less time play the developer role. ;) I maybe delayed with replies and reactions, but nevermind - still doing my best to cope with the life and the game.

There is fistful of bugs pending to be fixed, and I've started writing reply marathon to suggestions from the past six months or so. I guess it will be the first reply marathon at the new forums, but it's still several evenings away before I'm done with it. From my own endless to-do pool I've started work on improvements regarding the fire mechanics. There are many little things to adjust and add, but you'll hear more about it when it all starts to shape up.

Take care!

April 11, 2020, 01:13:35 PM
Re: Domestic Reindeer Milking
The real life need for offspring to produce lactation is apparent. However it's my understanding that animal reproduction is on the list of features to be added someday. Until we get that feature, the milking of any of our animals is a touch unrealistic, but can be RPed around as "the baby didn't survive the winter" or that it got sent to market in the autumn or something along those lines.

I guess adding animal reproduction is the higher priority, but when that day comes it would still be neat to be able to milk the reindeer and emulate a traditional nomadic lifestyle.

I'm so excited for animal breeding as a feature and hopefully they will code genetics (basically big dog+ big dog= higher chance of big puppies) and (aggressive sow + aggressive boar = higher chance for aggressive piglets). Im sure with how wonderfully realistic this game is they will make sure that animals must have had a baby before you can milk her (also would open up having to make sure enough is left for her baby!). Or maybe even implementing some animals getting aggressive after having a baby.

This will also create so many more playstyles. Nomadic herder who breeds for their herd to be able to protect themselves but also provide good milk,  or a settler who breeds (and maybe sells to villagers!!) hunting/meat/ or war dogs. Or maybe I can destroy the Njerpz with my trained and bred war pigs! Hope its after NPC interactions since it seems that when you buy animals from a village they will sell them but always keep a male and female, so I hope they're laying the groundwork! But I love anything they flesh out  ;D

April 21, 2020, 02:48:40 AM