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Re: Add "wetness" penalty to clothes
I've always thought that, from a perspective of developing a realistic game, you wouldn't only want a "wetness" modifier to clothing, but you'd also want to have all sorts of conditions of being soiled somehow. So, for instance, if you're cut and are bleeding, the clothing would become soiled with blood. There might be ways for clothes to pick up dirt or mud. This would create an element to the game where you wouldn't only have to dry wet clothes, but would have to wash ones with other sorts of conditions. On top of that, metals would have problems like rust if they weren't taken care of well enough. While this would not fit the style of most games, to me, UrW has always been a slow-going game, where these types of requirements just add to the sense of "being there", and give you more to do as a player. To the extent that not only your clothes and metals can get conditioned, possibly your character could also get dirty; and this would be a condition for taking a bath. September 25, 2017, 11:22:22 PM |
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Re: Add "wetness" penalty to clothes
Well I think it depends on how much its made necessary and also how relevant you can make the mechanics. ![]() As far it being necessary -- people don't really need to wash or bathe as much as they do in modern times. They certainly didn't always do it as commonly all throughout history. So, its a matter there being certain circumstances in the game which would either be a reason for you to bathe or wash. Then as far as relevant mechanics goes, your reference to other forms of realism I think hits this point. For me, its not so much that these things are so far out to include in a game; you find them all in a game like The Sims, for instance. Its just that there aren't any relevant mechanics that could serve them well in a typical RPG -- or that I can think of in UrW -- because there's not much meaningful gameplay or consequences associated with doing them or not doing them. What's the game going to do? Tell you "you defecated in your pants like a four year old, this embarrasses you greatly"? As far as bathing and washing goes, you would then need particular reasons to do these things. But I can think of a way of implementing them both where both the need to do these things would be rare enough and relative to the circumstances and there would be benefits of doing them. Even just for roleplay in some circumstances; because lets say you want to marry a bride and can't do so while you're dirty, so you take a bath. And I can imagine, as I mentioned in another thread here, villagers themselves bathing and washing in rivers as part of their routines. In any case, I'm sorry if this diverts from the topic of your thread a bit; I just thought it might be relevant to suggest it because if Sami and Erkka ever think of adding a wetness property to clothing, maybe there could be thought to other states and conditions as well. September 26, 2017, 01:43:15 AM |
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More kinds of structures
I was reading the thread about bridge-building, and it brought to bear for me the fact that the world of the game would be a lot more interesting if there were kinds of structures other than just villages. For example, - Primitive bridges - Hill forts - Burial grounds - Giant's churches - Various forms of cairns - Ceremonial/sacrificial sites - Quarries, iron foundries As far as hill forts go, I was also reading about the Old Castle at Lieto, and about how there would have been a watchtower, and it also made me think back to the issue of multi-story buildings. Something that's currently not listed on the long term development plans, but I would certainly like to see as a player, is a revamp of the game system for creating interior spaces. So for example, on houses, this would mean that when you see a house from the outside, you see the building height, the roof on top and smoke from the chimney. You go inside, and you see the floor you go in on, and then can go up and down floors if its multi-story. You could even go down into cellar basements. Sort of how old isometric games like Ultima VII handled it. This would also lead to a better game system for caves, because they could actually be inside mountains and hills rather than inside a group of stones. While I'm guessing this is definitely require major work compared to other game features, I think it would be something worth seeing. Also, I don't know if any evidence of this exists for Iron Age Finland, but I know that in other areas, there were stone buildings in forts. In general, I think the more that there's variety in structures, the more there will be a feeling that you're in a world with a history, and that would also tie into quests and things like that. September 27, 2017, 04:22:49 AM |
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Scene pics for time of day
Currently, if you go into a pine mire at midnight, you'll get a photo of a pine mire in broad daylight. I think it would add to the game if the photos reflected the time of day somehow... So we could have pictures of certain biomes in twilight hours (maybe with sunset/sunrise), at night, etc. And it would still be nice I think to see the character pics with some transparency so it could be placed on a type of background representing the biome of the scene you're in. September 27, 2017, 10:13:13 PM |
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I know that corpses will attract scavengers, but wouldn't they also be effective in warding off certain types of animals who see it as evidence that there's a threat in the area ? Just the same, I was thinking about what the effects of leaving Njerpez corpses outside the perimeter of your home would be? Would they scare off Njerpez, and ward them away? Or would they come and investigate? What of the same with foreign traders, adventurers, huntsmen, and other types of NPCs? It might be worthwhile just to put in a little game logic around how animals and NPCs react to the presence of corpses, jut to make things more interesting and create more depth and emergent behavior. It would also be interesting to be able to get animal skulls and the like, and skulls from Njperpez you killed for the same purpose (see the thread on the old forum with sprite graphics for skulls, bones, organs, meats). Even putting severed heads on pikes, which is a bit outside of the "normal" gameplay of UrW, and which I wouldn't do myself, but in my view anything that adds to realistic player options in the game's world makes it feel more immersive. November 06, 2017, 09:20:22 PM |
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Leucism, etc.
There was a post on this on the old forums, about occasionally finding animals with some sort of pigmentation disorder like leucism, melanism. You would then be able to obtain a fur from them that would be very valuable. Thought I'd bring it up again after seeing a story about a white elk making news in Sweden ![]() November 14, 2017, 10:22:05 PM |
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Swedish archaeologists uncover remains of 8,400-year-old dog
"The remains of a dog dating back several millennia have been uncovered at a pre-Viking era burial site in Sweden, making it the oldest such find in the country. The dog was discovered at an Iron Age burial site in Blekinge, southern Sweden, along with what archaeologists believe are grave goods – valuable or sentimental possessions buried with the dead. "This is the oldest burial find of a dog in the country. The dog is well-preserved, and the fact that it lies buried in the middle of a stone age building is unique," said osteologist Ola Magnell." September 24, 2020, 03:37:23 AM |
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Ambient wildlife
All of the birds in the game right now are birds that are good for hunting or foraging. That makes sense, since a good part of the game centers around doing those activities. However, something I enjoy in UrW is just the feeling of wandering in the wilderness, so I think I'd also enjoy seeing birds that aren't what you'd call "useful" to me as a player, but would add to the ambience of the game, such as songbirds. So lets say I wake up at my cabin for a day of fishing, and there's a warbler on my fence singing. Or its just finished raining, and because the ground is muddy, there are birds out looking for worms. And because different birds have different distributions in Finland, I'm guessing that you'd be able to tell what region you were in just by what birds were around and what songs they were singing. While all of this is probably something that could be done with ambient sounds, too, I think it would add to the game to be able to see them. Besides just the enjoyment of the visual aspect of seeing the songbirds, it would also make it seem less like everything that's in the game is just there as a matter of instrumentalism, as a means to an end, so you could feel like you were in a living breathing world. They would naturally also be more common than game birds, and more commonly keep that sense of a living world in your game experience. Of course, I wouldn't necessarily expect a small songbird passing by to pause tasks the way the game normally does when animals come into your view. Since they'd be there more for the ambience, the game could assume you'd ignore them. They would also be prey I assume for predatory birds like owls and goshawks, and you could see them being caught. I assume there would also be a lot of other small animals, like snakes and toads and field mice and so on, that would be between tall grass or lake reeds or sedge, and would have the same purpose. (And of course these have had a role in magic lore, so they might have that added use). February 12, 2021, 09:32:48 AM |
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Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
I think there are at least two aspects of this, 1. Having and raising a family This I think this needs to be in the game at a mechanical level anyway, because we're also talking about things like animal husbandry and wildlife having young. It would also be nice to see this for the NPCs; to see children in villages grow up and for them to bond with other village members and also have babies. So ultimately what we're talking about is implementing some life cycle system to the game, which would also apply to human NPCs, and then would also apply to the player. The player should be able to do it, simply because NPCs should be able to do it. You would find a mate, divide responsibilities, and then I think like others have said, the only real way to manage the baby is for it to happen all of the sudden because there's no good mechanic for it. Perhaps a chance that the wife gets pregnant if you're sleeping in the same room, with the chances going up the more time you spend together, or depending on some emotional relationship between the two of you that is tracked by the game somehow (such as the game determining if you're angry with each other or in positive relations, though I'm not sure how exactly that would be tracked). Then the pregnancy would come to term and there would be a baby. 2. The ceremony This would be not just finding a mate to bond with, but having some type of ritual to mark the occasion and seal the bond and officially make you married. Generally speaking, I think it would be nice to see things like village festivals and festivities in the game. I can't speak much to what went on in Iron Age Finland, so I'm just thinking of what might go on in a Medieval village, where you might have some festival decorations like wreaths and garlands, and feasts, and music, and singing and dancing. I've been looking at old shepherd's almanacs, and the winter months after the harvest are set aside as a kind of feasting period. Then by May again, you get allusions to festivals again with May wreaths and so on. The point being that right now it seems that there's no real social life to villages. Like a lot of things in the game, it feels villages exist to be primarily instrumental to gameplay, which is not the wrong focus for the start. But things can be expanded to make villages feel as if they have a life of their own, and then bringing the same mechanics for NPCs to the player also makes sense here. February 12, 2021, 11:04:40 PM |
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Re: Going nuts!
Seasonal harvesting of trees would open up a lot of other options for the game, because its more complex than the herbs we have in the game right now. Right now, the herbs grow to maturity, they have a single product, and you collect the ripened product. But for things like fruit trees, berry trees, and nut trees, you have several stages where you can harvest a different product. The tree will first grow flowers, and then the flowers will later develop into the ripened fruit, berry or nut. Often the flowers are just as usable as the ripened product, and can be made into things like teas, syrups, and liquors. Besides which, the flowers would make the game prettier and would be a sign of spring. A long time ago, when I did the herb tile sprites, one of my main interests was bog-myrtle. Its not a tree but grows as a bush; and that goes through stages of development through the year from flowers, to nuts, to fruit, and all of these are usable. So, ideally, you'd want to be able to harvest the flowers in one season, the nuts in another, and the ripe fruits in another. And then you have something similar with roses, too, where you can harvest the flowers for the rose petals to use those in cooking, or wait until the rosehip matures and use the fruit. Anyway, something like hazelnut is also appealing, even if it will be a less common tree in the game; because something that makes the game enjoyable over a long term is going on long trips hunting down rarer items, either for your own use as a player or for trade purposes. I could collect a bunch of hazelnuts down south and venture up north to trade with villagers who wouldn't normally have access to them. February 13, 2021, 12:52:43 AM |
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