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Re: Improved trading system Although I think the language is a little harsh, I agree that the trading could use some significant overhaul.  Trading is a real chore in the game for the reasons that the OP mentioned.  It turns trading expeditions from a fun and exciting endeavor, to a dreadful and tedious experience of searching house to house, adding small items, starting trades over and over...

I agree that URW villages should not be like modern shopping malls, but perhaps there is a happy middle ground that could be reached.  Surely a traveler could stop into a village and ask someone, "Hello sir - are there any woodsman axes around which you might part with?"   rather than having to search house-to-house, for example.  And with bartering, I agree it should be possible to "haggle" and little more and say "Ah ok, well then I will take back my 3 arrows and offer instead a knife?" 

However, I don't think it's necessary to have a built-in "cost" for each item, because I don't think this is especially in keeping with the Iron Age spirit.  The ideal would be a dynamic economic system where, for example, a farming village with a full crop of turnips in the fall season would not have any need for turnips, and a Driik village with plentiful iron might place less value on iron tools, a Seal Tribe village might pay a high price for iron but a lower price for furs and dried meat, etc.  However, that's a long way off and I think the current system of pricing works fine for now.

July 04, 2019, 06:30:00 PM
Re: Leaving dog behind on long trips I have left my dog behind on long trips before, and I always leave a large pile of smoked meat and bones for them to eat. However, every time I come back the meat and bones seem untouched and the dog is not hungry. I don't think the game tracks dog hunger when they are not nearby, but I still leave food just in case.
August 29, 2019, 10:09:07 PM
Re: Finding an item I once lost some extremely important items, and were able to recover them.

more details here:

October 19, 2019, 10:17:57 PM
Re: A Few Ideas: Agricultural help, Snake fangs and more... Snake fang shouldn't be hard to mod in, depending on what you want to do with it. 

.Snake fang. "Hunting horn" [effort:0] [phys:hands] *HIDEWORKING* /15/
{*snake carcass*}       'Pick up snake carcass'

Something like this.  I haven't actually tested to see if that will work, you can also add a custom graphic if you like. 
Then all you need to do to integrate it into other recipes, would be to add a line {Snake fang} [remove]

November 03, 2019, 04:07:08 PM
Re: The Long Dark My little brother plays this game.  It looked alright until I realized you can't wear socks as gloves and I became Triggered
November 03, 2019, 04:09:02 PM
Re: That island life. Island life is a peaceful life.  At least until you're trapped there with a couple Njerps...
December 16, 2019, 11:00:20 PM
Spotting smoke Right now I am playing the homeland robbers quest, and it just made me think... why can't I see a smoke from the enemy cookfire?

The old man in the village mentioned that he found the robbers from the smell of their smoke... my character has high smell and eyesight and yet he seems to get no clues.

I apologize if smelling smoke already exists in the game, but I have not found it.

However, it seems a character should be able to easily pick out a column of smoke rising - especially for my character right now, as he in on a mountain overlooking a region of barren hills. 

It would be really nice if a graphic indication would appear on the worldmap to show where a campfire has been lit, especially as hunter-type NPCs in the game world can now light their own fires.  similar columns would surely appear over villages as well.  It might even be nice to have a message prompt appear as we do when a village is spotted - "You spot a column of smoke nearby".

Similarly, it would be nice if you could smell smoke when you get within 1 tile or so.  "You smell smoke on the wind."  Similar to how you can sometimes pick up tracks in an accidental fashion by walking by. 

I reckon you'd also need some method to identify a fire only once too.  It would be annoying if you keep walking by the same village tile and keep getting "I Smell smoke!!"  over and over.  Sort of the way village tiles are only "discovered" once, and tracks rarely pop up over and over from walking across the same worldmap tile.  or when you get a message saying "You hear [xyz] woodsman singing nearby"

This could also help to make the (often frustrating) robbers quest less frustrating.  A good warrior would use every clue his senses can give him.

December 25, 2019, 07:08:42 AM
Questions about Intelligence & other stats I'm currently going to wrap up an Advanced Adventures gamecourse soon, and was going to go for stat increases.  I already know i want more Strength & Endurance, but I'm trying to decide what else I should get.

Basically, I'm wondering what Intelligence actually affects.  I assume it can bump you up to 2 stars or 3 stars for learning certain skills, but are there any other in-game effects?  Does it increase the likelihood of success with any skills? 

Similarly, what does Will do?  I assume it makes it harder to pass out or die - is there anything else?  Does it make you get cold slower, or decrease fatigue?  I'm just trying to decide if it's worth it to increase these more nebulous mental attributes, at the expense of something like Agility.

January 09, 2020, 09:21:40 PM
Re: Questions about Intelligence & other stats Furthermore... is it actually even worth it to upgrade physical stats?  As I understand it, stat upgrades do not directly correlate to skill increases, right?  So you will still need to train each skill individually over time.  The only thing stat increase can POTENTIALLY do is increase the rate at which skill increases occur... so if you already have 3 or even 2 stars in each skill, it might not be worth it to upgrade stats at all?  EXCEPT in the cases of stats which have a direct influence on in-game attributes, such as Endurance (increases carry weight) and Speed (increases default movement speed).  Are there other stats which have a direct in-game influence?  For example, does Agility increase the likelihood of successful dodge or attack?  Strength, I assume, increases attack damage with melee weapons?  Will increases resistance to sleepiness and blood loss... are there others?
January 09, 2020, 09:27:20 PM
Re: Too many Njerps? Personally i was just doing the Njerp hunting quest from the Advanced Adventures, and actually found them quite tough to find.  I had to travel far to the east before spotting a single one.  Perhaps this is simply an example of the "Random Number Generator" acting unfavorable?

January 24, 2020, 05:30:23 AM