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Messages - MrMotorhead

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Seems like this can still happen in 3.5b2:

It seems like the water must have killed him as there were no tracks nearby and his body is still in perfect shape.  Luckily I wasn't doing a quest for him or anything.  Circumstances seem very similar to the OP's report.  Thin ice has started forming over lakes and animals just started giving winter furs.  I also have a quest going on, but it's the punt quest, however the village with the dead body is not involved in the quest.

Modding / Re: Hardtack mod poll
« on: March 21, 2018, 09:45:21 PM »
I haven't used any mods yet but I'm glad they exist and I encourage you to keep working on it.  I suspect that the "bread" in the base game would be much more like hardtack than anything we call bread today. 

I was curious about this, and was watching this video, he says that the term hardtack didn't come into use until the civil war, that would make it an American thing.

Gameplay questions / Re: Insufficient unity
« on: March 21, 2018, 09:11:28 PM »
Once you have enough wealth, start carrying high quality knives and arrows around with you.  I have received three new spells from characters that want to trade them for nice knives or arrows.  These quests won't be known by everyone in the village, but the quest giver will walk right up to you and start talking.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: March 21, 2018, 09:07:49 PM »
I completed the punt quest by starting to cut down a tree and interrupting the action before it completed.  Then I slept out in the open so the rain woke me up, then immediately finished cutting down the tree.  I strongly suspect that the game checks the weather when the tree falls.

General Discussion / Re: Lucky treasure finds
« on: March 20, 2018, 05:24:05 PM »
Wow masterwork knife, they do exist!  Keep the dream alive.

I haven't played him since I zipped that folder, and thank you kindly for the help.  I switched to playing another character in the mean time, but it would be great to have Mainio back, as he's the guy that can really hit targets with the bow.

Gameplay questions / Re: Tracking Njerpez
« on: March 17, 2018, 07:21:55 PM »
Looking for tracks on the zoomed in map is the go-to way I've been able to hunt down beasts (both 2 and 4 legged).  I have to be extra careful when looking for dangerous game, because sometimes I get tunnel vision looking for footprints, when the actual beast is visible!

My character with the highest tracking will only very occasionally get the notification that "you see tracks" while walking around zoomed out, without even using the skill.

I have mostly given up using the skill on a zoomed out view as it just does not seem reliable.

I can attest with certainty that tracks will be visible even if you can't see what left them.

I have also seen foreign traders disappear, pretty much right in front of me.  I found them in the overland map and I caught up with them, and was doing some trading, when all of a sudden they took off in one direction, moving fast.  I followed the tracks that they left but it seems they went behind a tree and just vanished, like they flew away.  The tracks stopped and I wasn't able to find them again.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: March 17, 2018, 04:42:32 AM »
It seems like the first material that you select for your crafting governs the finished product.  I have not tried crafting new clothes from old ones, but I do use various and sundry bits of fur to repair my bear fur clothes, to no apparent ill effect.

I have tried crafting clothes from a fine bear fur, but I didn't get fine clothes sadly.

I wonder if winter furs make better clothes than normal.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Frequent Map Maintenance
« on: March 15, 2018, 08:59:30 PM »
I compressed the folder (with contents) bearing the character's name, hopefully this is everything that's needed.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Frequent Map Maintenance
« on: March 15, 2018, 07:26:34 AM »
This is starting to happen to one of my characters.  I have only ever played on 3.5b2.  I am getting map maintenance when I zoom in to most zones, while traveling zoomed in to an unexplored area and even while sleeping in the middle of the night.  This character I have the most time played on and he has explored the largest area by far of any of my characters.

Sometimes the maintenance triggers twice in a row, here is a log snippet while sneaking, tracking an elk.
Code: [Select]
(663333):d8h9:[&]{06BC034F}      | You sneak ahead.
(143270):d8h9:[#]{06BC034F}      | UrW needs to perform map maintenance now. That will take a few moments.
(143270):d8h9:[#]{06BC034F}      | Ok, map maintenance done.
(143270):d8h9:[#]{06BC034F}      | UrW needs to perform map maintenance now. That will take a few moments.
(143270):d8h9:[#]{06BC034F}      | Ok, map maintenance done.
(663333):d8h9:[&]{06BC034F}      | You sneak ahead.

Other characters seem unaffected.

Stories / Re: Mik
« on: March 13, 2018, 06:26:38 PM »
I see what you mean about encountering enemies on the zoomed in map.  That's a really bad situation and it seems like skiing wasn't working properly, as I guess that's what made Mik so fatigued. 

I take it this is from an older version, I have only ever played 3.5b2 and I'm curious about what the scarecrows/target dummies that we can see near the edge of the water in reply #8 are.  Also it seems that arrows work a bit differently here.

Thanks for sharing Mik's story!

I think adding some rare and hard to find sites would add a cool element to the game.  These would be similar to some of the starting scenarios, such as you find a partially completed cabin or an abandoned trap fence.  Even just an occasional abandoned shelter would be a neat find while you're tracking an animal through the woods. 

Suggestions / Re: More Signs of Robber's Camps in Overland Maps
« on: March 11, 2018, 04:23:57 AM »
I think this one deserves a bump.

It took a very long time to complete this quest.  I think adding a bunch of tracks all over the search area would be a good start.  I was in this area for five game days and I never caught sight of the robbers in the overland map and I never found any human tracks.

I don't think I would have solved this quest without looking at the wiki and the forums and finding the information that you have to be zoomed in on the local tile for them to spawn.

I really like some of the other ideas here such as spotting fires from a long way away.

Also if someone's chopping down a tree, that sound carries a long way, that could be another way to help find a settlement or encampment.

Suggestions / Re: More knives!
« on: March 11, 2018, 03:55:04 AM »
Foreign traders should stock nice knives, especially broad knives.  This would make a lot of sense, knives are light weight and high value, and they would help the inhemo get higher quality furs.

Gameplay questions / Re: Robbers ruin my early game
« on: March 11, 2018, 01:51:06 AM »
I agree robbers are pretty harsh.  I really wish they showed up differently on the overland map, where you could see that there are multiple figures instead of just looking like a single guy who is gonna give you a quest to lead him back to a village.  I'd rather not have them disabled, but maybe if some areas of the map were safer than others, that would be a good solution.  My first guy was ruined by robbers, I think because he was too slow to run away, he could only move 5 km/h, my new guy can hit 8km/h and I had no trouble running away from them.

Thankfully they never seem to track you down when you're zoomed in.  Can you imagine how bad it would be if you were making a shelter or tanning a hide and they just walked right up behind you.

Here is a picture of my current character with his posse upon finishing the homeland robbers quest.

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