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Messages - Labtop 215

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Gameplay questions / Re: Ritual "Rod fisherman's sacrifice"
« on: January 17, 2019, 01:48:01 AM »
Yea, I couldn't get this to work.  I'm not sure if it's me or not.  I ended up catching multiple fish while rod fishing, and I threw all of them back.  They all floated and I couldn't get the ritual to work.  Does the bonus/penalty apply all throughout Spring, the whole year?

Gameplay questions / Re: How to burn npc alive?
« on: November 28, 2018, 11:26:16 PM »
I think burn damage may only affect your character, but I've literally never been burned in-game (unless frostbite counts), so I don't know.  Presumably fire injuries happen when and as fire spreads from multiple tiles of wood.  Kind of like the same way that you would set up for creating a farm field.

Gameplay questions / Re: Change the wilderness map?
« on: November 28, 2018, 11:23:04 PM »
Shoot, wish I saw this earlier...

In most cases, no.

However, I actually have gone out of my way to cut down every single tree in a map tile, and managed to turn a spruce forest into an open plains tile.

how did the spirits react?

Spirits loved it, since I slept outside under the stars throughout the endeavor.  (You get bonus karma for sleeping under the stars, or at least I seem to when I do.)

From what I can tell, the game advances item age around mid morning somewhere.  Once you begin the tanning process again, the curing wears off and the skin has to be tanned asap.  You should also cure the skin asap if you intend to do that as curing dosn't reset the age, so much as it prevents the age from advancing any further until the process is resumed.

Gameplay questions / Re: Change the wilderness map?
« on: October 22, 2018, 06:38:44 AM »
In most cases, no.

However, I actually have gone out of my way to cut down every single tree in a map tile, and managed to turn a spruce forest into an open plains tile.

Gameplay questions / Re: Where the heck are the axes?
« on: September 30, 2018, 05:58:02 AM »

A woodsman's axe is, in my view, the best one if you only have one, and it's definitely good enough to use to build a settlement. Sure, the other axes are useful to do things faster and better, but my first choice would be a woodsman's axe and the second a hand axe (although I'd be happy to find a carving axe instead).

Personally, I'd prioritize a masterwork hand-axe over a masterwork woodsman's axe, since the hand-axe applies to more crafting and building options than a woodsman's axe does.

General Discussion / Take it or leave it - Forest Reindeer Meat
« on: September 30, 2018, 03:33:47 AM »
Let's say you do really well during a hunt and you down 4 or more Forest Reindeer's, while marking all of their locations on the map as you go before you finally lose the herd.  They are a little spread out (maybe 40 - 75 or so onsite tiles away from each other).  It is noon when the hunt is over, every reindeer was brought down during late morning.  You woke up early morning, so you should have plenty of energy as well.

In general (and I could be wrong, but I'm speaking from personal experience), skinning the hide off of one reindeer of decent size takes roughly an hour and yields a 10 lb pelt (a cub takes less time to skin, but produces a smaller pelt that may or may not be of the same value as a large one).  Butchering a reindeer on the other hand takes can take 3 hours or more, and is very labor intensive (can potentially leave you dead tired) and may only net you 100 cuts of meat or less.  You also get bones and antlers as well.  I'm playing vanilla, but I could see the bones and antlers being useful if you have mods that use them.

My question here would be, what do you prioritize getting done in this scenario?  Would the time of year change your priorities?  (As in, winter vrs summer)  Would the skills your character has influence your choice?  Lastly, is there an upper limit to the number of large game you would bring down in a day?

I figured I would ask this question here instead of the gameplay questions forum because it's more of a philosophical question, rather than a gameplay one.  Feel free to relocate this thread to the gameplay questions forum if that is more appropriate. 

Gameplay questions / Re: Stews
« on: June 19, 2017, 02:18:42 AM »
Yea, I avoid milk because I feel that it breaks the game.  Hence why I began experimenting with stews and soups.  I feel dried and smoked meat breaks the game too, to an extent, but at least you have to work for smoked and dried meat.  But it seems like there is little point to making stews and soups once you have a supply of dried and smoked meat, precisely because you can keep eating preserved meat, while waiting for the currently preserving meat to finish. 

As long as you can hunt animals and get the meat to your place reasonably fast (before the meat expires), and you have a series of cords, you can keep preserving meat.  You get the benefit of the long shelf life of the meat without having any meat wasted.  Keeping extra raw meat for use in stews and soups in vanilla seems like more of a waste than eating your dried and smoked meat, since that meat can go bad before you eat all of it.  Sure you can feed your dogs spoiled meat, but they eat smoked and dried meat too, and they only eat spoiled meat when they are starving, so that meat is still pretty badly wasted.

The small amount of nutrition lost from bears that you smoke or dry seems to be a consideration, but a very marginal one I think considering that you lose even more nutrition if you let it spoil.

You can even build up a major excess of dried and smoked meat, and trade the excess everything else if you are inclined.  Which is kind of bad, because it makes stews and soups a waste in most cases.  You sort of need soups and stews to get good usage out of vegetables and herbs, but they're practically optional, and more of a hassle to acquire than just more meat.

Gameplay questions / Re: Can you be a Bandit?
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:15:20 PM »
By the way, statistical adult human corpse gives 42 cuts of meat, and for kid it's only 18, it isn't that much, so honestly I don't think this is the "easy" way of sustenance, with tricks or without. And you can run out of villagers.

I was talking from before the requirement that you be very starved before eating people.  And it still can be, if you manage to kill tons of people while starving and then go to the trouble of smoking or drying their meat.  You only have to be starving to cut the corpse for meat, afterwards you can do whatever with it, as far as I remember anyway.  Also, bigger people give more meat, I've gotten as much as 70 cuts of meat from a big Njerpez warrior before.

You only have to take on a starvation penalty of 3% in order to cannibalize other people in-game so it isn't that hard.

Gameplay questions / Re: Stews
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:08:25 PM »
Yea, basically, I've found it easier to jump between nourished and well-fed with dried and smoked meat.  If I go with soups and stews, should I wait until my hunger meter is full or close to full then or is there a "better" way to eat so to speak.

Essentially, am I eating wrong?

Gameplay questions / Re: Can you be a Bandit?
« on: June 16, 2017, 03:13:02 AM »
Also, to devour the corpses of your victims you have to be starving so unless you "prepare" yourself by starving yourself before committing the murders [should you survive fighting in your weakened condition], the corpses will spoil before you can eat them.

While your character can be robbed by robbers, your character can't rob people: you have to attack them and kill them to take their stuff (you can steal things they're not carrying, though).
Yeah, I read about the cannibalism "nerf" it made me quite sad..

The problem with sustenance cannibalism is that it makes the game too easy to actually play, as after a while, you could previously consistently find and kill people that weren't hostile, and dry their meat with cords made from their clothing.  Along with being able to trade their equipment for better armor and equipment.  It was a never ending (albite somewhat dangerous) way of accruing wealth and food.  You can still kill people and take their things, but it you may have to take time out to feed yourself properly now at the very least.

You can still roleplay a bad person and kill people in nomans land, or recruit a whole bunch of villagers from one culture and take them out on raids against other cultures villages if you like.  That you can do.  Or you can even attack villages by yourself if you want.

But yea, subsistence cannibalism makes that play-style too easy and paints the game in a bad light I think.

Gameplay questions / Re: Stews
« on: June 10, 2017, 09:06:40 AM »
It is also possible to overeat, using more food than necessary, while capping the energy counter (which is capped at 5000, but you are Abundant from 3701, and can't really know if you can safely eat something without wasting it or no). This is wasteful, but sometimes better than allowing the food to spoil, and sometimes you have no choice, because game just doesn't let you character stop eating.

That could be what I'm running into perhaps.  I find that I eat bigger chunks of the stew than I do roasted meat cuts, and if I'm reading that correct (I could be wrong), I have to eat the stew slower in order to absorb the most nutrients.

I'm used to jumping between nourished and abundant when I eat dried meat, and perhaps trying to do the same with stew is a bad idea.

I noticed you compared roasted stag meat but not dried.  How does the comparison stack with dried stag meat, since dried meat seems to be the most common thing for my character to eat.

Suggestions / Re: Confirmation before eating unknown items!
« on: June 06, 2017, 06:56:14 AM »
I think this should be extended, also to unknown plants in general.

Gameplay questions / Re: Skills damaged by being tired?
« on: June 06, 2017, 06:53:59 AM »
If I were to guess, it seems like more effort the activity requires, the more of a penalty you get for being tired.

Development News / Re: Summery summary 2017
« on: June 05, 2017, 03:31:46 AM »
I like the re-work and expansion of the ritual system.

Currently it's a little to easy to abuse I think since there's rarely any cost and they always improve something important.  It's like you always have to do them or you are missing out.

For instance, is it always reasonable to make an oath of iron with 10 hand-axes, and use them like they are homing missiles?  Is it reasonable to call in a fox every day for a steady supply of fox hides to trade with?  Never get ambushed?  And the like...

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