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Messages - ineedcords

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Suggestions / Please add the ability to dig a water well
« on: February 27, 2020, 01:12:28 AM »
Now that "tying equipment" has been added to the base game,
I feel the ability to dig a water well is the next single huge improvement that can be added.

It is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind (the kind that don't want coastal settlement).

I can certainly see Saami's point.

What if its a change to a vanilla recipe like "Stone hammer"? BAC has a version. Other modders might well have their own.

A search of unreal Wiki could confuse a user as to what their vanilla game is using.

In general I support having info on the BAC out there "somewhere" but Im don't have the mind share in life to manage the BAC wiki. It has my general blessing. If an issue comes up I could be reached to discuss otherwise I learned in life to let other farmers grow the rice while I grow the potatoes.
Probably best to set up a new wiki indeed.
As for software, I would recommend tiki wiki as the free open source wiki software (rather than MediaWiki which is what Wikipedia and URW uses). It has a lot of stuff built-in, more convenient, easy to use.

On dealing with auto drop into wolves. You always start with your pets and companions to your east, and nobody agroed. Shift r to run always fight in run, your faster in run and thus more action, it more or less a free action switch between running and walking. then start to leash your dogs. I think wolves are some of the best modeled behaviors in the game. They are masters of hit and run, and if given a choice dislike a straight up toe to paw fight. Look around using the 9 key to flip 180 degrees, less actions to see the whole area. At this point if no wolf has attacked try to back away from the pack in what ever direction has the fewest furry gold mines, I mean death traps. Pick up any rocks and sticks that cross your path. At least in the last version I found that when hit by a throw rock or stick they will run away for a bit. Use that if one or more attacks you. Break their charge with a rock and keep backing away. Punches and kicks also seem to cause a "tactical retreat" reaction more than weapons do.

In short always try to maintain visual on the wolves get your dogs leashed and the goal is to get far enough away to zoom out so your objective in a fight is to get them to run, not to kill them all. That's what traps are for.
Thank you. I'll give it a try next time I come face to face with the kings of URW.

Wolves = run for your life.
Wolves = they outrun you.

Good advice, also against tough melee enemies like armored njerps, bears, or wolfpacks i find the best option is to keep the dogs leashed and back into a corner or a wall of trees so that enemies can only approach from the front.  the dogs in front will act as a screen, allowing you to step out from behind and deal damage, then back away again.  The enemy will be forced to split its attention between you and the dogs, either way they will be getting attacked from multiple dogs at once.  I do this with 3 dogs (i find any more and it gets a little hard to manage) and I have never lost a fight.

For hunting, 3 dogs will also pretty much always tire out any large game.  It's as easy as finding the animal, unleashing the dogs, order them to attack, and follow the barking/running tracks.  Then just walk up and club the breathless animal to death.  Voila, instant pelt and meat every time.
With only 3 dogs in your army, how do you deal with the unfortunate scenario of getting force dropped into the world, facing a large wolf pack?
It seems to be game ending to me and I look for a solution for that.
30-dog army is one potential solution which I will try as soon as I can but in the mean time, if you have any solution or tips, it would be much appreciated.

Hey guys

Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers? If yes, how many dogs to play on the safe side. I know they are not really good for hunting cause they ruin the skins, but I am thinking about trying some kind of dog kennel game :D

I am currently travelling with 6 dogs, 2 big, 2 female I think.
I encountered Kaumi robbers and another robber band, single njerp (twice), single bear and pack of 6 made short work of all threats. I have had to replace a single dog only.

I also saved and experimented with attacking a spotted wolf pack, I knew it was a bad idea (hence the save) just wanted to find out how bad. It turns out pretty bad as wolves screwed up the dogs totally, lost the truck (cow) and all dogs but 2 and I wouldn't have made out alive had I tried to play that scenario any longer.

I rolled back and made a mental note to amass 30 dogs as soon as I can.

Suggestions / Re: Well
« on: February 22, 2020, 12:49:18 AM »
Good idea to be able to ask it. Hope it gets implemented soon.
also a good tip to mark nearby villages pre-ice age, cheers

General Discussion / Re: Micromanaging Rope lengths problem
« on: February 19, 2020, 09:35:45 AM »
Player do not want to waste tying equipment resource.
when it comes to cooking, 1 feet rope is the supreme choice as only that size guarantees nothing will be wasted.
we want 15x 1 feet ropes rather than 1x 15 feet rope.

With that logic, upon acquisition of a 15 feet rope, logical thing to do is to shorten it.
this process takes unnecessarily too many operations at the moment.

"Shorten to pieces of N feet" option is going to be a huge UX improvement.

Suggestions / Re: Flooding
« on: February 18, 2020, 09:28:31 PM »
It would be interesting if the areas of low elevation collected water after rains and the shores of the rivers changed. It would be dangerous to build your shelter too close to the river if it was raining a lot, you'd have to build on higher ground. Valleys between mountains would also flood suddenly if there was a lot of rain.
Great idea!

Note that your character wasn't kicked in the eye because the opponent aimed for them, but because that's where the kick landed. The opponent probably aimed for the head, and the zone within the head happened to be the eyes.
Yes, I understand that but it shouldn't be possible as the size of feet vs the size of 'opening' in the helmet for yes does not match. it shouldn't connect.

With regards to your njerp spared my character story: wow - didn't know that was possible.


As a fully armoured (dark green) character with a mini dog army of 4 while looking for the north pole, I just had an encounter with a 'forester adventurer'.
Normally I don't attack solo dudes and I admit what follows next is horrible behaviour. However it was performed as a semi-scientific test (saving game first then testing a what-if scenario)...

I pissed of this poor FA by broadhead shooting him first, then clubbed him a little to take the first weapon.
When he didn't want to play, I chased him and insisted on playing a little bit i.e. clubbed all his weapons, including improvised weapons of no-destruction (rocks, stones) etc.
Eventually he lost all his weapons, a chunk of blood, and stamina as expected.

Then this happened:
Code: [Select]
..(many kick attempts removed)..
(000000):n5hh:[T]{04CA03D5}      | The Forester adventurer tries to kick you.
(143270):n5hh:[#]{04CA03D5}      | Defense Maneuver: Block with Roundshield
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | He executes a skilled kick and you make an awkward attempt to block with your roundshield.
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | His kick glances off of your abdomen still hurting you.
(AB5700):n5hh:[+]{04CA03D5}      | The impact doesn't penetrate your armour.

(000000):n5hh:[T]{04CA03D5}      | The Forester adventurer tries to kick you.
(143270):n5hh:[#]{04CA03D5}      | Defense Maneuver: Block with Roundshield
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | His pathetic kick is barely an attack and you make an awkward attempt to block with your roundshield.
(000000):n5hh:[T]{04CA03D5}      | The Forester adventurer stumbles and falls.
(000000):n5hh:[F]{04CA03D5}      | Forester adventurer rises back on his feet.

(000000):n5hh:[T]{04CA03D5}      | The Forester adventurer tries to kick you.
(143270):n5hh:[#]{04CA03D5}      | Defense Maneuver: Block with Roundshield
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | He executes a skilled kick and you make an awkward attempt to block with your roundshield.
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | His kick glances off of your hip still hurting you.
(AB5700):n5hh:[+]{04CA03D5}      | The impact doesn't penetrate your armour.

(000000):n5hh:[T]{04CA03D5}      | The Forester adventurer tries to kick you.
(143270):n5hh:[#]{04CA03D5}      | Defense Maneuver: Block with Roundshield
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | He fails to do more than a sloppy kick and you make an awkward attempt to block with your roundshield.
(000000):n5hh:[Y]{04CA03D5}      | You block his kick.

(000000):n5hh:[T]{04CA03D5}      | The Forester adventurer tries to kick you.
(143270):n5hh:[#]{04CA03D5}      | Defense Maneuver: Block with Roundshield
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | He carries out a perfect kick and you make an awkward attempt to block with your roundshield.
(000000):n5hh:[H]{04CA03D5}      | His kick glances off of your eye still hurting you.
(3C5A98):n5hh:[:]{04CA03D5}      | The world turns black and you fall unconscious.

(3C5A98):n5hh:[:]{04CA03D5}      | You regain consciousness...
(663333):n5hh:[&]{04CA03D5}      | You get back on your feet.
(000000):n5hh:[T]{04CA03D5}      | The Forester adventurer tries to kick you.

My suggestions are:

1. Remove the chance of 'eye kick' completely. I don't think it's possible with real life physics, due to 2 reasons:
a. Size of feet vs size of eye socket: it's just near-impossible to kick someone in the eye, especially in the heat of battle.
b. Position of a foot in space vs position of eyes in space: there's about 2 mt vertical space in between. I won't just stand there while the kicker adjusts his flying kick perfectly (not in a full suit with a masterwork shield, which I am actively using every counter-move).

2. In the unlikely event a FA manages to knock out the aggressor:
a. He should either kill the aggressor, or
b. At least fully take all weapons initially, and probably everything useful in battle thereafter such as the shield. You might think "perhaps he was already unarming you?". It is true I do not know how much time passed (and maybe he was in the process of doing so) however when I came to, there were zero removed weapons therefore I think he just stood there doing nothing. He was on the same tile.


Gameplay questions / Re: Rope used up
« on: February 06, 2020, 11:35:10 PM »
Be nice if it would just automatically cut the rope according to the task at hand. Or at least have it as an additional menu in that task, rather than make the player exit out of that menu, go into tying equipment, and then shorten/tie each cord for what they're doing. I believe it's better than the previous system, but it adds a lot of unnecessary key presses for a rather trivial process.
That would be next step in tying equipment evolution. I hope it gets implemented and soon.

General Discussion / Re: No Finnish version?
« on: February 06, 2020, 11:32:43 PM »
Internationalization is a good idea.
There are solutions that provide global (free/paid) infrastructure so that translators can contribute, such as:
and others.

While no small undertaking, I hope it does find a place in the TODO list.

Suggestions / Re: Snowstorms and Blizzards
« on: February 06, 2020, 11:20:30 PM »
These flavour events sound cool and might have a positive impact.

However surely there is a personal taste in these matters. Personally, when it comes to such things (in other games) with anything that limits freedom, novelty wears off quick and it gets pretty boring which eventually turns annoying.

Considering the real life rarity of such events, if it ever makes into the game I hope frequency (or even existence of such features) will be moddable not to force it upon anyone who don't enjoy it after testing out the new/cool feature early on.

General Discussion / Re: programming language?
« on: February 06, 2020, 11:12:37 PM »
Hello, and thanks for your question!

The UnReal World is written in C and C++
I'm afraid that switching to another language would mean practically re-writing all of the code by hand, which would be an enormously time-consuming task. Also, we have been rather happy with C and C++ so there hardly is any reason to consider other languages.
Hmm reading news.txt (or oldnews.txt) I thought it was 100% C. Any rough ratio on C vs C++?
I am also interested to know which parts are C++ if you don't mind.

Finally, I am curious whether there are any long term (another 30 years+) plans to ensure continuity as after 30 years this project is more or less heritage-class artefact. Long live the devs BTW. You indeed did create a masterpiece.

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