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Messages - ineedcords

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General Discussion / Re: Starving dogs refuse fresh Njerp? (6.1)
« on: June 23, 2020, 12:25:37 AM »
I take everything back and claim the opposite. The Njerp is eaten as intended.
Didnt know that there is a vegan dog mode :D But truely the dog of my grandma was crazy for raw potatoes ..
haha that was a joke!
I should have added a smiley to the end   :)

General Discussion / Re: Starving dogs refuse fresh Njerp? (6.1)
« on: June 14, 2020, 08:15:08 PM »
Is that standard now or a mistake from me?

As i bring my starving dogs a really tasty fresh Njerpes Warrior they shake their heads. Such waste of food should anger the spirits. Would be a shame :)

Didnt see it in the change log, overlooked?
Do you have the vegan dogs mod?


Previous version that i played was 3.51 i think, had no problems. Some time  passed and wanted to play again, as latest version was on steam/itch only - bought it. I added BAC mod and changed few pictures.
The problem happens when i try to leave village/town. It happens when i try to leave by going to world map and when i just try to walk far away in region map (1 worldmap square around village is ok, but more will crash). It seems to happen at tribe villages, the region map feels slower/laggy. Tried the other culture villages few times, was fine and game speed was fine. In tribe village it happens about 8 times out of 10. Sometimes it happens when i load a save, about 1 out of 10. In random non village location it has happened 2 times in 5h gameplay.
Thought it might be the mod or my save. Made clean install and new character, same problem.
no affiliation with the devs just a quick input which might help:
1. Is your Windows system fully updated? If not, simply installing all available system updates might get rid of this issue.
2. If updating your system does not help, have you tried adding a DEP exception?

Good luck!

edit: typo fix

The off topic section would be the proper place for this.

General discussion > is general about Unreal World
You're right, sorry didn't spot off topic. I don't see the option to move it in modify screen. Hopefully a mod can move it...

Off-topic / 300 days alone in the real world in 2008 (YouTube video)
« on: June 10, 2020, 12:50:31 AM »
I thought some of you might enjoy this video about a modern day Robinson Crusoe of sorts.
While video is about 2 years old, I did a quick search before posting this, I don't think this was posted before so hopefully it's news and enjoyable to some.

Edit: added smoking link
Edit: added YouTube video to subject

Suggestions / Re: Dog's Priority List for Food
« on: June 04, 2020, 09:46:42 PM »
That sounds annoying. Root cause is dogs were hungry though. If you regularly feed dogs, that won't happen.
I regularly feed my dogs, and that never happened to me.
He says there is enough food between the traps. I think the issue is the proximity. But it shouldn't be a problem because between old meat and a fresh fox, the dogs would definitely pick the fox at least to toy with.

Solution is as said above, cellar, tie dogs, etc.
He said dogs woke him up (hungry) and he went to a trap.

Since dogs follow the owner, he should have dropped food around him and group order dogs to eat (unless he stands next to trapped fox) they will eat food closes to the PC (player character) thus the fox will be untouched.

I drop food around me and group order dogs to eat and never had an issue with dogs eating something I did not want them to eat.

Suggestions / Re: Dog's Priority List for Food
« on: June 04, 2020, 09:20:52 PM »
That sounds annoying. Root cause is dogs were hungry though. If you regularly feed dogs, that won't happen.
I regularly feed my dogs, and that never happened to me.


Just a quick QoL improvement suggestion please; allow us to drink from a container that is located on an owned animal which is standing on a neighbouring tile.
As you know, currently we do this:
  • Take container from animal.
  • Drink from container.
  • Drop container.
  • Push container on to animal.
This 4-step process is repeated too many times every (winter) day.

Thanks for this great game!

General Discussion / Re: Early-Mid-Game Progression Questions
« on: May 31, 2020, 01:06:18 PM »
>I'm kinda lost as to what I should be focusing on.
>Should I focus strongly on building a house?
>Should I try and upgrade clothing and tools?
>Should I be hunting non-stop and building wealth?

Focusing on wealth generation and equipment improvement sounds like a good goal as wealth opens possibility to pretty much anything - as long as you don't die!
One thing annoys me is the "you're dead" screen.

While you can reduce the risk of it, I think you can never 100% eliminate the risk of getting attacked by robbers or wolves.
They both travel in groups and even if you're fully upgraded you probably won't survive as a one-man army against a group.
For that reason I would recommend getting a pack of dogs as bodyguards, to increase chances of healthy long life in URW.
I enjoy having at least 5 dogs with me at all times along with 1 bull (truck) and 1 cow (truck with portable dairy facilities); this gives adequate hauling/storage capacity for my taste.
Perhaps work towards having such an entourage?

Do note that you need to increase your food acquisition speed when you have more mouths to take care of. Personally I am having about 7-8 nets which appears to produce adequate food to sustain this group, on a rapid, combined with the occasional hunt. This passive, reliable food acquisition method frees you up for building/crafting/skill-training etc.

With regards to the first cabin: if you are able to, do postpone building a cabin until you have all masterwork tools (Carving Axe/Woodman's Axe/Broad Axe/Splitting Axe) as owning these makes the boring build process quicker. Similarly, as has been said above, owning a bull speeds up the process as it can carry tree trunks. You fell a tree, push it on to the bull, carry it next to your shelter/build site, convert it to a log there (all the side-produce branches stay there on the ground, next to the temp shelter so that you can use them in the future for fire).

I personally never focused on having my cabin near a village but almost always next to a rapid to guarantee 365 days access to fresh water without breaking any ice (waste of real life time and game time with zero benefit IMO). In case you haven't seen/read about it 'rapid' tiles do not freeze even in the dead of winter, they also produce more fish.

General Discussion / Re: Noob Questions
« on: May 28, 2020, 08:15:42 PM »
I have found a few issues and stuff I can't really do while playing (started playing 2 days ago) and I hope someone on this server might help me out.

1 - How do I take some of my clothing off? I know how to put them on (CTRL+W) but, for the life of me, I can't find out how to take them off

2 - Whenever I try to plant a fishing net it says the water isn't deep enough, but If i swim to deeper water I can't use the fishing net. What am I doing wrong?

3 - Do you go straight into building a cabin after you're settled? It takes so long to build that, if I don't start early, I'm afraid I might not finish it in time for winter

4 - Is it possible to survive indefinitely, if you manage to avoid dying from stupid events?

5 - Is agriculture essencial for long term surviving?

That's all, thanks in advance for the help.
All your questions have been answered, I'll just add a suggestion: try and obtain masterwork quality axes before you start building anything.
Based on axe availability and your wealth generation speed, it will take a while.

Note that you're not in rush, even in the dead of winter, without a wooden building, you can still survive using a tiny shelter combined with furs (to sleep on - as they keep you warm at no cost, without requiring a constantly burning fire). You can always use nearest village's sauna to smoke meat or dry meat without having your own wooden building.

Modding / Re: New furniture item: "Chest" for storing things
« on: March 01, 2020, 11:53:51 PM »
Sometimes the cabin tends to get a bit cluttered, especially in long games.  It's perfectly possible to stash large piles on a single tile, but it looks messy to simply dump everything on the floor.

It would be nice to be able to build a furniture item called "Chest".  I would imagine it would function similar to a cellar, but without the added benefit of keeping food fresh.

It would particularly be nice for clothing items, since those seem to tend to pile up the most.
It's a good idea but I think it should be bigger in scope, in the form of "storage room".
Prerequisite ideas: Shovel, stones, boards.

Modding / Re: [WIP] RPG-ish(?) Character Portraits
« on: February 27, 2020, 07:06:55 PM »
Hi, this is my first post on these forums. I've been experimenting with digitally painting over a couple of the default character portraits and wanted to share one. I'm open to thoughts and criticisms on how to better make it fit the game. I'm mainly unsure of what I'm doing with the backgrounds. This one has taken about 2-3 hours. I'd love to have a go at all of them eventually but we will see.
My personal take: Since I already know there are trees behind the character, seeing trees there in the portrait picture don't help me at all, quite the opposite it's distracting.
No trees is better so I like your work. Thanks for sharing it.

If you make a mini mod (or just upload your pictures) I would use it.

Suggestions / Re: Please add the ability to dig a water well
« on: February 27, 2020, 07:01:57 PM »
In real life you need dynamite if a soil layer is hard, so in game you shouldn't be able to make a well everywhere. Also, water is not close to surface everywhere, so given the age and difficulty to dig dip enough, it should be another issue for well placement. But barrels would be really nice. And barrels of brew :D
I get that that it
a. either should not be possible to 'easily' dig a well at tough/tougher spots (e.g.: on hills or in mountain range),
b. or perhaps the task should take much longer but still possible.
However that kind of tile is an edge case and I don't want to request a feature for an edge case. What I am talking about is the softer ground (soft in summer).
For those many 'reasonable tiles', it should be possible to dig a well with dedication.

If massive water holding tanks are added to the game, perhaps you could load say 500 kg water to a bull and pull it to your home.
In the long run though it would get too micro-managementy.
Probably adding a well option is the easiest way forward to extend potential home base territory to most of the map.

Bug reports / Re: transporting heavy objects on wilderness map
« on: February 27, 2020, 06:54:33 PM »
I've got a use for dropping things on the wilderness map:
1. Corpses of dead Njerps and robbers.<cut>
Another valid use of "drop stuff in wilderness map" function is: drop watercraft and start using it without changing map mode.

Suggestions / Re: Please add the ability to dig a water well
« on: February 27, 2020, 06:17:15 PM »
<cut>...tubs are too small, holding less than...<cut>
I agree, it should be possible to stockpile a lot of water with reasonable amount of effort (without requiring 50 wooden bowls or 500 wooden cups).

In real life, I never dug a well but I would assume it would be a huge endeavour - something you would only do for your home/main base and not for temporary hunting shelters etc.
Perhaps make well the ultimate water solution, and a big water tank the medium ground.

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