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Messages - Tinker

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Suggestions / Re: snow melting for drinking water
« on: April 04, 2020, 11:27:02 AM »
And do not forget the sage advice, "Do not eat yellow snow."

General Discussion / Re: "The Challenge"
« on: April 04, 2020, 11:24:35 AM »
I find this a very interesting way to play, and difficult, I can see why some people might give up after a couple of tries.

My first attempt caused a dilemma I started with a masterwork knife and several pieces of clothing that were masterwork, I was very tempted not to discard them all. My injuries were quite bad, lots of small cuts and bruises and a deep wound on my hip, I role played this by not climbing, running or even walking to far without resting. Just to my north there was a hill which would give me a chance to get some bearings, to the north were mountains and everywhere else was thick forest.

Water was going to be my problem, I needed to find some fast. I headed south as that seemed more downhill, I collected several sorts of berries and other plants as I went and some rocks and fallen branches. Around midday I stopped to rest my hip, lit a fire and ate some of the berries that I recognised. The berries filled my stomach and decreased some of my thirst but I was sure I could not live on berries all winter. I eventually found my way around a steep cliff, through a narrow gap in the trees, there was an ideal spot to spend the night, it looked as if should have a pond but it did not.

At the bottom of the cliff there was a trunk, nearby were several trees to collect more firewood from. I decided to rest there for the night, I dropped all my goods in a pile, pushed some branches onto the trunk, that might keep me warm all night. While waiting for night to fall I could make myself a stone knife, examine the plants I had collected and collect some branches to keep the fire going.

At this point RL got in the way and I had to do other things for an hour or so, when I got back I decided to save the game until the next day. When I loaded the game again I was back at the place where I had started, not at my camp, all my goods were probably at the campsite, including my food. It was however evening, I was cold and hungry and all the plants near me had been picked. I tried to find my camp but died before I got there.

My second attempt went better, I lasted almost a week but died of a stupid mistake. I had found some water after travelling a few Km, I set some traps, collected firewood and started building a shelter. This was where my stupid mistake came in, rather than light a fire to keep warm while working I persisted in building the shelter until I was to cold and weak to light a fire.

I now play this using BAC mod as there is more choice of actions while not being easier, you can spend most of the day making birch shoes which do very little to keep you warm.

Works OK for me using the link in the first post or the link in the post above yours.

I think you need to be logged in to download so maybe that is your problem?

I am still on 3.61, not much point updating until I finish rebuilding my system, as I cannot run anything yet.

It happened to me once as well, but I did not notice the skin was missing at first, I was more interested in the meat at the time and later I assumed I had built a fire to cook the meat on top of the skin, or something equally stupid. I do remember I was falling asleep as well as starving at the time.

Despite having created several pages for the BAC mod, all identified with a BAC prefix, I was coming to the same conclusion, mainly because the urw wiki is broken. I have started a new one, initially on my local system so I can then upload a working framework once the outlines are sorted.

General Discussion / wiki and email
« on: February 17, 2020, 01:03:31 PM »
It is not clear who the administrator of the wiki is, but I have come across a problem that might need administrator access.

In creating an account there is an option to add an email address to enable things like notifications. In order to get email actions enabled you need to reply to a setup mail but no mail is ever sent. I have tried several email address' just in case the system does not like some domain names. Could whoever has privileges look into this?

Yes everything wiki is just editing pages, 4 ~'s add signature and time stamp, you can use other numbers to add just your name or just the time. Check the wiki guide page on the wiki home for other formatting commands, or media wiki for a fuller guide.

Mediawiki provides management tools. I created a talk page at
Templates are no problem, several exist already.

I jumped in and created a page on the unreal wiki, I updated Bryguns mod on the mod list to point to this thread and the new page. No details added yet.

I agree that 'something' is needed. I spend half my time trying to find where in the menu something is, or trying to work out why would I want to create x, until some time later I find out I need x to make y.

A wiki would be suitable for users to use and add to as they see fit, and once set up it would require minimal maintenance. I have worked with several commercial style wikis as well as open source game wikis and might be able to help here if there is some consensus on the overall layout and a list of what needs to be included. It might be an idea to start a new topic for this so as not to clutter the BAC thread.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.60] URWCharacterMenu
« on: November 14, 2019, 10:25:27 AM »
Just to point out mono on linux is regarded by most hardcore linux users as not being linux anymore. I for one have no intention of installing mono. If you have a git repository, not on github, then I could look at converting the code, sometime. (tm)

General Discussion / Re: Can I buy the game without steam?
« on: November 12, 2019, 10:41:14 AM »
I have also been seriously considering buying urw, there are a couple of things that hold me back.

The first is I have not actually bought any software for about 18 years, I usually stick with FOSS as the projects develop better with a team of occasional contributers and I feel more comfortable if I can add code, graphics or whatever.

Another thing holding me back is steam, basically I do not trust any faceless multinational corporation with my data, it also seams that to use the steam version on linux I must also install and run their OS, that is never going to happen.

You need the file listed in the first post of this topic, BAC mod v059 pre 3.60

Gameplay questions / Re: Measurements for terrain map and wilderness.
« on: September 30, 2019, 09:34:51 AM »
Unless I have totally misunderstood your question, the size of each tile is shown under the map, last line of the text box.
Terrain tiles are 2m and wilderness tiles are 100m.

On another subject why are measurements like distance in metric and other things not metric? It would make sense for all to be metric or all some other system.

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