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Messages - Buoidda

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Suggestions / Re: Fish sometimes visible in nearby water
« on: November 18, 2020, 06:44:24 PM »
Yes, so called strike fishing (club/spear etc) would be more tedious. I agree on that. But since Sami is going to make the lot better fishing item fishing rod craftable by the player, henceforth strike fishing would be less useful anyway and more used as an attack of opportunity (doing smth else, a bear pipe quest, maybe? and seeing a big fish) and special occasions (salmon run).

This suggestion would bring another way of fishing to urw, with the excitement of trying to sneak up to the big catch and not spooking it. It wouldn't take away the old one completely, as practised with the fishing rod.

Clearing the snow off the ice would be probably too much work for the mere chance to find any fish.

Good point about fords, btw. Maybe better for people too.

Suggestions / Live fish sometimes visible in nearby water
« on: November 18, 2020, 04:40:18 PM »
Sami is improving fishing! Time to talk about fishing, people!

Spoiler: Personal rambling • show

None of you know, but I too aspired to become a roguelike coder once upon a time. Of something not totally unlike Urw. But I decided it was too much work. Later I began making crafts for a living, hunting and fishing in real life, regularily helping out with reindeers too. I come from a family of fishermen-craftsmen. (I'm saying this because I've been besserwissering around a lot here on the forums lately. So take this as a sort of claim I know something about what I blab about. I'm not always right, though, and happy to admit it when I'm not.)

Anyway, here is a visage of what I envisioned fishing to be in that game of mine:
1. pic) fish is splashing
2. pic) the character makes a successful spot check
3. pic) the character carefully wades into striking range
4. pic) notice how fish changes to its proper color when caught

I've been carrying this mental image for two decades.  I had to write this somewhere to finally let go of this persisting memory. Thank you for reading.

I read about Sami improving angling code, (
so this topic jumped in urgency.

My suggestions:
- (provided the fishing rod will be craftable as Sami suggests)
- EDIT: add splashing sounds/messages to notify the character of fish presence
- it would be stupendously cool to sometimes spot big fish in water (when very close, next tile or at most two tiles away)
- this would possibly be the only way to club/spear/tridentify fish
- this form of fishing could require usually lot of moving around / along the edge of ice / wading
- only in certain places and times of the year fish would be so abundant that just standing and waiting in correct place would be good
- EDIT: I'm not suggesting big fish would be modeled as 'true/persisting' animals, because that would be unnecessarily heavy implementation

No actual change, but considering what I suggested
- smaller fish wouldn't be seen like above (or even modelled)
- with fishing rod one could catch also those smaller fish and in deep water catch big fish without seeing them (like it is now)
- EDIT: one could also wait by a spot and lash out automatically the instant a fish is seen (like fishing is now)

Additional ideas:
- imagine having to compete with bears for that spot in rapids, during salmon run (this might be just an Alaskan thing ;D)
- one traditional way of catching pike and burbot is kolkkaus, stunning. This works only when the water first freezes in autumn and there is no snow. The fish is near and under the ice. If there's not enough sunlight one needs a torch to find them. One hits the ice with an axe and the fish is stunned for a moment, enough to make a hole in the ice (3cm clear ice) and grab the fish. I didn't find proper material quickly, but at least this conversation in Finnish:

Suggestions / Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences
« on: November 16, 2020, 03:30:48 PM »
A good summary @PALU. I'd like to add that I didn't propose or favor reindeer being able to jump over fences in the game. There are likely many players who like to herd reindeer into pens for later ... management.

Ps. Someone should actually propose taming animals - if it isn't already. I'm myself suffering a self-constituted cooldown period on making suggestions.

Suggestions / Add Roe deer doe / Roe buck
« on: November 15, 2020, 11:14:24 AM »
I was going to postpone this until later, but seeing that the elk thread is hot lukewarm I thought this might bring something to that discussion too.

Also yes I anticipate some point out that roe deer is a recent comer (1900s) to Finland but they have just become extinct earlier. After a quick search, Swedish wikipedia says they "returned 8000 years ago to Skandinavia" and Finnish that there's some speculation of it being native based on some old place names. Anyway, being the realism-nerd that I am, on historical perspective, I'd still be happy about them being featured .

What roe deer would bring to the game?
- variety (yea!)
- ungulate with less meat (yea!) (Finally the clichée idea of a hunter carrying a deer carcass back to camp  ;D)
- there is lack for medium sized food game - between a rabbit/capercaillie and a sow/reindeer. Ickyucky predators don't count.  :P
- AI could be like that of reindeer, though less aggessive
- would exist most commonly/mostly in South / river areas
- variety (yea!)

You've been ranting about too much easy meat. What about game difficulty?
- timidness = escape likelihood and distance
- elks and reindeer could be made more timid and less common - at least in some regions
- roe deer would be as timid than their bigger cousins are currently
- roe deer could be more abundant but less easily spotted on overland map
- being lighter and very small feet: less easily tracked
- smaller targets!
- forest reindeers could be made less common in extreme south / and not exist in archipelago

Additional ideas
- what if they could spontaneously die if too harsh a winter? (We have them sometimes here in north of Finland, spreading from warmer areas in North of Norway (even more north but warmer because of the ocean). But they tend to die off during winters - because of too much snow.)

General Discussion / Re: "The Challenge"
« on: November 14, 2020, 08:55:56 PM »
On first go I soon resorted zooming out and was in Driik in no time. Didn't feel like a challenge anymore, so I quit.

I just had to try properly: Sharing my experience

At first it felt so exciting, not knowing where u are. Really lost. I had piece of paper taped so I couldn't see region clues. (They can also ruin your experience since they sometimes flash on zoomed-in map while map is loading.)

My strategy was to move towards populated direction asap. No hunting, no berry-picking, just go. It's easier to find villages, game and water if you move as much as possible. I did meet an elk near a lake at some point and soon wore elk. Starvation and cold weren't a problem.

Since I've spent six real hours walking south (zoomed in) and side-eyeing TV. Utterly tedious. No fun at all.

It turns out I was inside Reemi area the whole time. Without finding a single village (I've passed one) and only couple of useless mountains.

Spoiler: show

The character is alive and well but I don't think I am :P  So much for that saturday evening. Be warned.

PS. I'd modify the rules so that zooming out is allowed after finding first cliff/mountain. Or just tape the paper and zoom out immediately. Sure it's easier but rules also tell to have fun.  ;)

PPS. If I may say so, I'd suggest to rename the challenge something like the "lost challenge" or smth. Just to ease distinguishing between different challenges, I'm sure people invent more...   :o

Suggestions / Re: Small scale primitive smoker
« on: November 13, 2020, 03:45:42 PM »
Taking development time into account,

why not just allow smoking in kota insides and doorways (because there is no inside in the smallest one)

or, better yet, allow smoking/drying in all kota squares and make the walls accessible by crawling. I could see crawling under kota walls useful in other situations too.

With possibly the requirement (when smoking) to have a complete kota. (then it can take more time than the cabin, though)

Suggestions / Imminent death warnings
« on: November 13, 2020, 11:47:52 AM »
Rip Asllat. He had just completed his sauna and wanted to learn to swin (0%). Although I know how swimming skill works and should've been more careful, he drowned in just a few turns before I realized he was in danger. Oh the irony ;D

Another, a close call, was during winter when it was cold below game thermometer. Ásllat was sweating, wearing all fur he could make (of elk and reindeer), so I really didn't expect him to be freezing to death while taking a little stroll (<40 meters) outside his kota fire.

Both of these were numb-brained player mistakes. I wasn't paying attention / expecting so sudden danger.

I'm not all too bothered myself, but I do think that because of permadeath (written in icy characters, muahhahah) people can lose a hard-worked-for character a bit too easily. I've actually killed characters off by quitting and not saving when trying to quaff (make hole in the ice? 'yes', then drink) with rapid keypresses and some late-night carelessness and fumbling: Boom! Gone.

So I suggest:

- freezing to death to actually blink continuously when it's on - isn't so disturbing because rarely is 'on' at least for long  :D
- have warning sound effect/pause when freezing (shivering female/male voice would fit here nicely)
- have warning sound effect/pause when freezing to death (intense shivering female/male voice would fit here nicely)
- have sound effect/pause when danger of drowning (gurgling female/male voice would fit here nicely)
- 'q' is a bit too often used a command for both drinking and 'Q'uitting, imho. I use 'Esc' anyways to leave game so I rarely even 'Q'uit.

Maybe have them toggleable in the ini-file

Bug reports / [3.63] Hireling drowned himself
« on: November 12, 2020, 05:28:47 PM »
I hired Santtu to chop trunks on a single tile cliff island. Few days later he was missing. I searched the island, then his village. There they said they wouldn't work for me before Santtu shows up.

Finally I found him north of the island. There was still trees standing on the island.

Suggestions / Re: Traps should be nerfed
« on: November 12, 2020, 01:50:22 PM »
Thank you for contributing.

In my experience, the degree to which traps are "overpowered" depends a lot on luck. I've had characters strategically build a trap fence between an open mire and spruce mire tile after seeing reindeer movement there and end up trapping an entire herd of 9 animals over a few days, to the point where I couldn't preserve all the meat and was pissing off the spirits. On the other hand, I've set many trap fences that never caught a thing.

Spoiler: My response: Traps are not responsible for generating animal presence • show
Luck being here that there will be animals spawning near the traps. I've read that high trapping skill can increase animal spawn rate. But generally traps are not responsible for generating animal presence. I usually start trapping only after confiming animal presence or near my settlement to fend them off/deal with bothersome individuals.

And with traps I always mean traps. Fences are linked semantically, but in game mechanics entirely different thing. And much more important for urw players, imho. Sorry for saying so, but it seems to me that we should be all a bit more precise with the distinction.

I'm aware you can't dig pits in mires. But you don't really need traps at all to get big game, especially if you have time to make fences.

With fences one can enclose entire reindeer herds alive and save them for later or at least kill off one by one so that there is ample time to work. With surprisingly little work if done 'correctly' (or, rather, exploitatively). See the elk thread to know what I mean (a picture in a spoiler in my 3rd comment):

So if anything, fences are overpowered in this game. That I'd address only by having fleeing elks being able to jump over/crush them, which is realistic and benefits game balance a little bit. About traps, at least I said "some balancing".

If someone maintains the position that deadfall traps should trap ungulates (ie because they can be constructed on marshland and baserock), please and welcome to continue debating on that topic on the elk thread. :)

With my current character I was actually banking on a fruitful trap fence to build up enough wealth in furs to be able to have that character buy some reindeer and test out a nomadic life living off their milk. The combination of nothing in my trap fences and then running into robbers (as I was in the middle of constructing a new trap fence, ironically enough) pretty much ended that plan. Now she's wandering half naked after having all her clothed robbed and shooting arrows with her primitive bow at every grouse that flies by.

This seems to me a more critique on robbers making the game too hard than traps making it easy enough. I hate robbers too, and rarely travel around with my best gear. But that is welcome excitement/risk to me. Maybe you should make a suggestion on robber free areas, like near the powerful Driik for example?

Based on many historical reports of various indigenous cultures using fence lines and corrals to send game into trap pits or just driving large herds of animals off cliffs, I'd say there actually is some historical basis for the current success rate of traps.

Spoiler: My response: success rate of pits • show
success rate of pits, to be more precise (and historical). Success of which I have not suggested any change, except on part of bait. Which again (fence+bait) is a bit unhistorical in my book.

But I'm not saying here that fences shouldn't be used with other traps. I'm pretty convinced they have been too in some circumstances, though I have no explicit knowledge about it.

I repeat:

My suggestions on trap (not fence!) effectiveness (ability of game to actually enter a trap tile and get stuck):
- no ungulates in deadfalls
- harder to get big predators
- more small predators
- smaller bait effect to ungulates

Spoiler: show

What makes them appear overpowered is more that the food and furs are going to a single individual (I.e. the player) whereas historically such abundance would have been shared out among the tribe or village, just as the process of building the fence line and driving the animals would have been a group endeavor.

True. I hired a companion to help, but he's no good at fencing.  ;D

I will add that some players do actually enjoy the more settled "end game" scenario and crafting with mods, as much as if not more than the grind to get there. I appreciate that there is at least sometimes an option of hunting windfalls, though for my characters it's still far from consistent.

No disagreement here.

I think those who want a greater challenge can always downgrade their trapping skill,

Well I can't. My current chap started with 0 in all skills, survived on getting catches with 0% trapping and active hunting by cornering big game. Later he got trapping to 15% and trapped 8/9 wolves. With which I'm totally fine with, except for the wolf part.

not set as many traps or not set them in areas where reindeer were just spotted,

It kinda breaks the game if you start avoiding to do stuff just because its too easy. But I do it and I have to do it currently in urw, which diminishes the game experience. Really simple example is being skilled in fishing.

or perhaps redistribute some of the wealth of meat and furs to a local "adopted" village which you could roleplay as your home village.

True. I refer to previous though. And urw villagers don't seem to make me feel at home.

There are many ways to make this game more challenging but only so many paths to a stable existence.

Spoiler: Not true by game mechanics • show
I feel exactly opposite. What you said is true when forcing roleplaying on players. Not true by game mechanics.

Even completely 'zeroed'-skill start character starting with injuries can still corner big game and use fences to their advantage. They can't fish for living, but trapping still works. Which I do not complain about.

Using game mechanics it's far simpler to make the game easier: start with a grandmaster archer Owl-tribes(wo)man and most encounters end in a kill if you so wish. Fishing, trading, agriculture, ready-made trap fence, etc, etc. I admit, not as much diversity than using imagination to make role-playing rules for oneself. But we should be discussing the actual game play and mechanics, not house rules.

With my own character, I've honestly started to lose interest after getting robbed and not having any luck with trapping, since it means grinding through a winter in a 1 x 1 cabin until I can work back up to my original plan of trading for reindeer to do something other than the typical build cabin and settle path.

Spoiler: I understand • show
I well understand not wanting to do all that grinding again. Feeling probably we all face when a long-time character dies unexpectedly.

Alas, this is one of those games where rage-quitting and other, milder expressions of frustration are not unheard of. This is largely due to the
involvement, permadeath and the time and effort this game requires of players to attain certain goals.

But I feel these things add to the incredible, emergent depth of this unusual game. And one can always resort to save scumming if they want.

Last minute addition to @Bert Preast:
I agree in principle, but trapping is the only viable option to urw survival in some spesific situations, so I would retain the ability of catching at least small food game like birds and hares effectively using traps. Maybe not small predators very often.

Suggestions / Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences
« on: November 11, 2020, 06:22:03 PM »
What's the point of a trap fence if it doesn't guide the animals into the traps, but guides them into holes where there's a trap only the reindeer in the center of a tight formation wouldn't avoid? The same goes for trap lines.

You can make the argument that only pit traps (that can't be constructed on rocky or soggy terrain) are large enough to fill the 2 meter wide "hole" in between adjacent thingies, but it makes little sense for a trap fence where the fence can just automagically extend to fill the empty space,
I wasn't actually thinking nor talking about fences. Naturally it is as you say with fences.

(Though I think using fence with anything else than pits is unhistorical. There's bait + trap OR fence guiding into a pit trap or loop snare. Yes, loop snares are used without a bait. A little wall of twigs, hardly a fence though, so the birdie tries to walk through an opening in it.)
EDIT: This sounds too unflexible. See JPs comment below, it complements this well.

But in game I'm not so purist. I do use other traps in my fences too. But not to get ungulates but other animals.

and it would be rather arbitrary to say that you can't make a trap line of anything but pit traps because the the game happens to use 2 meter wide tiles and only allows you to place one trap on each tile, so you can't actually close the gaps without leaving most of the line as free space.
It would not make any sense in real life. And since I'm the role-playing type, I think using traps in long lines is exploitish and gamey. But that's just not my cup of cranberry juice. Of course people are free to play as they like.

Your bait argument indicates you're in favor of making any traps but pit traps useless unless baited (with traps placed on berry bushes being baited implicitly), and that would hold for trap lines as well as free standing traps (I agree I see no reason for an animal to enter a free standing trap unless it's baited, though).
No I'm not. The "drawn by the bait"-comment was a sidenote referring to real life traps, not changes I would make in Urw.

From realism and game immersion perspective:
My main argument was and is that deer-folk shouldn't be putting their heads and knees in tight places when they have no reason to. They can walk, jump or tatami roll over them or treat them as obstacles, idc that much. I just happen to still think they shouldn't trigger or be harmed by deadfall traps, of any size. Because of body dynamics and height. Reindeer are taller than wolves and on average taller than bears too. Elks couldn't possibly enter deadfall traps. Elk shoulder height is twice the height of the real life bear deadfall trap we have here in the museum.

EDIT: After finding this picture, make that elk shoulder height three times that trap. Reindeer shoulder height twice the height of the trap. Any sized reindeer would bolt over that thing in a second without a second thought. Of course I'm not saying this is the only model but close enough and understandably what I'm thinking of. Btw there's other Urw traps featured in the outside museum, welcome to the museum!  :)

EDIT: (while I'm still ruminating over this) I do believe irl it is possible for all these animals to get stuck somehow in weird human contraptions, it happens. But very, very rarely. I once found a mummified reindeer calf hanging in midair, stuck in wire fence. So sad :'( Actually the best thing in-game would be that deadfalls are almost never triggered by ungögögs, but that once in a urw characters lifetime they'd find a freakin' bull elk stuck in a bear trap by its antlers.

On game balance perspective:
I won't even get into this. It's even more needed to cut the possibilities to catch easy meat. (Though this little realism tweak doesn't really affect difficulty that much.)

Here I enclosed the leader of a group of reindeer. The others keep coming to him. I could chase them to breathless at my leisure.
Spoiler: I rest my case • show

I'm providing a save where I enclosed the whole herd in similar fashion, just in case someone wants to play around with it:

Suggestions / Re: Willows
« on: November 11, 2020, 05:13:23 PM »
Add willows to the game.

Allow the characters to peel bark of willows, then allow willow bark (possibly after scraping, or using in-game Cooking to boil it to usable form?) be used as anesthetic herb for treating wounds.
More so for long term/serious injuries cause skill penalty, allow the painkiller to reduce some of the penalty for few hours.

And willows should only produce slender trunks when felled. Eastern and Western. I don't recall seeing any in the north (aspens and alders, lot of dwarf birches). But then, I've not been to Finnish north since 1997.. (am I getting/being old soon?  ???)

Yes it would be nice to have willows. EDIT: They have so many uses, tanning, plaiting, cordage (net of Antrea 8000BC was made of willow bast in Finland) etc etc.

FYI @JP_Finn: Willow bark is almost exclusively used in tanning here up north, both traditionally and today. Willow bark has the highest tannin content of Finnish tree barks. I read spruce has even higher, but it's messier. Wouldn't produce even slender trunks though here, with the exception of goat willow (EDIT: and few other willow species).

Willow bark is easily stripped in June. It is boiled into solution in which leather is tanned through various stages. Solution strength increasing between stages, etc. Fur-bearing hides are scrubbed on the flesh side with a 'sponge' of willow bark, wet with the solution. The 'sponge' is just bark that is scraped off with a knife in autumn, when the bark is tightly bound. That way the bark obtained is finer and absorbs more solution for scrubbing. The bark solution is boiled the same way otherwise.

Suggestions / Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences
« on: November 11, 2020, 04:22:42 PM »
... Most of the time they ought to just pass through snares, light lever traps, and fox pawboards, but occasionally those should be triggered (with no harm caused to the big animal ...

I could go to lengths about this, especially about pawboards, but I'll just say I would be fine with this too.

although seals should probably trigger traps most of the time, given the grace with which they move on land]).

Hehe. U so funny.

I don't think they should move through large traps without triggering them, but rather just not walk into the confined space unless they really want to go to the other side. Thus, they'd trigger the traps more often than the small ones.

I was thinking that animals can peacefully coexist on a same square with a trap. Much like people in villages can or how we pass through bushes and tables. It's supposed to be a 2m wide square so I think it's reasonable that a deer can just pass beside the trap, without touching it. Thus ignoring it automatically. I really think ungulates have no inclination to stick their heads to confined spaces and crawl in. What the predators do, drawn by the bait. Well maybe boars, if there's bait. It's not like its a space high enough for a bear or wolf to go in comfortably. Then it would be too slow a deadfall.

This is more like a game mechanic philosophy thing - is it obligatory to face the trap if one enters the tile? Do we want to be able to make 'walls' of traps, knowing that certain animals can't pass through them? My answer to these would be no.

Reindeer ought to have a chance to get caught by a wolf trap if they triggered it (which would be most of the time), or injured but getting through it (obviously no injury if the trap wasn't triggered). Reindeer ought to get caught by bear traps if they trigger it, while elks ought to have a chance to escape with only injuries, but trigger it every time.

Are you saying this because of realism or game balance? I'll elaborate my points once I know which one you mean.

Suggestions / Re: Traps should be nerfed
« on: November 11, 2020, 12:10:30 PM »
@PALU  oh, okay. Yes I agree with you now. The 'net no penalties' would not affect starts, but would offer an alternative to trapping for characters who have been injured later in the game too (and happen to lack food for a reason or another). A badly injured character wouldn't be roaming around checking traps if net fishing would be an option.

What do you think of my other suggestions?

Suggestions / Re: Traps should be nerfed
« on: November 11, 2020, 10:59:10 AM »
20 or 25 is where easy mode starts.

I don't know how lucky a person can expect to be in real life with a trap fence, but I agree with you that the game gets too easy from the moment the first elk visits your trap fence.

I support @codyo and agree with @Plotinus above. I've been playing very low skill characters lately and I agree trapping needs some balancing. For beginners there are skilled character starts available already.

A problem is that lowering the chance for traps to catch something based on trapping ability hits beginning characters that may be struggling a bit already, while having effectively no effect on established characters.
That's why I suggest nerfing trapping against some animals and buffing against others. Also to make trapping more interesting in late game too. I should be a real challenge to lure that elusive bear or wolf finally into a trap.

A different approach might be to reduce the spawning rate based on how long the character has been in the area over time or the amount of game caught based on fauna being scared away/depopulated. This would target established characters rather than beginners.

I have to disagree on this. It would be not fun at all to have islands or areas depopulated of small game even if that's realistic.

Survival with very low (start at 0) skill OR heavy penalties (HHA start scenario) relies on trapping. Fishing has penalties applied (suggestion: shouldn't be so with nets?). For game balance, it's good that birds and hares get easily trapped. It's the sort of thing one can always fall back to when things get rough. It would be bad if they would get depopulated.

But with bigger game, I agree it's too easy. I recently made a suggestion about it too in the buff elk thread. Go like it if you support it:

I think one of the main things what makes trapping so good in game is the huge effect of baits. My character bought 2 turnips. With a single turnip he could keep a group of reindeer in place for days, enough to herd them into sea-ice corners, breathless, one at a time.

I think trap fences in the real past were without bait and mainly for deer sized animals. Reindeers have migratory habits so pits would have been in their known path areas, along with active herding towards the pits.

Also I recently trapped 8 out of 9 wolf pack, with a trapping skill of around 15. See it here: Soon I had 5 masterwork axes. Pretty neat for a 16-year old who didn't know anything couple of monts earlier.

How I would suggest:
- I would not make laborious fence-building obsolete by having regions grow scarce with game
- only pits for ungulates (elk thread)
- (turnip) baiting strength lessened or even removed for ungulates (it's ok for hares)
- or maybe it should work first, but if the beasts see the character nearby, the individual bait would lose its effect
- valuable big carnivores should be more suspicious of traps so more skill needed with deadfall traps
- make small carnivores (<fox) much more commonly found in deadfall traps:
- I'm not hugely in favor of this, but you could make some traps culturally dependent and/or learnable at a later date (but not the essential light lever for survival)

Suggestions / Re: Inventory interface change/tuning
« on: November 11, 2020, 09:51:11 AM »
I use mostly arrow keys (up&down, funny I didn't even know left&right do smth), even when scrolling long lists. I find it a little bit bothersome to actually look what letter I should press (and then find it in the darkness I usually play).

So I very, very much like the idea of left and right skipping groups. Yes please!

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