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Messages - Sami

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Development News / Steam Trading Cards arrive in the Far North
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:08:50 PM »
Just quickly dropping by to post this Steam Trading Cards related news.
The card artwork is so great, and the reception has been so enthusiastic, that we gotta promote this on all fronts.
Even if it wouldn't concern you, check out the following picture at least :)


Six Cards for the adventurers under the northern sky,
Five Backgrounds for the settlers in their cabins of wood,
Nine emoticons for the community bound to cheer and sigh,
One badge, six levels, for the players struggling to survive for good
in the ancient north where you are free to roam or to settle.

Umm... you get the picture, right?


UnReal World trading cards are here

Yes, our Trading Cards are now live and released.
And naturally with the finely tailored badges, emoticons and backgrounds included in the set.

There you go...

One background, one trading card, one badge -- and one developer -- in action.

Trading Cards and Backgrounds -- unique glimpses of the game world

It's all about deep thought, ambition, setting suitable design and talent.
Thus, Trading Card and Background artwork is drawn by Finnish comic artist Tuuli Hypén. Her creations are completely fresh moody imagery of carefully cherished and selected scenes. Beautiful, collectible, profile decorating unique glimpses of the game world for you.

Emoticons and Badges -- something old, something new

The badges kind of represent a coming-of-age story...
It's the familiar looking survivor, now only in hi-res and detailed, progressing through the course we have used to follow with many characters. Slowly acquiring wealth, equipment and skills on the way. And if you pay great attention to the details, in our setting appropriate badge artwork also the beard length is a sign of progress.

The emoticons come from the game world and tiles...
There's Noaidi's mushroom, and there's Elk.
There's Njerpez Warrior and there is Fire.
And a few others, to boost your communications.

Umm, but what are Steam Trading Cards?

Oh, you are new to Steam Trading Cards?
Well, they are virtual cards earned by playing games on Steam. Sets of cards can be turned into game badges and tradable Steam community items.

Check out the introduction page, and find detailed FAQ at the bottom:

To whom it may concern or interest, here's UnReal World Steam store page .

Into the far north we shall take you...
...and have some trading cards drop on your way as well.

Code: [Select]
You dream of a summer release.
You aim your fingers at the keyboard and code.
You fail to deliver a summer release.

You know, that's what has happened to me.
Like mentioned in earlier posts I dreamed of a summer release, and a proper long holiday afterwards.
But...we're behind the schedule with several planned goals and just can't make it.
Deadlines and summer - I should have known they don't go together.

So, hopes to come up with a new patch is thus postponed after the summer. I'll be entering summer vacation shortly, for the whole august.
This means I'll be more absent in regards to game related forums and e-mail activity.
Coding is to be continued in the autumn then, but some additional content is still to be expected sooner...

Steam Trading cards

Yeeees, the trading cards. That's what we will be releasing before I leave the development chambers. It's actually the trading cards (with emoticons, badges and all that extra) which have postponed my general working schedule more than expected. Ambitions can take time, you know, but we already love the outcome ever so much. So at least for Steam players there will be something new in UnReal World to browse during the summer.
A proper, loud and clear announcement of Trading Card release will be posted when the time is at hand.
You can still prepare yourselves, foreign and domestic card traders -- it's going to be beautiful!

Greetings from horseback

Code: [Select]
You aim your bow at a target from the horseback and shoot.
You are doing horseback archery.

You know, and speaking of dreaming, that has also happened to me.

For as long as I've been doing primitive and traditional archer I've dreamed of one day going for horseback archery. Until this summer it's been horseback riding and archery separately, but this very year I've picked up and entered this form of archery and horsemanship I've always craved for. This is going to be a dedicated horseback archery year for me, and whether I'm on a vacation or not, we just might see the next video greetings consisting of horseback archery footage.

Meanwhile, I'll leave you with these few still shots. First from the horseback, then by the tranquil summer lakes around my neighborhood.

Best wishes. We'll catch up with everything in the autumn. But I'm sure at some point I'll be tempted to post a few holiday greetings as well.

Not bugs / Re: Crafting staves and javelins
« on: July 26, 2017, 09:27:47 PM »
This by design, not a bug. Reasons for the desing are numerous, which I don't unfortunately have time to open at this hour. Further mechanisms of how woodwork in case of staves and javelin could/should/might work can be opened and flourish at the suggestions section at will.

However, creating higher quality javelins and staves can be modded in if somebody craves for that. Using boards as raw material for those would be probably the most easy modding solution to get going.

Not bugs / [let it be] Re: Left and Right are swapped
« on: July 26, 2017, 08:51:31 PM »
This gets reported at least once a year. Just as frequently people say it shouldn't be fixed since it's always been like that. Can be imagined as mirror image - before mirrors, but during the times of reflecting water.
Still, in 2017, we'll take no action on this one. Let's see next year :)

Not bugs / [let it be] Re: Forest maiden quest (possible spoiler)
« on: July 26, 2017, 08:45:54 PM »
To me this is great, moody scene a game can generate. Really sparks your imagination.
I wouldn't take action on this one, unless it's reported, say, dozen times more ;)

Not bugs / Re: Snow showing on open water tiles
« on: July 26, 2017, 08:40:47 PM »
Let's say it's frazil ice.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Linen trousers cover feet
« on: July 26, 2017, 08:32:24 PM »
It seems like all the trousers cover the feet as well - which is by mistake. This must have happened somewhere along item glossary updates and adding of cloth/armour modding tags.

There's plenty of weirdness there (not only coverage, but also weight). A fix to all cloth types is in the works, as far as I remember (@Sami can correct me if I'm wrong). Not sure when it will come out but it was discussed "recently", in the last year.

I guess all the clothes can be considered to weigh too much, but there's no dramatic issues that would require "fix to all cloth types". There was quite big armour glossary overhaul few versions ago, maybe that's what you were thinking of...?

General Discussion / Re: api-ms-win-crt-stdio missing
« on: July 14, 2017, 11:15:26 AM »
I have win 8.1 64 with included .net framework 4.5 and older versions. Since this .net is part of windows installing pack, i don't see it in programs and functions and thus can't uninstall it there. I know i can download software to uninstall or repair it but i don't care. I play 3.30.
The only thing i want to know is if skills and formulas for skills values in 3.40 are different that in 3.30.

There's no difference with skill formulas. You can always checkout/modify ini_skills.txt at will.

On the other hand quick google / youtube search provides tons of results for how to fix api-ms-win-crt-stdio missing from your computer, so you're not alone there.

Now look at that! True indeed, typo it is, so anti-inflammatory effect of bogbeans was never in effect.

Fixed now. Persists in 3.40.

General Discussion / Re: api-ms-win-crt-stdio missing
« on: July 13, 2017, 09:12:20 PM »
This thread at old forums might help:

...all the necessary .dlls are installable on Windows 7, but it probablt requires all the service packs installed. (The current Windows version is actually built on Windows 7.)

Development News / Random little additions...
« on: July 02, 2017, 08:09:25 PM »
Summer days are truly different. Oh how easily one can end up being carried away with all sorts of recreational activities and events. But I'm frequenting the coding chambers as well,  especially on rainy days :) -- and now, instead of organized update post, here's a completely random bunch of few small additions to expect in the next patch:

 - added: skinned/cut/burnt carcass coloring

        Skinned carcasses now appear in fleshy red color.
        Cut or eaten carcasses appear dark reddish, and burnt carcasses blackish depending on the cut/burn degree.
 - added: BUTCHER_CONFIRMATION configuration option

        If the option is enabled a confirmation prompt appears if you try to butcher a carcass before skinning it.
        This is to avoid accidentally cutting up the whole carcass and losing the skin.

        To enable the option add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

 - added: SPEND_DELAY_ADD configuration option

        This option can be used to slow down all the time consuming actions if you find the game turns running too fast for your taste
        during the time spending dialog. The given value is in milliseconds adding that much more delay for each game turn.
        Good value to try slowin things down a bit would be 10 and nobody wants to go for more than 100.

        To use eg. 10 millisecond custom delay add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

 - added: winter skin/fur descriptor

        And as we know winter furs are more valuable, and it's been like that for a long time. Now there's finally
        also an indication of wintertime furs and skins within the item description.
        For example:
        "Fine winter fox fur" or "Poor winter bear-skin"

 - renewed & optimized: drawing of rain and snowfall

        Previously rain and snowfall were drawn in putpixel fashion which was a speed issue on some systems.
        Now rain and snowfall presented by tile graphics, with improved look and fast rendering.

 - added: redrawn 8 directional tiles for watercrafts

        Both punt and raft now appear bigger and prettier in completely redrawn fashion. Credits for these tiles goes to Paulo Spinola.
        Watercraft tile direction changes based on the last actually rowed direction.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Computer Crash
« on: July 02, 2017, 07:50:17 PM »
Checked the savegame out, but it's unfortunately unrecoverable. All blank character file.

msglog says the last action was cleaning, not tanning, the skin.
Then there are couple blank lines which indicates that writing to msglog has also failed.

Not bugs / Re: Foreign traders like me
« on: July 02, 2017, 07:35:15 PM »
We'll take no action on this one. Let it be. They are foreigners after all  ::)

Not bugs / Re: Increasing stat upon Course Completion Fails
« on: July 02, 2017, 07:33:25 PM »
I'm sure it works. Like mentioned, it increases all but maxed attributes by1.
I guess halfway endurance bar may still look like a halfway endurance bar even though it would be 1 point higher internally.

If still in doubt post a new report with screenshot before and after stat increase. Until then we'll tag this not a bug.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Computer Crash
« on: July 02, 2017, 07:27:06 PM »
Hmm. The blue screen of death sounds more like a Windows crash rather than an application crash -- and the game crashing shouldn't nevertheless wipe out any character data.
However, this kind of character data blanking is something we've heard of couple of times at the (old) forums. It's a mystery to me as well, and sounds like disk write, or file access  problem.  See, the character data is saved upon every map load - if a crash, power out or whatever then occurs the character data should be safe & sound on your disk.
What could interfere here is if there's some sort (Windows) cache working in the background, and the data isn't actually saved to disk but cached into memory for later disk saving. Then a crash before cache flush might result in something bad. The same might happen if game files are open somewhere (editor, etc.) and disk access is set forbidden by Windows.

All in all, things getting blank like this is extremely odd to me too. I'll see about possibilities of restoring the character and will let you know.

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