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Topics - Senthe

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Alternative methods of gathering water
« on: November 28, 2023, 07:05:20 PM »
1. My biggest disappointment in all of URW, completely immersion breaking, 0/10 game, worst gaming experience ever, I cried, and I am traumatized forever (;)): When I put a mug on the ground during rain and went to sleep, but in the morning the mug was still completely empty... I felt so freaking clever for figuring out this solution, but the game wasn't ready for my level of intellect apparently : (

2. Melting snow. Being thirsty all the time during winter, while there's snow everywhere around and I can easily start a fire anytime, feels very weird. Why would you search for a lake or pond and carve the ice for half an hour instead of simply melting some of the snow at hand while you're already cooking your dinner?

Suggestions / [3.82] Porridge can only be cooked in absurdly small portions
« on: November 25, 2023, 08:19:51 PM »
Currently it seems porridge can only be cooked in completely tiny portions (something like 1/10 of the pot volume), and each of those portions requires a pot, a few hours, and tons of button presses that can't be replicated with "r" button for more convenient "mass"-production. This amount in my experience is enough for like 30-40% of daily nutrition, compared to 100+% given by a simple meat soup, which takes shorter to cook, and, more significantly, requires only one button-mashing session ; )

So why can porridge be produced only in such a pitiful amount in one go? Is this intended?

Currently it seems it's way easier and way less stressful for me as a player to just take my flour and create tons and tons of flatbreads, which require just one button click and seem to provide nutrition comparable to porridge (and of course don't require containers to carry around or trade).

Which is overall a bit unrealistic I think, porridge was supposed to be the common staple food, so I reckon it shouldn't be that inconvenient in the game to cook it in reasonable amounts, if we already have a pot and all the ingredients.

Suggestions / [3.82] Loop snares have to be crafted one by one
« on: November 25, 2023, 08:12:55 PM »
It should be possible to craft at least 5 or 10 loop snares in one go. Currently you can craft only 1, and then you need to click "r", confirm yarn selection, and click space again, over and over, which feels like an unnecessary button mashing exercise : )

(And that's it. That's the bug report. ; ))

If you sell villagers too many boards, loop snares, or pretty much too much of anything, they stop accepting this item in trades and say "no thanks, we don't need more X".

However they don't consider this limit at all if this is the first trade done using this material. So it's possible to e.g. gather 300 boards, take all tradeable items from the entire village, and trade them all for those 300 boards in one huge barter. Afterwards they will of course not accept boards in any future barters, but this first massive barter will always go through.

I believe this is an unintended exploit, and it would be more reasonable if even in the first trade villagers already enforced some limits like "we don't need this many X, we can accept 20 of them for this trade, but the rest of this trade you must pay in some other items".

Bug reports / [3.82] Two problems with kg calculations and labelling
« on: November 25, 2023, 07:53:39 PM »
1. It commonly happens to me that I'm told I need e.g. "0.2 kg leather", but when I select from my inventory "2 leathers" that say they weigh "0.2kg" total, then I'm still told that I need e.g. 40g extra - because it was actually supposed to be 0.24kg while they were exactly 0.20kg.

It can also go the other way - I might be told that I have "0.2 kg" of something, but then when I use it on a recipe that says it needs "0.2kg", it turns out there's still 20g leftover, because the "0.2kg" I was shown in the inventory was actually 0.22kg.

I don't know if it's exclusive to kg base unit, caused by some calculations between Ibs and kg, or is there a similar problem with Ibs too - I've only been playing with kg. But it's pretty bizarre and very inconvenient, because I sometimes literally can't tell whether I have enough of a given material for a recipe or not, before I try to actually execute the recipe, and to do that, I first need to set up all the other conditions too. If I only want to check whether I can do it or not, I should be able to do that by comparing the two numbers that I'm given (how much I need and how much I have), and now it doesn't really work this way.

2. Sometimes when crafting or cooking there is a label "Ibs kg" shown instead of just "kg". Sometimes also Ibs weight is shown instead of kg during crafting, completely omitting the conversion. (Of course I'll gather concrete examples when I next notice them, and add them to this post, for now I just wanted to flag that this is a thing that I've been noticing.)

Generally, in the Skills menu, in Inventory filtering menu, and in Alt+... shortcuts, "T" is used for tracking, and "R" for trapping.

But in the Shift+M "Make" menu, "T" is assigned to trapping, and "R" to... transport.

I believe it should be the other way, "R" should *always* be for trapping in every possible menu.

"T" can be used for transport in the crafting menu I guess - though I still think it would be more appropriate to use "V" which is already used for fltering vehicles in the inventory.

For more visual clarification let me add a table:

Code: [Select]

current result     | Alt + ... | SHIFT + M + ... | s + ... | i + Tab + ...
trapping           |     R     |        T        |    R    |     -
tracking           |     T     |        -        |    T    |     -
transport/vehicles |     -     |        R        |    -    |     V

expected result    | Alt + ... | SHIFT + M + ... | s + ... | i + Tab + ...
trapping           |     R     |        R        |    R    |     -
tracking           |     T     |        -        |    T    |     -
transport/vehicles |     -     |        V        |    -    |     V

1. I know that villagers dislike trading for arrows with stone and bone tips. But are they mechanically the same as iron arrows or not? Are they less accurate, do less damage, are they more likely to break? Or are they literally the same thing, just perceived as less valuable?

2. Similar question about clothes. Does it matter which kind of fur or leather I use to craft clothes? Are they warmer or more protective based on animal they came from? Also in case of fur, does it matter if it was winter fur or not?

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