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Topics - JP_Finn

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General Discussion / Sometimes can't find the trap site... even it Heath
« on: February 09, 2021, 11:20:12 PM »
4 Days, trawling through all tiles within the circle and some outside the circle too. No luck.

Suggestions / Foreign Traders’ trading and merchandise.
« on: February 07, 2021, 07:00:21 AM »
2 part suggestion to add flexibility and variations to Foreign Traders.

1st part, (possibly costly to implement, but with trading benefits applicable to villages too)
When selecting items for trade, allow selection from all of the traders inventories. At the moment, we need to deal with each trader individually, and as the traders don’t offer “change” for more expensive furs, often wasteful and also IRL time consuming trying to juggle the bartering to 1) be accepted 2) not overpay for the goods.

2nd part, add Salt, also in smaller containers than bags to their offered goods. Birchbark boxes and baskets, possibly pouches (2-3lbs) and satchels 4-6lbs). Infrequently have them also carry and offer for sale period correct, foreign/exotic weapons: franciscas, Dane axes, langseaxes, winged thrusting spears, hewing or chopping spears ‘höggspjót’, barbed throwing spears ‘krókspjót’, halberds ‘atgeir’. As for skills needed/used: francisca and Dane are axe, langseax could use either knife or sword, all spears use spear, höggspjót and halberd: spear for thrusting, maybe axe for cutting, or KISS and only use spear.
Maybe some peculiar plants too: carrots, lettuce (cabbages at least were in previously), hogweed, onions.

Off-topic / Period appropriate tools and crafts
« on: February 04, 2021, 12:45:59 AM »
I thought to myself, I can’t be only URW player who goes hunting, does various crafts and loves the outdoors. So, let’s see people’s * tools, crafts and the like.
If the item pictured is made by yourself, great, if not, then give due credit. And also, let’s use only our own photos. And one picture per post.

* period appropriate only please.

Gameplay questions / Game caught, Light lever trap vs loop snare
« on: February 03, 2021, 09:14:49 PM »
I've been running few characters side by side, I'm not certain, but I have a strong suspicion that small game traps set might affect game  caught.
One character uses light lever traps almost exclusively (some paw boards and 2 big deadfalls) with no loop snares. In 2 winters, he's caught hundreds of birds, and if my documentation is correct, 8 hares.
Another character uses loop snares and paw-boards exclusively; during first winter, he has caught 38 various grouses, 78 hares. Only built 1 light lever trap as an ermine kept poaching the hares, and would not get in loop snare itself.

I'm running third character now, with mix of traps at each trap site, paw boards, loop snares, light lever traps and small dead falls. (just few sites, new character, still building cabin) we'll see what will get caught the most. (had to build bear trap though, big bear kept walking in on to the cabin construction.)

I know Sami changed the traps to no longer spawning animals. But have any of you noticed certain trap preference, catching more birds/hares?

Modding / Foreign traders’ merchandise?
« on: February 03, 2021, 05:46:49 AM »
Is it possible to mod what items Foreign Traders carry for sale?
I.e. can I have them carry salt? Can I have them carry e.g. langseax (I don’t want character to be able to smith themselves)

Bug reports / 3.63, Minor issue: Living in the Wild | Building
« on: February 01, 2021, 06:29:59 PM »
Within Game course “Living in the wild”, the task “Building” doesn’t complete when building a wall with shutter.

General Discussion / Call it a flashback or deja vu
« on: January 31, 2021, 06:56:13 PM »
Just had one of those moments where the life flashes in front of your eyes.

My character was walking around Driik looking for needed goods. Escorted a maiden to Sartola and found a treasure of piles of superior furs from her tip. Bought masterwork hunting bow, fine woods axe and pot.

Anyway, saw a cave pretty close to some villages and decided to check if it’s viable as base, hideout, stockpile. Walking closer to the cave entrance inside the cave was Njerpez raging with bastard sword in hand. Uhh. Just how many times did my characters die in dark caves on versions bygone... many, so effin’ many.
Took a step back, Njerpez turned away from view(still him inside, Taneli outside), had a chance to hide. Drop excess weight, wait, wait, wait. Ah, there he’s back in the cave opening. Let loose, hit cave wall. He turned to charge. Still hidden let loose another arrow, hit his hip. Longer story short, 4 more arrows in him and slit his throat with skramasaksi.

Got ragged clothes, bastard sword, broad knife. And decent cave too.

How many of you have had characters die in caves? Beasts or Njerpez’ ?

Bug reports / 3.63, minor glitch, crafting javelins
« on: January 29, 2021, 11:23:48 PM »
This goes to same category as joining tying equipment with varied quality levels.
When crafting Javelins, and there's fine staff in the pile of staves; all made javelins come out as fine javelins. Not a big issue. But glitch nonetheless (should our characters to be able to produce fine staves from slender trunks, as we can produce fine and perfect boards from trunks... I'd say yes)

Please excuse to cropped screen shots, new test character, crafting in a village, lot of door and noise spam.

In the bird thief quest dialogue, witchcraft is spelled as witchraft.

Gameplay questions / Domestic animal healing when leashed in place
« on: January 24, 2021, 06:13:56 PM »
I’m suspecting that domestic animals don’t heal normally when leashed in place. I got 2 dogs, which both got hurt fighting Njerpezes. Small male got 6 serious cuts from handaxe, scimitar. While the big female got 2 serious and some lesser wounds. I left the male tied to a tree in the yard with pile of bland smoked elk, some raw and spoiled meats and big piles of animal bones.

When the big female had fully healed, the small male still had all 6 serious wounds. Week later, I unleashed him as he still had all 6 serious wounds. Running free in the yard, leashing the big female and climb the fence before Zoom out, his wounds started to heal.

Has anyone else noticed similar no-healing? (Before I report it as a bug)

Suggestions / Additional Ice functions for kicking, looking.
« on: January 21, 2021, 07:07:00 PM »
At the moment, our characters can throw and push varied items on ice to see if it’s durable for walking on. Sometimes it’s a chore, lobbing several stones or slender trunks on ice, then picking them up.
So the suggestion is: when standing, I.e. not swimming, allow the characters to “kick” or “stomp” the ice on adjacent tile to see if it’s durable. Also useful to keep existing water hole in use. *
Also let the character look at the hole in ice, and estimate the thickness. E.g. “the ice looks as thick as one finger” or “the ice looks as thick as a fist” and so on.

* heavily burdened, tired or fatigued characters could have a chance of losing balance and falling. Possibly through thin ice. we don’t have enough dangers in URW

General Discussion / Every now and then...
« on: January 20, 2021, 09:49:39 PM »
... some folks and even spam-bots want to know how to humanely harvest, kill, their intended source of animal protein.

One way is to stab in the neck  :P
This one was in a trap pit with some bruises from the fall. Approach from behind, Hide (for automatic "critical" aka Perfect attack) and then get to skinning.

Bug reports / Seasonal immersion, flavor text, issue Zoom-In
« on: January 19, 2021, 10:00:22 PM »
When entering a Zoom map by water side, the flavor text says:
By this lake, where the surface of the water reflects images of both you and the skies above, you take a closer look at this area.

Frozen lake surface doesn't really reflect.

Bug reports / Skinning doesn't affect carcass weight
« on: January 18, 2021, 12:54:52 AM »
When skinning a carcass, the weight doesn't reduce at all (to reflect the weight of the skin and connective tissue, silver skin etc.)

See attached.

Not bugs / [acknowledged case, not implemented] Dogs eating priorities
« on: January 18, 2021, 12:24:43 AM »
When feeding dogs meat, cooked or raw, they tend to choose bone on the tile.
It's not the top most bone on the stack either. I've not figured out the exact selection mechanism, but given option for meat, prepared or raw, not spoiled; that's what any dog IRL would choose over a bone.

Bug: Dog eating bone on the tile, when 1) the tile has meat, 2) more meat is thrown/given to the dog
Expectation: eat meat thrown, or on the tile, before any bone gets chewed.

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