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Messages - TMagurowitz

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / Re: Travel time raft vs. walking?
« on: December 29, 2023, 12:33:55 AM »
Yeah I thought time goes by fast when I'm rafting. That's cool about the punt, I kinda thought they were more or less pointless to trade for but maybe not. Do you know a punt's carrying capacity compared to the raft?

Gameplay questions / Travel time raft vs. walking?
« on: December 28, 2023, 09:58:52 PM »
Is rafting faster than walking or is storage capacity the only perk? Like to travel in my playthroughs and I'm considering whether to get from Driik to Kaumo by foot or along the southern coast.

Gameplay questions / Re: You Think You Might Hear Some Kind of Rustle
« on: December 28, 2023, 11:19:00 AM »
Now that I think about it perhaps its tied to your relation with the local spirits. If your character is uneasy with their relationship with them they might sleep more warily wether the spirits are real or not.

Gameplay questions / Re: Sauna instructions and usage
« on: December 17, 2023, 08:52:37 PM »
At minimum, the sauna mechanic requires:

sauna stove; an ordinary fireplace isn't adequate for the purpose
  • Most villages will have a sauna building with the stove, a tub to hold water, and a bench (this piece of furniture is just there for immersion afaik)
  • If you wish to have your own stove, you must 1) have a fully constructed wooden building with the walls and floors done; 2) gather 40 stones + 15 rocks to construct the stove.
    A sauna building may also function as a smokehouse, or a small starter home before you acquire the materials for a bigger living space.
fuel to heat the stove for several hours: a good steam requires about 50 pounds of fuel (equivalent to 1 slender tree trunk)

water for steam
  • Pick up a container (any size will do)
  • Stand next to a water source and open the inventory
  • Use the [a] apply key and select the container you wish to fill
  • Stand next to the sauna stove and open the inventory
  • Use the [a] apply key and select the container with water
  • The message log will inform you about the status of the stove's steam; you'll also see the screen flash white and hear sound effects of water being thrown on the heated sauna stove

In general terms for the game's setting, when the weather is freezing a sauna bath becomes the main method of maintaining hygiene. Although hygiene as a system isn't modeled in the game, using the sauna gives a boost to the player's health in terms of wound/illness recovery rate. (For symptoms of poisoning, you're basically sweating out the toxins.)

Applying a vasta will buff the health benefits, so it's a good idea to stock up on birch twigs when they're in season during the summer.

Since the game performs checks to wound status once a day in the morning, a daily sauna regime could help when you require it.

Wow what a great reply. Thank you, now I fully understand saunas! I wasn't even certain they had an effect players can actually reliably and undeniably see, I thought they mighta been like the spirits.

One thing though: how long should I take the sauna for? Is there a notification that tells you you've properly sauna'd yourself? Should I just wait for the fire to burn out? I know irl they're only like 15 minutes or something but idk how to measure that ingame

Gameplay questions / Sauna instructions and usage
« on: December 16, 2023, 09:01:53 PM »
Hey! Can someone give step by step instructions for how to use a sauna? Not for the game course, just for freely doing it when I want to. I suspect I need:

  + a building with fireplace
  + a vasta
  + a tub of water(?)
  + stones(?)

Also what is a sauna actually used for? I read influenza is in the game and plague was taken out. I know you can get food or mushroom or herb poisoning. Does it help with any of these conditions? How long should I take it for?

Gameplay questions / Re: Travel time on different terrain?
« on: December 10, 2023, 12:33:32 AM »
I’m pretty sure I’ve be not noticed any speed difference traveling on wilderness map.
Hills in Finland tend to be very mellow, I’d say they’re faster to travel on foot than open or pine mire.
Groves, Heath, lichenous, hills would all  be fast to travel.. Spruce mire can be dense, or but more sparse, getting through dense is slow, getting through more sparse and it’s as easy as heath. Thickets are slow to get through.

That said, edges of heath sand ridges are absolute pain to climb. Especially when hauling crates of landmines.

Thanks for the reply. So would you say then coniferous forest / spruce mire is still slower than pine and open mires?

General Discussion / Re: What do you guys do while healing from injury?
« on: December 09, 2023, 12:16:38 AM »
Trapping might be better than fishing as far as the traps are within crawling distance.
Trapping doesn’t get penalized for encumbrance nor injuries, unlike fishing. But processing the skins is penalized for not standing*, as is the hide working for injuries.
Fishing passes time and might be good for skill increases, and the catch will be decent.

If the season permits, harvesting birch bark for crafts and alder/rowan for tanning are possible way to pass time. Takes long time and product is always decent.

Weatherlore checks and herb lore (if you have them available) are ok, but won’t pass much time.

*might even be barred from working on when fallen, I’m not able to verify this moment.

I don't like to waste, I feel like it might make the spirits angry. So I wouldn't like to trap much if I can't work the skins as well as I can. Also wouldn't like to overfish. But maybe if I retire one of my nets and start actively fishing that trains the skill faster and keeps me at my current food status of catching enough so I don't have to actually use my stores.

Bark is a good idea, thanks :) I guess I should get all I can before winter

Gameplay questions / Travel time on different terrain?
« on: December 08, 2023, 11:32:44 PM »
Hey. I usually make it a point to travel through mire rather than woods, and avoid mountains and hills if I can. Are pine and open mires or heathland any faster to travel through on the wilderness map than denser spruce mires and other types of woods?

Not sure if my logic makes sense because mires would be muddy marshy soil anyway.

General Discussion / What do you guys do while healing from injury?
« on: December 08, 2023, 01:57:49 AM »
My character recently got injured to the point where he can't stand upright. He saw a wolfpack from his raft and thought he was slick for throwing javelins from the water. He didn't expect the wolves would jump in and maul him before he could paddle to deeper water.

The question: what am I supposed to do for the next few weeks / months before I can walk / have my strength back? Just light effort tasks, get all my crafting done? But still the quality will suffer. I have two nets and dried meat so food isn't a concern, but what if I didn't? Would trapping be the best food option?

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