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Messages - Arethgif

Pages: [1]
Thank you for the quick response.  I think I found another.  In the carpentry section, creating a Furniture Section actually results in a Furniture Shell, due to [NAME:Furniture Shell], which isn't usable in any of the carpentry recipes.

Edit:  In the toolmaking section, when I tried to make a dip net while not near a slender trunk, it told me I needed a 'Dip net can scoop ores or fish', which was a bit confusing.  I moved that comment to the bottom of the recipe and then the message indicated I needed a Slender trunk.

.Dip net. "Fishing rod" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *CARPENTRY* /2h/
{Slender trunk}      [remove] [noquality]
{Branch}   (2)   [remove] [noquality] '+as spreaders'
{Cloth}      #4#   [remove]         'Net of cloth, fur or leather'
{*cord}      (1)   [remove] [patchwise]      'Cord'
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>
//  'Dip net can scoop ores or fish'

Thank you for all the effort to compile and maintain this mod.  It has greatly improved an already wonderful game experience and is much appreciated.

In the Weaving submenu, when trying to "Shred Linen for Yarn", neither the Primitive nor Advanced Spindle and Distaff work as a Spindle and Distaff.  URW v3.52 and BAC mod v059.   Is there something I'm missing?

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