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Hey Sami!

Not sure if this is a bug or intended: saw a vegetation-rich area where bream were jumping. Went spearfishing there and only got pike.

This happened in the middle of Fallow Month IIRC.

[EDIT by Erkka: This was originally posted as a reply to a year old dev news. The development news is meant for Sami to post news about what is currently going on in development, all other discussion should be posted to their respective forum sections. That helps to maintain the forum readability, and also ensures that suggestions and bug reports get Sami's attention - it is a lot more easier to simply browse the bug reports section when debugging, instead of needing to hop all over the various sections looking for some random bug reports as comments in old posts]

Gameplay questions / Re: Winter Fur
« on: June 30, 2023, 06:07:38 AM »
Fur armour makes sense, and yes especially bear fur with it's point resistance which can be otherwise hard to stack. But I don't really armour up for my everyday tasks anymore, except for the neck where mail cowl + fur hood is nice guarantee in case a wolf tries to stealth nibble you from behind (they always attack neck), which can be an unexpected instant death otherwise. If you are going out with intent to fight or hunt dangerous critters, then it's different.

What furs don't make much sense is warmth for winter wear, which is opposite of what one might expect.

My current setup is a 200lb guy who gets just barely under the 20lb limit with bear fur shirt, leggings, cowl, footwear and mittens plus woolen mittens and socks and leather belt... it does the job for everything but the absolute depth of winter.

Maybe if I was going for a hardcore winter outfit I'd layer wool on wool on linen or something? One of the things that's implied in the encyclopedia is that comfort affects the superstition state and linen helps with that. I wonder if there's any truth to that.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: 3.80 Punt quest very messy
« on: June 30, 2023, 05:58:25 AM »
I've once had the punt maker say something in lines of: "it'll be done by late morning". Late morning came, spoke to him, he said the same. Not that it'd be done shortly etc. I think that character crafted something to pass time, might've been noon. Spoke to punt maker: "late morning". And did same, picked up the punt, took to the old fisherman, complete quest.

For those who want punt crafting, add in corresponding SUBMENUs in diy_glossary.txt:
do not replace any section within the file. And leave one empty row below and above recipes and sub menu identifiers.
Code: [Select]

.Hollowed log. "Log" [effort:3] [phys:arms,one-armed] *TIMBERCRAFT* /6h/ |2| [assist:2] [noquality]
{Log} '+to be hollowed' [remove]
{Fire} '+for burning the hollow'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+for cleaning charred wood'



.Punt. [effort:2] [phys:hands,one-armed] *CARPENTRY* /300/ %50% |1|
{Hollowed log} [ground] [remove] +'Hollowed log to shape'
{Axe} <Handaxe>
{* fat*} #1# +'fat for treating' [remove] [noquality]
{Fire} '+for heating the fat'


I got the "Something came up" result at one point when I asked a smith to make a masterwork small knife, so I asked him to make another. Then later I looked through the village stores and found a masterwork small knife just sitting in one of the houses.

So if anyone else runs into "Something came up" - search the village and you'll probably find the thing you're looking for.

Bug reports / Raft teleported onto rock too big to climb
« on: June 30, 2023, 05:53:56 AM »
Zoomed into a water tile on a coastline intending to land. Raft and everything on it was on an elevated rock in a 4-square mini-island.

Couldn't not paddle off the rock because it was too high.

Managed to push the raft onto another tile, but couldn't climb down except into water. So I hopped into the water... then promptly drowned because I couldn't climb back onto the mini-island because you "can't climb while swimming". Don't have a save for you because... you know.

Gameplay questions / Re: Winter Fur
« on: June 27, 2023, 07:18:43 PM »
Is it? The wiki says generic fur and bear fur are the same except bear fur is better vs Tear. Is there a game file I can check or are people just comparing manually with layers in-game?

Some people have probably snooped the game code at various time but I don't know how to do so. You can see armour values in-game either on the armour coverage screen or by individually examining pieces of clothing in your inventory.

Those colour coded pictures at the start of are extremely old. They were wrong a decade ago when they were on the old Wiki, if someone has Wiki account would be good idea to move them to the bottom of the article (which has similarly ancient stuff) or just remove them. The correct armour values are given in a text based table bit further down the article, and there is also legend for the colour codes used on the armour coverage screen above that. Only aspect missing from the Wiki are the bonuses clothing/armour get from quality. E.g. rough clothing (fur/cloth/wool) has -1 warmth, fine cloth clothing and leather get no boost, but there is a boost at masterwork, furs and wool get their bonus at fine already (easily missed on wool since it goes from 4 to 5 warmth, which are both colour coded yellow) and IIRC are no further buffed by masterwork. IIRC, mail is only buffed at masterwork, not sure about iron (helm, coudes) since it's pierce/edge resistance is out of scale.
Wow. Yes. Like i said, needlessly opaque and complicated.

Thank you for the heads up, though.

It looks like bear fur is still better on point and tear in any event, then... which means I don't anticipate swapping it out. I keep reading people on this forum saying that fur armor doesn't make sense in the long run, but I haven't been able to find any combination of armors that provides better all-around protection than a combo of bear fur and generic leather plus iron. Yeah it weighs a lot but it's better than an arrow to the gut.

Gameplay questions / Re: You Think You Might Hear Some Kind of Rustle
« on: June 27, 2023, 03:37:29 PM »
Humans detect trap lines (and both robbers and Njerps are humans), so they can bypass and/or disable those. Humans do not detect isolated traps, though.
Well the one and only time that I've ever seen a Njerp enter my camp, he dove headfirst into a spike trap on my fence line. That was a few versions back though. Was probably night too, come to think of it.

Gameplay questions / Re: Winter Fur
« on: June 27, 2023, 05:12:43 AM »
Is it? The wiki says generic fur and bear fur are the same except bear fur is better vs Tear. Is there a game file I can check or are people just comparing manually with layers in-game?

This all seems needlessly opaque in addition to needlessly complicated. I understand warmth... but why blunt? Why not anything else?

I understand that hideworking isn't tailoring, but I fail to see how a grandmaster hideworker could fail to produce a superior cloak out of bear fur than "generic fur" he scavenged off a dead bandit.

My mind is open, but there really needs to be a better explanation of this. What kind of fur is "generic fur" such that it's apparently superior to anything else we can see in-game?

Gameplay questions / Re: Winter Fur
« on: June 26, 2023, 03:02:13 PM »
This is a really weird and kind of complicated subject. Wish it were a little clearer.

From what I can tell as well, there appears to be no difference in warmth with winter fur - only market value. Since it's not mentioned in the changelog, I'm guessing that hasn't been implemented.

So just checking: even with Fine small knife, Fine fur and Fine cordage... it is impossible to craft Fine fur clothing, right? Because, looking at diy_glossary, all clothing creation uses the common skill and none of the fur clothing recipes come with a built-in bonus but fur cap - which has 15%. And you need a 20% bonus? I just tried about a dozen times with a fine small knife + fine bear fur and only got decent fur caps.

I read in the wiki that Common skill is always base 60. But I read in many places on the forum - here included - it is said that you need base 40 to make fine items. Sooo... what's going on?

Also - and this is the first time this happened to me - I recently made a Fine Raft with a masterwork handaxe and fine spruce wythes. How is that possible?

IS it possible to make fine bear fur clothing with a masterwork knife? If so, then I've really got to find a masterworking smith.

Gameplay questions / Re: Effin' lynx.
« on: June 26, 2023, 02:48:42 PM »
Lynxes are why dogs exist. They might be able to kill a dog but, when I've had 2 or 3 or more dogs inside my fenceline, any lynxes who come by just run away.]

That's when you bait a big deadfall and hope they get more greedy than you are bad at traps...

Gameplay questions / Re: You Think You Might Hear Some Kind of Rustle
« on: June 26, 2023, 01:38:55 PM »
Yep. In my experience, this is usually either nothing or a tufted duck... but also it's something that pops when a Njerpez raider shows up at your cabin. That's why - long term - it's important to trap-fence and spike-pit the outer border of your settlement.

IDK if it's gotten harder. Feels just the same amount of suck that I remember.

I've got a 5mph Kaumolais with (it appears) at least 85% in all his stats because I rollscummed HARD. I never take one without maximum agility and strength for maximum spearchucking. Don't know how people are running at 7mph!

I've never run down an Elk without first laming or crippling them, at which point I switch from my bow/javelin to Kaumolais Spear and calmly walk them down, then bonk 'em on the head until dead. Then again, I've never made a character with sub-80 skills in tracking, spears and bows. Stealth seems mostly useless but I generally bump that a bit too. I try to stealth before I take my shots and I have no clue if or how much that helps.

The elk's faster, of course, but the animal walking in circles combined with my high tracking and hearing means I can usually keep a good bead on it even in dense spruce.

The name of the game is to keep following until they're in sight, then peg 'em with an arrow or javelin. Rinse and repeat until they're lamed/crippled... then calmly follow with spear to give the CDG when they're breathless. In a few previous saves I used a masterwork mace for the CDG but I don't think that's necessarily worth the extra weight if you have a kaumospear.

I don't bother chucking javelin unless they're within 5 squares. And I only ever bother USING javelins when I don't have at minimum a hunting bow or longbow.

Because - I hope I'm wrong here - it appears that javelins do LESS damage than arrows when, in reality, they should do nearly SIX TIMES the damage. The game stats also imply that longbows do more damage than hunting bows, when the game text implies the opposite.

Sami really keeps a lot of important stuff close to the vest and that frustrates me sometimes.

I just ran into two very weird bugs with the punt quest.

I successfully cut down a tree while it was raining and carved it into the log but:

1) When I brought it to the punt-maker's village, I left it in the yard and walked over to him... then he said that it wasn't the right log. Then I dragged the log closer to him, stood on top of it, and asked again... then he said it was the right log.

2) I waited the appropriate amount of time and came over to check... I saw that the punt was on the ground. I asked him how the punt was coming along and he said that something came up, so he couldn't finish it. But he clearly had because it was sitting right there.

So I picked it up, after which I couldn't talk to him about punts anymore. Then i went back to the original quest-giver, gave him the punt... and everything was fine!

Great quest as always but very janky in the execution.

Random suggestion: it would be really really nice if we could ask the punt-maker to make a punt for the PC - as with blacksmiths.

This is my fourth or fifth time coming back to the Unreal World, most times rage-quitting after a serious bug.

This one takes the fucking cake.

After my first winter in the Kaumo, I'd amassed a massive horde of valuable furs and weapons and armor and bronze/silver trinkets. As soon as the ice melted, I went down to the Driik to trade for better equipment and some livestock too. Also get the "Salt from the Driik" adventure achievement.

Bought two cows, a dozen dogs, a full set of masterwork axes, a masterwork broad knife, a masterwork small knife and a bunch of linens + armor + trinkets too.

I was just leaving with my traded loot when I noticed something funny:
My two fine elk furs I'd put on my raft disappeared when I entered the world map. I tried it again with a couple bear furs... and lost one of THEM too.

At this point I decided to be safe and keep these on my livestock from now on... but then after I made another journey through the overworld... I LOST HALF OF THEM TOO. With HALF my loot on them!

I lost a big bull and a cow. They had tons of stuff on them.

So I saved my game and reloaded. Went back to everywhere I'd been looking for tracks just in case I'd gone insane and left my cows somewhere else. Nope. Nothing.

And then... ANOTHER BUG. I spontaneously lost all of my adventure progress: it went from the "Archery" achievement all the way back to "No Man's Land."

What the hell???

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