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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Two robbers appear from nowhere and knock me out unconscious with only two hits and was well-armored, I take a look at the injuries and I discover a deep cut to the neck... I guess the long mail cowl I were wearing was made of paper because the severity bar is almost full to the point it could have been "Your neck has been cut in half", my PC almost had a year and was carrying some masterwork gear with me for a trade travel and the fact I got no warning (I didn't move adjacent to them in the world map) made me ragequit and quit living... Still I had a large stock of sorted furs and tools in home but there is something about in NPC robbers I find infuriating, dying to a bear or njerpez is one thing but losing your hard-earned stuff is aggravating...

I find ridiculous how numerous they are, no matter if their equipment is basic (handaxes, knives) or their skill is low they don't seem to flee if you kill one of their buddies or severely injure one of them and at the end they'll manage to knock you out soon or later, I wish there is a way to remove them in my playthroughts since I have more a lone wolf playstyle. Here in the UnReal World: more guys > gear & skill.

Time to drink some heather beverage for that swelling neck...


December 27, 2017, 11:18:30 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? during a trading trip while i was a huge weight pentalty i finally fucking killed some robbers take that you fuckers thats for my long bow!
April 30, 2021, 06:32:56 AM
Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items? What I believe is that the robbers will take high value items. While they might not take a rough knife from you, don't think twice if they'll take your rough mail hauberk. They might let you keep your fine wooden cup.

When I suspect, or know from a quest, that there are robbers about, I go switch gear to rough/decent. When I find the robbers, I'll let them take what they will, then go raise a posse, arm up and go slaughter every single one of the robbers.

May 21, 2024, 06:24:16 PM