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Re: Ice Checking
Like in topic - throwing stones/ blocks to check the ice if is able to withstand a weight

Just do it. Works already. Ice should react under load regardless of it being stones or whatever or your character.

July 30, 2020, 09:14:58 AM
Zoom In during spring and fall, thin ice There's a zoom in bug when looking in the local spot during spring's thin ice.
The ice on the river was "not safe". River bend; river north, north-east and east of the spruce mire; while facing NE. Zoomed in an fell through the ice on entry. Luckily the spot was just 2 tiles / 4m / 12-13 feet in to the "wrong side".

BUG: zoom in to local map, enter on thin ice / water.
Expectation: enter on land, facing water.

The following morning, zooming out, the Wilderness Map waters showed as water, not ice. The Zoom In map showed the river shore still frozen.

Screen cap taken after felling slender trunks for fire. Oddly enough, the broken ice, frosted over during the time it took to cut the young spruce down and light it up.

Edit:@Brygun below, reported similar issue in early winter with ford river/ford freezing over. his issue was spawning on land with punt (in tile previously visited. versus my original issue on entering on land, ending in water, on a previously not visited area.

December 19, 2020, 06:29:59 AM
NPCs to use exactly same movement rules as player character. Be it walking or running in snow or swimming, paddling on raft, enable exactly same movement for NPCs as character deals with.

No more skiless robbers running in waist deep snow to catch up to grandmaster skier.
No more character peppering Njerpez from watercraft without chance of the hostile to swim over and climb or capsize the vessel.
No more NPCs waltzing through traps. Have them at least kick the trap 1st to trigger them.

December 31, 2020, 05:58:18 AM
Tips, Tricks, FAQs Just wanted to list some tips and tricks I learned from others via the forums/wiki/YouTube or a few things I figured on my own.
Some items in the list may be shockingly obvious to you but not to some other players - please simply skip the ones you already know without getting offended... :)

I am hoping some of this would be helpful to others, obviously newest players would benefit most although even seasoned players can always learn from each other as there is a lot to do and try in this game.
If anyone's interested, please feel free to add your tips. I might add them to the first post at some point to keep altogether. Unsure how the format/classification should be so will start with an easy numbered list.

OK sat down to list 10 and exceeded it. More to be added as time permits...

  • Pinpointing a Target's Position/Distance in Wilderness Map (zoomed out map): Travelling in wilderness map, you see a thing of interest (elk/reindeer/njerp/adventurer etc.) and want to pinpoint its location. To do this, press F3 to get a cursor, then using your NumPad keys move the cursor over the target while counting each movement such as 3 tiles NorthEast + 1 tile North. Press F3 to close the cursor. Now you can move to the marked location 3 NorthEast + 1 North and should be able to find some tracks -hopefully-.
  • How to Sleep Warm in Winter (without a cabin or perfectly warm clothes): If you can tan/buy furs, even if harsh quality, you can place them on your shelter & sleep warm inside the furs, keeping player warm throughout the sleep duration. I've tried minimum 19 lbps of furs (one 9 lbps reindeer fur and another 10 lbps) which results in "You wrap yourself in FUR and lay asleep" text. More than 30 lbps results in "You lay on the FURS and fall asleep". This tip is from 'news.txt' file that is located in your game directory.
    (TODO Do ragged quality also work & keep player warm?)
    (TODO What's the minimum threshold?)
  • Strafe Movement with CTRL+NumPad: This probably should not be a tip as it is so basic but I've seen long playlists on YouTube where the player for many videos keeps turning East moving one tile, then turning North East moving one tile (presumably with UpArrow key) etc. Instead, one can simply hold down CTRL key and press NumPad9 to go (strafe) NorthEast regardless of the direction you are facing (i.e. you do not need to be facing NorthEast to go North East). This and all other keyboard shortcuts are available in game with the ? hotkey
  • Fighting Against Wolf Packs: This is probably the #1 danger in this game and there are quite a few dedicated threads about it so this tip is just to make sure you read at least one before you start adventuring in UrW world! Here is a randomly picked one:
  • Key to Turn Around 180 Degrees: Especially in battle where each moment counts, it is useful to turn around quickly. Numpad1 and Numpad3 will turn around 180 degrees. In addition to the usual 90-degree turns (NumPad7 & NumPad9, there are also 45-degree turns that can be useful which are NumPad3 and NumPad6. While in game press ? to learn about many other hotkeys.
  • Skill Training: As explained in the Game Course, it is possible to improve your skills simply by doing whatever-it-is a lot. For example to train bow skill, simply shoot a lot of arrows. More details can be found in many skill training guides, here is one:
  • Minimalist Sauna: You are dreaming of your own sauna and want to get there as fast as possible? This design by Privateer is for you - it requires least amount of resources and building time
  • How to Get Bear/Seal Teeth?: Galgana explains here:
  • Robbing Robbers (of the chance of robbing you): JP_Finn shares a trick here that is usable even in butt-naked stages of the game (it won't work always but when it does it is satisfying)
  • Treat Own Pet's Bleeding Wound(s): Access the Physician skill via skills page ("s") or via the hotkey 'ALT+P'; need to have bandage in your inventory.
  • Displaying Day Count: Press SHIFT+P to display your characters stats, at the top of screen, you will see a text "You are 19 winters old, and have lived 1339 days of adventuring life.". The day count in that screen can be used in Map Markers to keep your future self better informed such as "Elk Spotted Here on Day 1305" and "Dried Meat will be ready on Day 1358". Then from F6 (map) screen you can plan your next visit towards that particular location in an informed way.
  • How Can You Get An Axe Early Game?: Overall useful thread, linked. I particularly liked the ingenious tactic shared by Plotinus: "You can push a tree trunk next to an axe in a village, and then, without picking up their axe, craft boards with it. By not picking up the axe, you signal to them that you're just borrowing their axe, so they don't demand payment. This might seem kind of cheaty though so you might want to return to the village later and give a generous donation of some kind."
  • Character Creation Screen Tip: Unless you have a special reason, in general do not waste your limited skill points on Physical Skills (e.g.: Skiing/Stealth/Swimming) as these are the easiest skills to train within the first year if not the first season.
  • Print Screen World Map Before Entering Game World: RPwise debatable practice, on the other hand, for practical reasons it might come in handy. It's taken from werepacman's this post
  • Ancestors Limit and Selectively Deleting Some Ancestors: There is a maximum limit of 50 ancestors. Due to limited slots you may not want your "test characters" to show up in that screen and might want to delete them. UrW does not provide a user interface to do so but there is an advanced tip from Plotinus that can be used to direct UrW to delete (overwrite) your chosen character next time some one dies:
  • Process to Boil Poisonous Mushrooms: Tips on poisonous mushroom processing by Saukko:
  • Tips for Agriculture: If you are new to agriculture, here is a useful post by PALU:
  • Animal with Very Low Carry Weight?: Unless you just discovered a genuine bug (unlikely), the most likely explanation is that it is not the carry weight but the NPC stack count limit that prevents you from loading more stuff on to the animal. NPCs can carry much less than the PlayerCharacter. For more info, see this thread:
  • Sleeping on Spruce Twigs: (Tip suggested by Bert Preast) Documented by the game devs in NEWS.TXT (in game directory). "(added as new feature, as of 3.70beta) Sleeping on spruce twigs now gives a little extra warmth and protection from the cold. It's simple and much used option in wilderness conditions especially during the wintertime. Sleeping on furs is still the most comfortable way to spend a cold night, but spruce twigs come as a good alternative. About half a dozen spruce twigs will provide enough insulation from the cold ground."
  • Post Spruce - a Simple Wilderness Condition Shelter: Documented by the game devs in NEWS.TXT (in game directory). (added as new feature, as of 3.70beta) Post spruce is a temporary shelter made by felling a spruce tree to lean against another, gives protection from the elements and is commonly used for spending a night in the wilderness. Build option is found under "Building options", and requires the same tools as felling young trees in general. There's also game encyclopedia [F1] entry about POST SPRUCE available.
  • Build Base Next to Rapids: It is a really good idea to set up your base on a rapids tile or where the water doesn't freeze over, this way you aren't always having to break the ice for water in winter. (Suggested by Bert Preast)
  • Armour Coverage Statistics Screen: While in game, press SHIFT+A to reach the Armour Coverage (& Warmth) Statistics screen. Find more information on the wiki, here: (Tip suggested by Bert Preast)
  • How to Make Cordage From Fibre Plants (hemp/nettle/flax)?: See the game encyclopedia [F1] entry about TEXTILECRAFT, as suggested by the dev here:

Edit 20210624: Added #12 How Can You Get An Axe Early Game?.
Edit 20210629: Added #13 Character Creation Screen Tip & #14 Print Screen World Map Before Entering Game World.
Edit 20210701: Added #15 Ancestors Limit and Selectively Deleting Some Ancestors.
Edit 20210704: Added #16 Process to Boil Poisonous Mushrooms & #17 Tips for Agriculture.
Edit 20210715: Added #18 Animal with Very Low Carry Weight?. Shortened the thread title to: 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs'. Set this thread to Sticky to make it more visible at the top of subforum.
Edit 20210923: Modified #12 How Can You Get An Axe Early Game? and added the missing referenced forum thread link.
Edit 20210924: Added #19 Sleeping on Spruce Twigs.
Edit 20210924: Added #20 Post Spruce - a Simple Wilderness Condition Shelter.
Edit 20210924: Added #21 Build Base Next to Rapids.
Edit 20210924: A few style tweaks: No emboldened fonts outside entry titles. (better) Standardised capitalisation it entry titles. Removed placeholder (last) entry.
Edit 20210924: Added #22 Armour Coverage Statistics Screen.
Edit 20211003: Style improvement.
Edit 20230111: Added #23 How to Make Cordage From Fibre Plants (hemp/nettle/flax); and style improvement.

June 23, 2021, 10:42:18 PM
*David Attenborough narrating*

September 12, 2022, 02:55:53 PM
Three years in the Unreal World For the first time, I have a character who has completed 1095 days without dying!  Three years!  To celebrate, I am buying everyone a barrel of kotikalja posting about it here.  My iron-age Finn is a Kaumo, and at 191cm and 101kgs an absolute unit.  He's great at everything, although a little bit deaf.  Three stars for every skill, and over three years they have developed like this:

Lore & Craft Skills

Agriculture   00%   17%  Seems to be only sowing that raises this.
Building           15%   42%  Built 3 cabins and a lot of fences!
Cookery      60%   93%  A mix of all cooking styles.
Herblore           30%   98%  Quite a bit of grinding involved here!
Fishing      60%   60%  Hardly done any fishing so no surprise.
Hideworking   90% 100% Lots of skins and furs tanned.
Timbercraft   15%   92%  See above about building cabins and fences.
Physician           75%   78%  Lots of wounds healed, on dogs and allies too.
Trapping           80%   83%  Traps only used to protect homes and crops.
Tracking           70%   99%  Includes 20% from game course.
Weatherlore   00%   46%  Grind, grind, and more grind!
Textilecraft   80%   84%  Lots of repairing looted clothing.
Carpentry           85%   88%  Making stuff.  Lots of stuff.

Physical Skills

Skiing      30%   100% Skiing on zoomed in map raises this faster.
Stealth      60%   100% Practise this around trapped birds etc..
Climbing           15%   100% Climb fences.  Lots of fences.
Swimming           00%   100% Careful here, cold or fatigue will drown you.

Combat Skills

Dodge      75%   81%  Try to find an angry badger to help with this.
Shield      00%   00%  I use a bow or a battleaxe.
Knife              35%   38%  A guy lost in the forest gifted me the rise.
Sword      00%   00%  Axes FTW.
Club              95%   96%  Lobbing rocks at squirrels.
Axe              95%   99%  Good at slicing people and bonking animals.
Flail              00%   00%  Silly weapon.
Spear      90%   91%  Great weapon until you get a good bow.
Bow              85%   100% Masterwork longbow.  It's like having a rifle.
Crossbow           00%   00%  Never seen the point.
Unarmed      30%   36%  Kicking trapped birds in the head.

I started in summer as hurt, helpless and afraid, as far to the north east as I could get.  The first year was as a hermit on the far north eastern coast, using only stone and wood for weapons and tools.  Furs and leather are not enough for a winter up there, I was going hypothermic and getting frostbite all the time.  I decided for the second year to return to civilisation, and get myself some nice warm woolly undies.  I built a cabin between two large marshes, and hunted and traded.  The third year has been dedicated to expunging the scourge of the Njerps, and thus far it's going very well.  I've destroyed all their villages, but I am still finding camps of warriors.

EDIT:  Apologies for the formatting, I have tried and failed to fix it

April 26, 2023, 09:21:21 PM
Re: Effin' lynx.
My protection method is to build a stable (a 3*3 or other shape building with one or more fence tiles "inside" to allow you to tie down animals inside of it). Bears can open doors, but not other predators.

The immediate solution is to build appropriate sized deadfall traps and bait them with fresh meat (or fat). I'd build them so they're in the various directions the nuisances can approach from.
I think lynx can be caught in the two mid sized deadfall trap types, but not bear or pit traps. My current character has caught a lynx in a wolf trap (the second largest type, after bear trap).

BEARS can open doors? We're doomed. We're all doomed. I just built my cow and sheep a nice "barn" and now I have to put a giganto deadfall in front of it. Brr imagine a bear opening the door to my home and being all "Y HALO THAR".

June 22, 2023, 12:21:39 AM
Version 3.81 released for Windows In the midst of summer schedule challenges we're hereby releasing version 3.81 first for Windows  and follow with Linux and OS X builds in early august.
Version 3.81 for Windows is available on Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers.

This version is mostly about craftable and repairable fishing nets, preliminary introduction of pausable crafting and some bugfixes. Find full changelog at the end of this post, and now let's highlight the most exciting addition...

Craftable and repairable fishing nets

Now it's possible to both craft a net from the scratch, and to repair worn-out nets. These are both pausable tasks allowing you to finish them in parts as you please. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have breaks in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been developed further this will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting.

        Weaving a net is laborious task and the mere amount of yarn alone may be demanding to obtain. The other material requirements include thicker cordage for the supporting lines, rocks for weights and birch or pine bark for floats. Traditionally the rock weights were sometimes wrapped inside birch-bark pockets for more durable attachment. This is optionally doable in the game as well.

         Making a net is process of several days, and that is why nets were usually woven indoors during the wintertime. For the history and realism sake a good use of written sources along with actually interviewing old net makers were carried out to come up with the many values and mechanics. And still there's a room to add some advanced fishing net care and maintenance features in the future.  It might be interesting for some if we opened up our research and field studies later on, but here's just one curiosity:

There's a tool called netting needle which has been essential in netmaking. It's a tool the player characters can craft in the game as well. In our interviews with a certain old net maker one question was: "We're the nets ever made by hand alone, without a netting needle, and is it even viable?"

    Ville, a real person in real world - an old fisherman - just kept staring for a really, really long time and said "Everyone had their own netting needle."  Other interviewees also confirmed that netting needles were always needed, even when repairing the nets, and during the fishing season people would carry them around just in case. Well, the game mechanics allow netmaking without a netting needle too, but you will only find it impractically slow.

Netting needle.


Version 3.81 for Windows
** Saved characters from version 3.70-> are compatible with this version. **

- added: craftable fishing net

         It is now possible to make a fishing net by the player character. The option can be found at "Fishing" category in the [M]ake menu.
         Weaving a net is laborious task and the mere amount of yarn alone may be demanding to obtain. The other material requirements include thicker cordage for the supporting lines, rocks for weights and birch or pine bark for floats. Traditionally the rock weights were sometimes wrapped inside birch-bark pockets for more durable attachment. This is optionally doable in the game as well.
         Making a net is process of several days, and that is why nets were usually woven indoors during the wintertime. In the game making a net is newly featured pausable task allowing you to finish it in parts as you please.
- added: NETMAKING skill

         Netmaking is a skill for weaving and constructing fishing nets. Success in netmaking determines the quality of the nets crafted. For migrated characters this skill is created upon the first load in this version.

- added: pausable crafting

         In this version we are introducing pausable crafting for a few selected items. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have breaks in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been developed further this will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting.
         Crafts that can be currently paused are:

         * Net

         * Chop felled tree into blocks

         * Split firewood from a block

         * Split a trunk into boards
           With the pausable timbercraft options you can now also use unhandy and inferior tools eg. stone-axe in board making as there's no upper limit of how much time can be used to get the work done.

         Pausable crafting works similarly to pausable building. You can cancel the process at will, and then continue at will. The crafting will be continued when you try to make the said item again standing beside the partially finished item. For example, if you try to [M]ake a fishing net beside a partially crafted net the crafting continues.
         Partially crafted items will remain on the ground and can be picked up only after they are finished. They are rendered with a different tint and described as "partially crafted", "half-crafted", "largely crafted" etc. when looking at them.

- added: different tile graphics for a set net

         Tile graphics for a set fishing net is now different resembling its float line on top of the water.

- updated: "Net" game encylopedia (F1) entry

- changed: the weight and price of the net item

         Both have been increased. The weight because of the rock weights taken into account, and the price because of the true workload.

- added: netting needle, a new item

         Netting needle is a wooden tool used to weave fishing nets. It can be crafted by the player character from [M]ake menu "Fishing" category. Netting needle allows weaving the net conveniently with proper knots and tight mesh of uniform size.

- added: repair worn-out nets

          The option to "Repair worn-out net" can be found at "Fishing" category in the [M]ake menu. Repairing a net is also pausable task and can be cancelled and continued at will. To continue paused net repair works the same as continuing paused net crafting; if you use the repair option again beside the partially repaired net the crafting will continue.

- added: harvesting pine bark

         Pine bark can be harvested from big pine trees all-year round. Pine bark chunks are used used in making of net floats.

- added: "Bark" game encylopedia (F1) entry

- added: ball of birch-bark strip as village resource

         Villagers now gather and stock balls of birch-bark strip. These can be then traded for by the player characters if need be. Birch-bark availability in villages is based on the culture, and it naturally gets restocked only when the birch-bark harvesting season is on.

- updated: "Birch-bark" game encylopedia (F1) entry

- added: timbercraft product quantities affected by the used tool, ie. an axe

         When making boards, blocks of wood or firewood you'll get fewer products when using an unhandy axe for the said tasks. The effect is most notable when the axe is far from preferred one, eg. making boards with a stone-axe.

- adjusted: blacksmiths titled as masters always produce masterwork goods

         There was a small skill range where blacksmiths titled as masters produced fine, but not masterwork goods. This has been adjusted so that now masters always produce masterwork goods.

- fixed: using STEALTH from skills menu prompted nothing

         Now it says the skill is automatically used when necessary. That is, when your character gets [h]iding.

- fixed: firemaking failing at fertilized locations

         Fire data couldn't be properly set to locations with fertilization data.

- fixed: some diy/biy descriptions corrupting the material requirement text output

         Adding descriptive texts eg. '+(needed for this and that)' to some diy/biy entries caused text output corruption in the displayed list of required materials. This was noticed with some cordage at least.

- fixed: math failures when using withes (on the ground) in constructions

         There was a rare occasion where using withes on the ground might cause math failures to the number of materials used or required. This was noticed with building a fence gate, but might have occurred elsewhere too.

- fixed: animals leaving droppings far too often after 255 game days

         Yep, it was char<>int kind of mistake in the dropping interval calculations.

- fixed: some encumbrance penalty calculations

         Excess penalty didn't always capped at 100%, and the weight of worn clothes you could carry without penalty wasn't always calculated correctly.

- fixed: making stone arrowheads not allowing using stones on the ground for grinding

 - fixed: wading mode text alignment not centered

 - fixed: repeat the last action display for arrow and bowstring was blank


July 31, 2023, 01:19:14 PM
Re: NPCs to use exactly same movement rules as player character. A solution that might be easier to implement to look at what their moving on and add fatigue penalties. That is roughly the same as the PC.

As to having skis on/off maybe if its winter time issue higher-wealth opponents "ski" and "ski stick"....  or not. Since its hard to fight with a ski stick.


Sample logic:

= If encounter spawns in snow*
== then % chance to give them ski gear, higher chance for "wealthy" like those with lamellar cuirass
== if getting ski gear issue skis (worn) and ski stick
* maybe a depth related factor like if it is calf deep or deeper higher chance
=== If NPC is spawns indoors (inside a building or kota)
=== chance to delete ski gear (they weren;t wearing at time of attack)

= if no ski gear and AI moves
== then getting fatigue as PC does

= if wanting to use a bow and arrow
== equip bow and arrows storing ski stick

= if ski gear and wanting to melee* and more than 6 tiles away
== if not holding ski stick
=== then equip ski stick
== if holding ski stick
=== move as a ski (with an assumed high ski skill)

December 11, 2023, 09:36:32 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
Just conquered a Njerp village (5x warrior, a peasant, two craftsmen, a maiden, a woman, a housewife and a child) and carried away my spoils on Conquest, Victory, Triumph, Honour, Glory and Pride, which are the two bulls and four cows those dead Njerpez certainly need no longer.

I encountered a Vagabond hunter in the forest. The man was probably hunting a bird, because - i decided to continue my journey when suddenly I noticed a bird that took off. It had probably been the target of a hunter, because in his anger he attacked me from behind and struck me dead with an axe. =L

December 29, 2023, 11:42:12 AM