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Too many Njerps? I am based in the south west, between Driik and Sartola lands.  I am doing the Big Elk part of the Advanced Adventures course, sallying out daily from my cabin to hunt a big elk.  In 2 weeks of this, I have found and killed 4 elk and 6 Njerps.

I would be fine with this if I was anywhere near Njerp lands, but it seems excessive considering how remote I am from them. 

I feel it's a major game balancing issue - I am a combat orientated character so for me the Njerps are easy kills and make me rich.  If I were not combat orientated then each Njerp would be a deadly peril.  I have also tried playing hermit type characters in the far north and a surplus of wandering Njerps made those runs either too easy or too hard as well. 

My suggestion is that around Njerp lands yes it should be crawling with Njerps, but in the far west and north they should be extremely rare.  That way players who want easy kills or constant terror can settle near the Njerps, and those who would prefer not to slaughter more men than Genghis Khan in a play-through can settle in somewhat more peaceful lands.

January 22, 2020, 05:47:46 PM