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Re: Skill Training Guide I think I'll just dump some data here, feel free to add more!

Carpentry ***
242 poor boards -> poor paddles 0%-> 25%
500 inferior boards -> 453/47 inferior/poor paddles 25% -> 40%
71 inferior boards -> 71 inferior paddles 40% -> 42%
293 decent boards -> 218/75 decent/inferior paddles 42% -> 50%
303 decent boards -> 286/07 decent/inferior paddles 50% -> 55%
51 fine boards + decent cords -> 32/14/5 fine/decent/rough shortbows 55% -> 60%
125 fine boards + decent cords -> 88/32/5 fine/decent/rough shortbows 60% -> 70%
66 fine boards + decent cords -> 49/14/3 fine/decent/rough shortbows 70% -> 71%
217 fine boards + fine cords -> 171/40/6 fine/decent/rough shortbows 71% -> 80%
243 fine boards + fine cords -> 210/25/8 fine/decent/rough shortbows 80% -> 89%

Timbercraft ***
110 trees -> trunks -> 89/702/596/571/242 perfect/.../poor boards 0% -> 82%
57 trees -> trunks -> 147/637/284/72 perfect/.../inferior boards 82% -> 100%

Weatherlore ***
~Seedtime(May) -> Pearl(Feb) ~10 a day(once each hour) 90% -> 100%

Timbercraft ***
128 logs -> 343/1732/374/111 perfect/.../inferior boards 65% -> 100%

June 07, 2018, 04:37:48 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Moment of silliness:
Eagle owl hits capercaillie

(Didn't have anything on me except sword, broad knife, waterskin and the recently killed bird to chuck at the capercaillie.. the spot was too good to go scrounge for sticks or rocks)

January 19, 2021, 09:23:35 PM
Re: You end the task confused Usually it’s a tool of sorts. Handaxe or knife , maybe other utility items can go missing too.

I guess it’s similar to getting Influenza; randomizer throwing “mishap” your way. 

February 06, 2021, 03:20:58 AM
Re: You end the task confused AFAIK: It is gone.
At least I’ve never managed to find the missing item. Often it’s a handaxe in the early game, you’re moving on world map and then you get the “it’s gone”  :'(
Zooming in, looking around and backtracking to previous wilderness tile never has materialized the missing item.

February 06, 2021, 04:17:33 AM
Re: Best equipment for hide working In my experience: no. The work surface doesn’t affect the hideworking outcome.
I’m suspecting that knife and beater quality modifiers do affect the outcome.
I.e. with low-mid range Hideworking, I don’t seem to get quality drop using fine club as beater, when tanning away from cabin, using a rock or decent club occasionally does degrade the quality. If I carry a fine club or craft additional fine club for remote shelters, the quality doesn’t seem to drop either.

February 07, 2021, 04:47:49 PM
Use of a dead vagabond as bait I have in my possession the recently and most tragically deceased body of a young vagabond adventurer.  I found I can neither butcher nor skin him, so I lobbed his corpse onto one of my trap pits to serve as bait.

I have already got over the moral implications of this; reasoning that it is simply an iron-age method of donating one's body to science, which I feel sure this young man would have wanted.  It's a strictly technical question - are his rotting remains likely to help catch me a bear?

Actually you can slate my morals if you see fit, but I just got the "unity with the forest" message so I am sleeping soundly no matter what you may think  ;D

September 05, 2021, 09:19:22 PM
Re: Northern spear falls victim to suply chain disruptions?
I have checked 13 villages in Kuikka territory and 19 villages in Owl lands, peeked into every single tent, and there is not a single northern spear for sale. Has it always been this difficult to find them or am I looking in the wrong places? I do not recall them being that rare.

Northern knives are also in very short supply, I believe I have seen 1. Plenty of northern bows, though, including many fine ones, and one masterwork quality. Also, lots of hunters and adventurers are casually walking around with their northern spears dangling behind their back, but they are always of regular quality, so I would rather find a higher quality one for sale.
This happens. When you are after a particular item, it is sometimes hard to find it. The only thing you can do is keep checking and if you somehow managed  to do a first-pass on all relevant villages, then take a pause and do a second pass a year later - you might get lucky then. And until then I would suggest buying the regular quality of the item you seek.

To improve the situation in the future,
1) I personally would like a review of item production and distribution code with a goal of increasing general item availability.
2) As a more substantial change, I back that suggestion I read in suggestions thread a while back prepaying a particular amount to get an item produced/obtained for you by a village craftsman. That would make life slightly easier for the player. Perhaps make it 250% cost but make it possible which reflects real life anyway as many items can be somehow arranged, if one is willing to pay a high price.

November 02, 2021, 06:56:12 PM