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Re: Problems with fishing Yup, the spirits are upset with you for continually catching fish without offering any sacrifice. 

You can move somewhere new where the spirits aren't mad at you.  You can try to mollify the spirits (I usually offer at least one fish any time I get a good catch, as soon as possible), but that will be hard if you can't catch any fish to mollify them with.  You can also switch to some other food supply, like hunting.

July 18, 2018, 02:03:24 AM
Re: Problems with fishing You need to sacrifice something every day, even on days that you don't fish. Catch 2 perches and a pike? Sacrifice a perch, roast the pike, eat the pike and sacrifice the other perch tomorrow and so on. Doesn't seem to matter what you sacrifice, roaches seem to work just as well as salmon. As is the case for the forest spirits where berries seem to work as well as big game fat.
July 18, 2018, 07:59:18 AM
Re: Problems with fishing I sacrifice to the forest spirit every day, but it's probably overkill.
What you need to do is to heed the messages about your relations to the spirits and keep on their good side. That's the long term, though.
To get out of the hole you're currently in, you'd need to either move to start afresh with new spirits of the water, switch to another food source while the spirits of the water calm down (if they do? The spirit of the water is still incredibly happy with me for the sacrifices in spring, when I fished last, and it's now autumn), or buy fish (salted/smoked/dried/roasted) in a village and sacrifice that. You can also sacrifice the last remainder of a roasted pike in the future.
Note that you can only sacrifice once per day per spirit (plus special ritual sacrifices), and the amount sacrificed doesn't matter, so a roach is as good as a salmon (or, put another way, sacrificing a whole salmon is a waste).

In addition to angering the spirits of the water, you can also over fish, in particular in small lakes, so the catches dwindle, although they recover if given time.

July 18, 2018, 10:22:29 AM
Re: Problems with fishing Reread the last sentence of your first quote to find the answer to the first question and last one...

You should sacrifice daily until you're back on a good foot with the spirits targeted.

I haven't seen any difference in effect depending on where sacrifices are made: it seems the item determines the target.

July 18, 2018, 06:04:03 PM
Re: Problems with fishing The value/amount/quality (as long as it's still edible) doesn't matter. Sami said somewhere that the value to the spirits is in the gesture rather than the value of the offering.
July 19, 2018, 12:27:55 PM