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Releases, anniversaries, sales, and season's archery greetings Very exciting times are at hand...

We've reached beta stage with the upcoming version 3.50. Test builds have been compiled and tested to some extent, and we are ready to move onto releasing the first 3.50 beta version. This will first take place on Steam, and for lifetimers at the forums - and is to be followed with the standalone release on the homepage later on.

By the way, did you know that this year is 100th anniversary of Finland's independence?
Doesn't matter if you didn't, but it's a big year for the country and it all culminates on 6th of December - for that is the independence day of Finland.

On that very day we are celebrating Indie-dependence day for it's been 25 years of playable UnReal World releases.
In other words, the game has been out there for 1/4  of its development nation's official existence. It's either an old game, or a young nation ;)

We try to aim Steam/Lifetimer release of 3.50 beta to take place on 6th - the big indiedependency day.
Because of the anniversary Steam has also agreed to grant a special sale period for a bunch of finnish games. Before the sale is going on we can't exactly say when it starts or ends, but you should know UnReal World is available for a little cheaper price. It's probably our biggest price cut ever to be seen, so if you want to celebrate with us or finally get that Steam copy, the opportunity is around the corner.

And then, it's time fore season's archery greetings...
Over the years people have regularly hinted that could I start up on somekind of bushcraft video channel or so. Now Erkka occasionally drops videos related on variety of trad. chores, and at Enormous Elk videos we sometimes cover as well, but to me the dearest thing to showcase and talk about would be archery. So I'm trying to establish traditional archery channel, hopefully getting it going next year. History and archery, crafts and shoots, books and bows and techniques, and all that. Channel draft is available for early subscriptions:

Now it's three night until the big indiedependency day. Stay tuned.

December 03, 2017, 03:09:34 PM
Shooting snowballs ...meanwhile in Finland.
It's been snowing, and I've been studying the art of archery, so I gotta share this yesterday's shot to remember:

December 17, 2017, 04:12:15 PM
Re: Value of things We're willing to change it all if proper documents are handed over :P

And no matter how many times it is done, there's always need to be redone. Hehe...we could easily end up in constant loop of tweaking only the prices on yearly basis.

But what's the origin of current prices then? This is from the captain's log (ie. news.txt) in 2012

 - balanced: item prices

   With the help of various historical sources and a few modern studies
        all the item prices have been checked and balanced. Item prices are now
        linked and relative to value of a squirrel hide, which is kind of a
        basic "currency". This "squirrel hide currency" stays a hidden factor,
        but gives us a historically accurate base for item pricing.

December 18, 2017, 07:05:24 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority  I too think that before marriage there is much AI that could/should be filled out.

For NPC's to take a more lively role in the game, imo they need to "act" more like players. Some being friendly, some devious, some trusting, some dishonest and some just down right evil.

 NPC's could/should serve as better wealth sinks. Consuming received foods, "using" /removing traded items, or reselling items at a profit.

 For bonding/marriage there needs to be some overarching danger/human drama/risk to NPC's;
You come home and a stranger has taken up with your spouse and cleaned you out.
A wild animal has attacked your spouse and you must care for them.
Your kid gets lost in the woods.

 Possibly even look at enslavement vs bonding (if this is even historically correct).

This is a deep well topic ;)

December 19, 2017, 01:27:29 AM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority While I usually don't vote the middle choice in polls because the vote doesn't sway it one way or another, this time I did. Here is the reason: Sami has been developing the game very nicely for a quarter-century and I'm constantly impressed with each new version.

Implementing spouses sounds like a massive task that includes many other game developments, the biggest of which, IMHO, is an A.I. that can play like a complex bot in order to make a believable spouse. Because a spouse that behaves like village NPCs wouldn't really be worth it.

Keep up the good work with your own priorities, Sami :-)

December 19, 2017, 01:41:05 AM
Re: Question for Sami Caius breaks it down really well, I thought, especially when it comes to how such a question would present from a programming perspective.

Regarding that the question of marriage keeps coming up, I think there is a tendency for excited newbie players to overestimate how much any single feature will improve gameplay, especially if that feature is still just in the theoretical stages. (And I’ve been very guilty of jumping the gun myself in the past.) But if you read Caius’s breakdown, it becomes clear that in most scenarios, marriage will simply become another game feature governed by metrics, and it will add no more intrinsic depth to the game experience than you might get from exploring the in-game cooking options more deeply, or making fuller use of the already existing animal or companion system.

I’m not saying that it will make NO difference, but that it will be at least as much work and tweaking to implement as any other feature, while not being any more revolutionary than any other feature that could be added.

I’ve played CK2 a lot myself, and there are definitely some fun aspects of the marriage and family system in that game. However, I for one would be very sad to see URW move down the same path. There’s something very mercenary and Machiavellian about how relationships work in that game... which is fun in its own way and works for CK2 because it fits with the concept of the whole game, to treat human beings like symbols and chess pieces, and determine the fate of millions without having to think about the consequences befalling each individual. But that’s not the vibe I get from Unreal World, because it’s a game I play for pleasure, not distraction. I feel attached to it because in the Unreal World I feel like there’s room for attachments to breathe and exist, rather than every ounce of emotion and motivation just being directed towards a predetermined goal or victory. If a game starts just being constantly about the thrill of the chase, without variance or surprises or even the opportunity to contemplate why I chase, that’s when ennui sets in and the game stops being fulfilling.

It’s like that with simulating relationships too, in that while I’m not opposed to the basic idea, I have my share of misgivings about the implementation. The point of having spouses and partners in real life isn’t just as a warm body or someone to do their share of the chores, or as (pardon the phrasing, but that’s really how it’s depicted in games like CK2) breeding machines. Even the people who are asking for this change right here and now, a program-based solution like the one they are proposing is not necessarily going to effectively fill their want, deep down... and especially not within the time frame they are asking for.

I dunno. I am personally of the opinion that it’s far better to be lonely than in an unfulfilling relationship, so maybe it’s that attitude carrying into my gaming style. The only thing that might get me to change my mind is if Sami himself found a way to integrate that approach into the overall style of the game. And it’s happened before... I used to be skeptical about how a magic system would work in URW, but the newer quest-related gameplay, getting to interact with spirits, and in general being shown-not-told the ancient Pagan worldview is a great development in the game, and the one that made me fall in love with it all over again.

Ultimately it comes down to vision, and one of the best things about this game is how much work the developers put into realizing their unique one. I want to echo many of the opinions given in the other thread (the poll thread) and say that the consistency shown by Sami and Erkka in developing this world is what keeps me sticking with this game, like how a person who is quietly self-confident and seems to know their own mind (even if it means we sometimes disagree) is usually more attractive than someone who acts like a weathercock.

December 23, 2017, 09:43:17 PM
Re: Marrige What's wrong with Sami's poll?

You ought to provide a very clear and specific description of the reason you consider the game's creator's poll to be so poorly constructed that we should bother with you poll.

Or haven't you seen the poll (and the discussion thread that led Sami to start the poll in the first place)?

December 25, 2017, 09:29:50 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority I should also add that I'm not fond of the idea of children. I haven't had any character lasting an amount of years that he could raise adult children, and doubt that many players have.
And I don't think that the excuse that now characters will last longer because the incentive of children has any validity.

December 25, 2017, 10:43:56 PM
Re: Wearable trinkets Just an aside, It is possible to use the provided mod environment to make an item like a necklace wearable.

December 26, 2017, 10:46:11 PM
3.50 (beta 2) released for everyone All the best to everyone for 2018!
We'll hereby start the year with release of 3.50 beta version for everyone.
You can grab it at homepage downloads section.
For those interested in venturing into the far north on Steam, notice that the x-mas there still continues, and you can find your way there from the above download page as well.

January 01, 2018, 08:32:18 PM