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[let it be] Re: [3.60 beta-hotfix 2] Tutorial - pick something up
Code: [Select]
(A80000):16g8:[!]{0744029A}      | Nggggh! Dead owl-tribe hunter is too heavy for you to lift.
(3C5A98):16g8:[:]{0744029A}      | Live freely now and see the game-course information screen again when you are willing to take your next task.

Tutorial quest - pick something up - completes even though I did not successfully lift the dead owl tribe hunter.

That's fine, the player having found out the right key and pressed it, is enough here.

September 23, 2019, 11:34:40 AM
Re: [3.60 beta-hotfix 2] coat color variation - domesticated reindeer They do have variation. It's often slight, but can exist. It's (rare) possibility that reindeers in your example are indeed of the very same color, or that the variations are too slight to spot. But to verify it's working, here's example of another reindeer pen my character stumbled upon just a moment ago:

September 23, 2019, 11:45:56 AM
Re: Wild animals suiciding on melting ice? So I want to thank everybody for sharing their stories  :) I also loved Sami's post with real life references  :) very nice, I had no idea this happens today. I must admit though that where I live we only have frozen lakes every 5-10 years so I never thought about it more...

I have come to the conclusion that my scenario was (unintentionally) more likely to result in drowned animals, because with the hurt helpless and afraid start in spring time I spent nearly all my time in the first 5 (?) weeks at the shore or in the middle of frozen lakes trying to catch some fish with a rock or a crude javelin. If I understand the game correctly, only parts of the map where you already zoomed in are simulated in detail (at least the save games get much bigger when I have visited more places) so the fact that I was there all the time may be the most important factor.

Can anybody offer some insight if this assumption is correct? After all I feel less cheesy now for profiting from these poor animals with so little effort  ;D

October 05, 2019, 11:23:44 PM
Re: Deliver message quest -- can't find him! Firstly, UrW rounds distances (and most everything else) up, so "6 km" is 51-60 tiles (and it doesn't calculate true distances, so there's no square root of 2 calculation for diagonals).

Secondly, you should be able to ask for the guy once you find the right village: if you can't you're in the wrong one. You're not getting any better directions that the 1 out of 8 directions and a distance to find the village, though.

October 09, 2019, 12:23:56 AM
Re: Finding an item I once lost a valuable load of furs when a pack of wolves surprised me with my animals. I didn't realize I'd lost a cow until I'd traveled a long way and then had to find a way to locate where I'd encountered the wolves.

So, you look in the msglog.txt and find a message created at the time you last used the item. There will be a 8-digit code which is interpreted as the x-y coordinates. Compare that location to your present location and do a little math and you can return to the last location of the item.

I THINK that's what you were asking. If not, forgive the longwinded reply!!

October 09, 2019, 02:41:52 AM
Re: Rafts! Going upstream with a raft may well be impossible, while going downstream would be fairly easy (although rapids may be a danger to both punts and rafts). Propelling a water craft against the wind is also harder than going with the wind.
Of course, these things would require elaboration of the environment, but this IS a suggestion thread...

October 17, 2019, 06:18:10 PM
Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.60beta-hotfix3] Pawboards not so good for trading now? Bugged it was. "How many traps we have" checks failed by assuming other types of tools as traps. Fixed now.

Fixed - persists in 3.60beta-hotfix 3.

October 17, 2019, 08:00:04 PM
Re: [not a bug] Cellar in building- problem smoking/drying PALU's description matches to quite extent what kind of cellars we're talking about.

This is an old cellar at Erkka's place, with the old doors removed.

Coming up with such a space right under the house would require whole different approach to house building, especially if the floor was mere dirt, so the cellars were dug into mounds. It's likely that most players think of UrW cellars differently, as we haven't emphasized the building requirements/restrictions too much. But now you know. :)

October 19, 2019, 05:32:54 PM
Re: [not a bug] Cellar in building- problem smoking/drying Aye. This topic got me looking online for info on root cellars. Many descriptions were exactly what Sami has shown. I'm going to start moving mine outdoors, just to get it right!
October 20, 2019, 08:25:38 AM
Re: [3.60 beta linux-1] adventurer doesn't collect his own arrows Yes, this is indeed a problem and should be taken care of. NPCs have never cared for their dropped or thrown items, and the oversight is now more obvious with the hunting NPCs.

October 23, 2019, 05:17:08 PM