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Re: Snares need yarn now?! Don't settle too close to a village, or they may consider your stuff as belonging to them - after all, it's on their lands!

I think having at lest three overland tiles between you and the village is considered safe, but I usually settle a lot further away than that.

If you need a paddle and the village has an axe in it somewhere, you can drag a tree to the axe then make boards and a paddle without picking up the axe.  This should not anger the villagers.

April 26, 2023, 06:53:48 PM
Re: Snares need yarn now?! Look for fords to cross rivers, if it's cold then prepare to build a fire to warm you when you reach the other bank.  Take along 3 branches or twigs.  Don't take more if, as with some fords, you have to swim - the extra weight can drown you!

Some lakes are massive, others you can easily go around.

April 26, 2023, 08:55:40 PM
Re: Agriculture Harvest Originally the game left harvested crops on the ground.  It was changed recently to give the option to put them directly into the inventory, as farmers were complaining of massive RSI!

EDIT:  If you want an easy introduction to the game, you may want to look at my "Guide for the aspiring hunter" in the Guides & Tutorials forum here:

It's a bit powergamey I know, but it will teach most of the game and give you confidence to try a harder start the next time!

April 26, 2023, 08:56:54 PM
Re: Agriculture Harvest Harvest down was left in place so existing method wasn’t removed.
And sometimes it’s beneficial to harvest, then thresh on the spot. (Wild harvest such as meadsweet can get heavy as whole plants.)

April 27, 2023, 02:27:28 AM
Re: Injured Adventurer It will not appear on the map until you find it. Normally it is near the centre of the circle and you need to narrow the options by reading the description, east of this sort of land north of some other sort or whatever it said. Then look for a few bloodscape tiles, then you know you are on the right area.
If you need to search in thick forest give up before you waste a day pointlessly searching.

April 27, 2023, 03:46:39 PM
Re: Injured Adventurer Pattern searches are your friend.

Some that work well for this is:

= Handrail
Find the edge of the matching terrain description and move along it.
Shelter won't appear until encountered until met on the normal zoomed in map.
If on the zoomed out map you can use Alt-T to look for tracks, which can work if they said an animal like a bear was involved.
You can also hand rail zoomed in by manually walking along with the occasional alt-T. Blood scrapes can be spotted zoomed in.

= Spoke searches
Think of a wagon wheel with the hub at the center with spokes going out to the large rim.
Start at point of interest like spotted tracks or a guess your in the right spot or the center of the quest marked area.
It can be helpful to put a marker in place to mark the hub. On the zoomed in map stacks of 3 branches, 3 rocks etc as 3 uncommon in nature. On the zoomed out you can put a map marker down or build a shelter.
Move in a direction away from your hub to make the first spoke. Then move in the rim's circle in one direction. Return to the hub.
Shift your angle a little go out again go out again to the rim distance. Try to use the same distance. Circle again and come back as needed.
Once you complete a circle repeat with a wider circle.
If you find some evidence then use that as the new center of search remembering to put down a new marker.

April 27, 2023, 06:09:39 PM
Re: Can't trap cellars anymore? I dont recall ever putting a trap right on top of cellar.

I learned long ago to put the light lever traps around the cellar. If a rodent gets in to nibble they die and become meat. Thus the cellar works as a super bait.

Nearby can be a larger predator trap baited with meat.

April 27, 2023, 06:11:19 PM
Re: Snares need yarn now?! Personally I don't like the limited to yarn thing as its not something a survival person could make if its supposed to be wool yarn. It might be a wording thing with yarn being the thin lighter than cord.

Light lever traps to start with work.

Experience taught me when doing long travel to often carry a few loop snares to fill in the gaps amid trees of my shelter area to make a mini-fort. If nothing else its a noise maker. Loop snare s are quick to pack up to take with you at a light weight.

April 27, 2023, 06:14:40 PM
Re: Having trouble with trapping. You always have a shot... but you have to take it well to survive.

I was starving and freezing but I got lucky, an elk in a snowstorm with just a rock.  Read about it here:

So keep trying.  If you die, follow my hunter's guide with your next Finn, and you should find things much less frustrating  8)

April 28, 2023, 12:43:51 AM
Re: Snares need yarn now?! The game's "yarn" includes the products from various plant based fibers, and so isn't limited to actual (animal sourced) yarn. Thus, you can produce it from nettles, hemp, and linen (I might have forgotten some source).

However, it's not a starting material, as nettles first have to be at least partially grown, and then has to go through retting and drying, which takes over a month.

April 28, 2023, 09:34:57 AM