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Re: Rauko In the small hours, Rauko wakens with an uneasy feeling. The lake spirit should be happy after his sacrifice the night before, but then he wonders if perhaps leaving the grouse in the snare was not the right thing to do. Should he set it free or go ahead and kill it?

After giving the roach to the dog again, he decides to kill the grouse and sacrifice half of it's meat after he starts tanning the leather. The uneasy feeling doesn't go away and he is starting to feel a bit afraid of what might be going on at this lake. Is the spirit of the lake being protective of the fish? Or is there a spirit of the woods angry about the grouse?

Early morning comes and Rauko decides he will stay there one more day and night, but not do anymore fishing until things improve.

Gathering goods for trade, he sets off with the dog toward the 2 villages nearby that he has not visited yet. Neither village has any armor available. A craftsman tells him there is a village to the north-east.

After walking all the way to the river's mouth, Rauko finds there is no village!

April 30, 2018, 02:20:39 AM
Re: Inaccessible cave  Haha, a collapse! You have a wonderful perspective.

You used to be able to build a door into the wall to allow access. I haven't tried this in some time.

You can "deconstruct" the rock.
Open biy_glossary.txt, scroll down to just above "[SUBMENU_END:kota]"
Add a new line and put
.Big Rock .

save and close the file. Now when standing next to the Big Rock open the building menu and choose deconstruct and pick a rock

Note: use f3 on the item to see the name as it may be High Wall or something else, not played in a while.

May 01, 2018, 08:51:33 PM
Commands should have a longer range than conversation So, once again I've had the frustration of battling robbers and most of the hirelings just twiddle their thumbs when the one they fought was killed, while the last of them is fighting a 1:1 battle against one of the robbers.
The refusal to follow orders in this situation has thankfully been fixed, but I still have the problem that the order range is the same as the conversation range, i.e. about 10 meters. As the robbers tend to come towards you in a string, there can be some distance between your character battling the first one and the hirelings battling the others.

My suggestion is that you should be able to shout commands to hirelings (and dogs) at a considerably larger range, probably about 30 meters (15 tiles), although maximum visual range probably wouldn't be excessive. Instead of the infuriating message that I have to get closer while the abandoned hireling gets hacked to death, only commands should be available if the distance is too large for conversation, with the rest being greyed out. Non hirelings should continue to behave as they do currently (i.e. no reply, "get closer"), as you can't order them around.

In the same vein, dogs ought to hear you at a considerably larger distance than is currently the case, both because you're presumably shouting to increase the range, and because dogs have a better hearing than humans. If the dog is sufficiently far away you may not hear its reply bark, though (range based on character hearing?).

May 02, 2018, 12:23:50 PM
Re: Rauko It's mid-day and the pair have been following the river north-east in search of a settlement. It's been a long day walking and Rauko is weary by evening, so he stops to spend the night on the riverbank.

He sits on the shore and wonders what a water spirit would look like if he ever was to meet one. Would it look like a person, or a faceless horror?

He lays down after feeding the dog and falls into a deep sleep. Again, he is troubled by dreams of his father's death and the bear that killed him haunts him until the small hours before sunrise, when he awakes. The river water is shockingly cold as he splashes his face to dispell the night's dreams.

Walking along the river, just before dawn it snows for a little while. Then he sees what looks like an elk to the south and tells his dog to stay quiet until they get closer. He walks across a mire and into spruces with bow ready, but finds no tracks or sign of the animal, so he returns to pick up his items and heads back to the river.

Or could a water spirit even be made of water?

May 03, 2018, 12:04:40 AM
Re: Rauko They have now run out of food and Rauko didn't bring his fishing pole. Heading south should get them back to the shelter, but by late morning he spots 2 villages! The first has basically nothing but grains and turnips, so he bids them goodbye.

Just to the west is the 2nd village, and he trades fur footwear for smoked meat and 2 ropes. Then he finds an elk fur, a pot, a finely made knife, and a bag of barley to make stew with, and trades the shortsword he's been carrying since he came down the river after losing his father.

May 04, 2018, 01:52:40 AM
Re: Improving Bow Skill? In the past I've shot arrows at the ground two tiles away, and it has resulted in very slow skill increases (a point for every 200 shots or so). The advantage of firing into the ground is that arrows don't break. Firing at targets isn't a viable strategy because the arrow breaking rate is so high you run out of arrows very quickly.
It may be that firing at the ground further away has a better chance of increasing the skill, but I have no info on that.
If firing at the ground, try to select a target where the ground behind it slopes upwards, as it increases the chance of missed shots getting stopped before they travel too far away. Also make sure any dogs are out of the way...

Currently I'm playing with the house rule of no such training, but I DO (ab)use opportunities for live training a lot:
- Large animals in traps: Fire blunt arrows aimed at the head from a close distance (adjacent tile for herbivores and 1 tile further away for predators). I get a arrow high loss rate, though, but the harm to the skin is very limited. Also note that any arrows that break when hitting an animal just disappear (known issue) rather than resulting in broken arrows.
- Njerps: I fight those with a bow unless they manage to catch up. Once they're unconscious I fire at their legs from where I was when downing them until they die (if they had a bow that distance is farther away than if they only had melee weapons, typically). Firing at the legs is hard, so fewer arrows hit the target, which means more arrows can be fired before the training session ends with the Njerp dying.

Regardless, increasing the skill is very slow, but it does happen occasionally.

It can also be noted that it seems the chances of getting a skill increase decreases as the skill level increases, and the number of attempts before a skill increases varies wildly (I suspect it might be a straight percentage rather than one increasing gradually with each attempt). I gave up my latest dodge training after 600 attempts without a skill increase.

May 04, 2018, 10:42:10 AM
Re: Rauko The journey has been long since that fateful day, but Rauko is happy that the Kuikka suggested he travel south along the coast to the Driikaiset. Still hopeful to find a mail shirt like that work of art he found in the first Driik village, he travels the road south-east toward a 3rd village.

The craftsmen there have some fine swords, but Rauko is not trained to use those. There is a battleaxe which tempts him, but he will hold out for some good armor and trust in his handaxe and shield. So he journeys on...

Early afternoon brings him to a 4th village, in which he trades his shortbow for a badger fur, then finds they have several swords available. The last workshop he visits has what he is looking for, a long mail hauberk (which he gives up a huge amount of his possessions for) and perfect mail cowl (which he does not barter for).

Inside, Rauko is very proud and excited to have such a piece of armor, but he tries hard to act casual about it. Anyway, he can certainly find something other than barley to cook in his new pot. And now his load is considerably lighter too!

May 05, 2018, 02:45:44 PM
Re: Rauko Walking south toward his camp through many, many spruces and along the west shore of a large lake, 2 more villages come into view. It never hurts to meet more people and see what they have to trade, so he enters the first village, which has a wall around it. They have cows and a fine-quality battleaxe.

Rauko makes his way back south to his shelter and is grateful to lay down and rest after scraping the tanning fat off a grouse skin with snow falling on his head.

Waking in the small hours after peaceful sleep, it's still snowing so he stays in the shelter and makes some arrow heads. The snow stops and melts on the ground without sticking, but now the lake has thin ice around the shoreline.

May 06, 2018, 11:45:25 AM
Re: Rauko It's late morning but he sets off to hunt, leaving his hauberk in the shelter, taking minimal gear. He picks some blueberries and finds some bearpaw mushrooms and knows they are not safe unless boiled.

There are no hills near camp to the south, so seeing animals is not very easy, and the snowfall reduces visibility. Evening is near and it's time to head back. Exhausted, he falls into a deep sleep and wakes refreshed in the small hours to a warmer day with moderate rain.

Cutting down a small spruce to make stakes, then arrow shafts occupies his time until the rain stops. Looking inland, his snare has caught a black grouse!

May 08, 2018, 04:25:26 AM
Re: "Excess items are now put on the ground" space to continue suggestion. This happens when a character is fully loaded (i.e. all inventory slots used up: the weight is irrelevant) and food items are evaluated for decay. It seems the decayed item stack(s) fails to be added to the inventory because it's full because the previous incarnation of that stack (before decay) hasn't been removed yet. The issue would not happen if the previous item stack incarnation was removed before the decayed one was added.
Since the degraded item stack(s) couldn't be added to the inventory it was dropped (and you're in for extra fun if it's on top of a water craft that's also at it's inventory limit, although the craft should no longer explode).

May 08, 2018, 11:14:14 AM