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Re: Unworthy trade items I don't think salt is particularly useful unless you're rich in furs in which case it's saves you from having to smoke which is a tedious process.
April 03, 2022, 06:12:35 PM
Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%?
So I can say that I got a 5th skill with a + for the first time, despite many efforts to do so before, so it seems there may not be a cap on how many different skills though the 3% max per seems to hold. I am guessing having other skills improve my adjust the calculation for your chance to improve other skills, seems like it at least.

That is in line with what I suspected (i.e.: time itself is the ceiling).
In other words, developers did not add a separate maximum-separate-skills-improved-in-a-single-day ceiling.

Based on your & PALU's post, I understand there is a maximum-3-skill-point-gains-in-a-particular-skill-per-day ceiling which is of course a different thing.

April 03, 2022, 08:51:33 PM
Re: Companions carrying? Have you tried “Chat & deliver(give? Not on computer at the moment to verify)”?
If you give weapons to followers, and they use them in fight, they might not relinquish them later, other stuff you should be able to get back easily.

April 06, 2022, 12:50:04 AM
Re: Elk Horns Only male elk have horns, so you've probably bagged females only. The game names the males and females differently.
April 06, 2022, 10:52:03 AM
Re: How to burn down wooden buildings? Burning down my nice settlement.. (To "Burning Down the House")

April 06, 2022, 07:33:42 PM
Re: Missed paying companion If you go visit the village/settlement you hired him from, you can then give him his payment.
They’ll comment something “better late than never”.
If you don’t pay them, you might not be able to hire him or anyone from their home location.

April 07, 2022, 03:43:35 AM
Re: Elk Horns Bulls and some cows have horns.
Elk/moose have antlers.

Horns do not get shed. Antlers get shed annually.
Some antler growing species only male have them, moose/elk. Some species both genders do, like reindeer.

Ingame, antlers are not shed. Maybe the bull moose are busy elsewhere?

April 07, 2022, 03:49:21 AM
Re: Hunting Bears
What's the point of caves then?

 There can be animals in caves, I've seen lynx before. They make great homes, and very, very rarely there could be treasure stashed.

April 10, 2022, 02:51:23 AM
Re: Hunting Bears
I think a cave would make a terrible base cuz you'd always need a torch or a burning fire in it to see what you're doing.

Actually, though it's a good amount of work/boards; Once you set flooring, those areas remain illuminated.

April 14, 2022, 02:01:20 AM
Re: does shutter cause a heat loss? I don't know about kotas, but shutters in wooden buildings don't seem to cause any loss of heat.

What they do do, however, is wake you up more often by hearing some rustle or thinking you caught some movement.  Shutters allow you to see and shoot out, but too many may not be a good idea.  I once had my cabin attacked by robbers, and they filled me with arrows on three sides while I was only shooting back out of one. 

January 05, 2023, 06:30:44 PM