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Re: Making sleeping more safe. “I can't wait for improved lynx behaviour as well as easier-waking-up PCs (in this case, by the time I woke up, it was already too late and the lynx was already harming the reindeer). I should wake up when it's approaching in the first place to have a chance to defend.”

I’m with you waiting for lynx behavior tune-up; they’re ... overtly aggressive.
Especially with your mentioned entourage of sizable dog pack.

One thing I disagree with, is the last sentence: “wake up when it’s approaching...”
Lynx hunt by sneaking upon their prey. If a human, however animalistic, could wake up to lynxes soft paws on the stalking approach: lynxes would have starved to death trying to catch hares or deer with hearing that’s orders of magnitude more astute than any humans’.

If your character has good relations with the forest spirits; it could be justified to have him/her wake up with eerie/suspicious feeling.

June 23, 2021, 06:33:10 AM
Re: Making sleeping more safe. I agree with JP_Finn when it comes to the PC waking up by itself, but I'd expect real world dogs to make a racket when they detect the predator (because it's recognized as a predator, and so is a threat, not wait until it attacks).
June 23, 2021, 08:19:00 AM
3.70 beta-2 for Windows released Small update to fix a few bugs has been released for Windows on Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers at the designated forum section.
Patches for other platforms will follow later on.

3.70 beta-2 (for Windows) fixes the following:

 - fixed: domestic animals triggering your traps

 - fixed: small weight units (g, oz) shown in carried load statistics together with false basic unit (kg, lb)

         Now carried load is shown in basic units - either kg or lbs.

 - fixed: character creation modes "easy" and "too easy" unexpectedly quit due to option points miscalculations

 - typo: "kgs" abbreviation used in metric system units.

   It's now always singular "kg", as it should be.


July 04, 2021, 01:08:23 PM
Hunting gripe I really am getting irritated at the current state of hunting.

In the past, it was easy to follow tracks, maybe too easy, but at the same time, the current system is the opposite.  It's nearly impossible to track animals through woods, something that should be vastly, vastly easier than tracking them through the open.  I would likely be less annoyed if it weren't the simple graphical limitations of what we are doing making it not work, you have to be zoomed out to hunt because animals react to you before they are on screen at any reasonable zoom.  I don't like squinting at the tiny graphics on the screen, that's annoying enough on it's own, but the changes to tracking within wooded tiles are just unforgivable.  An elk moving through forest leaves a distinct trail that should be EASY to follow, thick woods make it easier to do, not harder, yet the second an elk is in thick woods, which represent probably 80% of the map, it's impossible to follow them with the sparse tracks.  Zooming helps, but not much.  You can't have relevant game data hidden by the normal environment like that.  The past system might have been too forgiving, but the current state of "oh, you want to see a track that's behind this normal sized tree?  Too bad, I know you'd be able to see them clearly if you were standing on the ground but you are hovering 60 feet in the air.

Punishing us this way is inane.  Hell, hunting in general has become inane.  Animals recover fatigue so quickly that chasing them down over the course of hours just does not work anymore, and I'm on a character with 6km walking speed.  There's no point to hunting in forests at all anymore, live on a mire or don't bother hunting.

Sorry about the gripe, I love this game, it's just disheartening to see another game go this way where they'll make everything stupidly hard but not give us the tools to deal with the simple game limitations that shouldn't be limitations at all. I watched C:DDA descending into utter unplayability over the course of years and seeing this game become less and less playable as time passes makes me sad.  And it's not just this, I've read the new beta nerfs fishing, requiring bait to get anything at all.

Which is silly, because the game doesn't offer you the infinite free bait available to any iron age finnish fisherman.  Every single pike you caught would have it's guts put into a trap for other fish.  Worms are everywhere and free with a little sweat.  Other insects too.  There's no reason to nerf fishing other than "it made surviving too easy and we want it to be hard", it's not realistic, it doesn't expand the game content, it just makes it so everyone needs to be constantly scrambling for another reindeer because another normal source of food is off the table. 

August 07, 2021, 06:29:54 PM
Re: Hunting gripe
I really am getting irritated at the current state of hunting.

In the past,<snip>
Welcome to the forums. Now, that's an entrance! :)

Sorry to hear you are frustrated with the game - my post below is not to disprove your points but just to share my point of view...
I personally do not agree with the overall sentiment that active hunting is hard in thick forests as overall animal AI is not that sophisticated and you can easily tire a reindeer herd by simply going around in the general vicinity. You do not need to track an animal perfectly to get a kill - even a semi random search pattern in the area works good enough in my experience. And after a while, when they are breathless (assuming you are not injured/breathless etc.) then they will start dropping like flies.

Furthermore even when it "doesn't work" that shouldn't always be problem either as in general you do not need 100% success rate in your hunts, a more relaxed hunting strategy in which only some hunts end up with kill might be less stressful and more fun as this is a game. Based on the text below it might actually be more realistic not to aim 100% success rate in active hunts (I get that we are not lions but it is provided as an example from the nature):
Lions are the archetypal apex predator, but their hunting success rate strongly depends on the number of lions involved – a single lion hunting in daylight has a success rate of 17-19 per cent, but this increases for those hunting as a group to 30 per cent. Of 1,300 hunts observed in the Serengeti, nearly half involved only one animal, 20 per cent involved two and the rest a group of (normally) between three and eight individuals.
( source: )

Below is an example video, not a particularly methodical one or good hunting in any way, wastes a lot of time (sped up in the video) but in the end, this hunt achieves the ultimate goal of obtaining skin and meat so I call it a success regardless:

If you would like more methodical examples, there are other active UrW hunting videos on YouTube if I recall correctly Jonathan Ferguson posted some complete beginners active hunting tutorials.

Currently if you do find active hunting hard with the current game version, suggesting devs changing the game is one way. As an alternative approach, you might just want to change your methods slightly but unable to suggest something useful specific to you as I don't know how much experience you have with the game and active hunting but if you share your approach in text or even better perhaps record a video and post the link we can maybe discuss? There are a lot of veterans who would be willing to analyse and assist.

Another option is perhaps getting a single dog which will bypass the "difficulty of tracking" problem as you will be simply following the barks instead.

Yet another option is hunting in winter time as it is much easier to tire animals but also much easier to spot tracks on snow - of course this removes half of year so not that great.
I get that last two suggestions are reductive solutions but I cannot think of another solution to the problem you describe without reducing overall difficulty and thus making it even less of a challenge for other players.

Sorry about the gripe, I love this game, it's just disheartening to see another game go this way where they'll make everything stupidly hard but not give us the tools to deal with the simple game limitations that shouldn't be limitations at all.
I think it is a great that you are voicing your feedback. If there is a genuine problem (which I might be missing here) alerting devs is the only way to get it fixed. Hope you stick around and soon start enjoying the active hunting phase of the game once again.

Edit: modified the YouTube hyperlink to skip to the beginning of hunt at 4m11s mark

August 07, 2021, 10:08:21 PM
RIP, Bul My oldest character, Bul, died today. 1699 days...bah!

I saw a dead elk out in a frozen lake. After testing the ice near the shore for safety, I walked out to it. It was fresh! So, I skinned it for a Fine pelt. I was a bit fatigued but then went ahead with butchering. At 118 cuts, it seems I was too exhausted to continue... and THEN the ice broke under me. Too fatigued to move, I could not crawl out of the water. I dropped everything, but, alas, fatigue was still over 100. Died a frozen, watery death.

(yes, I ignored the fact that the elk had broken the ice and died. I got what I

September 09, 2021, 10:28:48 AM
Re: Putting Out Fires yes please, AND add confirmation before setting fire to a stack of items that contain non-burnable items. I lost a good lot of my stash because I accidentally set fire to it, I'm sure this has happened to more veteran players as well
September 16, 2021, 02:09:53 PM
Re: Turning a forest tile into a clear ground by chopping down all trees
is it possible to change tile type by chopping down all trees?

I want my field tile to be looked as a field in zoom-out view
I have not tried this myself but I read a post on this forums - someone reported that they did exactly that and the tile did indeed change.

Edit: Found it! Here is the post and @Labtop 215 's contribution to UrW science:

October 05, 2021, 04:59:20 PM
New setting to auto-hide mouse pointer (after n seconds) Hi,

Please add a new setting to "optionally auto-hide the mouse pointer (after n seconds)".
As this is a primarily keyboard-driven game, the mouse-pointer is not a requirement - on the contrary, it is mostly a distraction.
If the n value is not going to be configurable, then it could be whatever makes sense to the developers, 3/5/10 seconds perhaps.


Edit: it is particularly bothersome for video production & streaming.

October 17, 2021, 02:03:27 AM
Firepit Use several stones to create a more permanent outdoor firepit.

Benefits - Fire lasts longer, embers last longer, another 'building' to flesh out an early game camp.

Potential small buff to cooking on a firepit rather than on open flame. When weather begins to impact firemaking, perhaps a firepit would help resist those effects.

October 26, 2021, 09:33:15 PM