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Re: Add cooking with wooden bowls No*, but I don't think it's supposed to be a ceramic pot. The game icon, it's price tag and especially the fact it's within the scope of metal items one can order from your local blacksmith suggest an iron pot.

On the other I'm not so sure on the importance of the oven's passive heating for cooking now. Another archaeologist said that when Finns switched to heat retaining fireplaces (sometime during the Viking age) there was switch to outdoor kitchens in kotas and similar.

*Apparently, iron age Finnish ceramic pots were fairly smallish generally, at about 1 litre (but up to 4), and were glazed with ferriferous clay or bog iron limonite.

December 04, 2023, 11:46:00 AM
Villages should keep their water sources free of ice during winter It's not just matter of having to smash the ice yourself, I can almost never find the things during winter since they blend in with the snow.
December 04, 2023, 12:27:51 PM
Re: Add cooking with wooden bowls
Matti as Im updating BAC again do you have more details to share?

The weblink is in Finnish and though can translate Im finding it awkward to drill out the details.

Going by the instructions from there for the modern day traditional dish from Lemi:

The tub is carved from birch or aspen, and is sized to the oven. It's then soaked in salted water for "weeks", which is said to help prevent cracking (reminds me of the salted water treatment given to kuksa, traditional wooden mug). After this it's treated with sheep tallow.

For the dish itself, salted mutton or lamb (1kg salt for 10kg meat, so were are talking properly salted for preservation) is rinsed in water to remove excess salt. A heat retaining over is fired up. Any cracks on the tub are patched up with combination of water and flour. The meat is placed on the tub and placed in the oven, with few pieces of alder separating the tub from the bottom of the oven (this both protects the tub and imparts taste, alder being traditional smoking wood in Finland, I guess just branches would be closest URW equivalent). It's cooked in the oven for hours (as many as 8), with meat flipped halfway through the cooking and potatoes turnips added sometime during the latter half of it. Apparently the tub can handle about 40-60 uses, more than I thought.

Note that this is a "dry" dish, even if the meat naturally releases liquid to the bottom of the tub. I suppose we can assume the tub can handle the in-game stew type dishes as those contain minimum water, but no idea how it would hold up with a soup.

@Plotinus I suppose one could take a stance that the iron pot shouldn't even exist in the game, it's a very complicated thing to hammer that kind of thing together from wrought iron. I'm not too sure it would be easier to take care of such pot in real life. Taking that kuksa as example, it's arguably easier to take care of than modern carbon steel cookware is (wood is somewhat hygienic material naturally, as it tends to absorb moisture from the surface and bacteria don't like being dehydrated).

December 06, 2023, 09:22:46 PM
Re: Sauna instructions and usage At minimum, the sauna mechanic requires:

sauna stove; an ordinary fireplace isn't adequate for the purpose
  • Most villages will have a sauna building with the stove, a tub to hold water, and a bench (this piece of furniture is just there for immersion afaik)
  • If you wish to have your own stove, you must 1) have a fully constructed wooden building with the walls and floors done; 2) gather 40 stones + 15 rocks to construct the stove.
    A sauna building may also function as a smokehouse, or a small starter home before you acquire the materials for a bigger living space.
fuel to heat the stove for several hours: a good steam requires about 50 pounds of fuel (equivalent to 1 slender tree trunk)

water for steam
  • Pick up a container (any size will do)
  • Stand next to a water source and open the inventory
  • Use the [a] apply key and select the container you wish to fill
  • Stand next to the sauna stove and open the inventory
  • Use the [a] apply key and select the container with water
  • The message log will inform you about the status of the stove's steam; you'll also see the screen flash white and hear sound effects of water being thrown on the heated sauna stove

In general terms for the game's setting, when the weather is freezing a sauna bath becomes the main method of maintaining hygiene. Although hygiene as a system isn't modeled in the game, using the sauna gives a boost to the player's health in terms of wound/illness recovery rate. (For symptoms of poisoning, you're basically sweating out the toxins.)

Applying a vasta will buff the health benefits, so it's a good idea to stock up on birch twigs when they're in season during the summer.

Since the game performs checks to wound status once a day in the morning, a daily sauna regime could help when you require it.

December 16, 2023, 10:31:30 PM
In the real world at present-day Savo The year is nearing its end - so let us send you our winter season's greetings with this post.
Firstly, we wish you all the best with the festivities and holiday season you might have at hand, and happy new year!
Then, as a season's speciality let us entertain you with little something recreational from the real world at present-day Savo.

The winter has come, and for the devs like us it means the balance between coding and cross-country skiing must carefully maintained.
So, a week ago Erkka came over for a visit - and we went exploring the real world on skis.

Over the years, we've found ourselves doing many kind of media works more or less related to the game world or inspired by the iron-age culture.
And now, quite spontaneously, we ended up doing small stop-motion animation - and then though of publishing it as 2023 season's greetings
at Enormous Elk YouTube channel.
There's more, and surely more sophisticated content to explore, if the channel wasn't familiar to you already.
We call it Tanssivat tontut in finnish, which would translate as Dancing goblins or Dancing household spirits in english.

And lastly, for myself the last weeks have been more busy with horseback riding and archery than coding.
In early December I did three horseback archery demonstrations at different stables which required quite a bit of both time and energy.
But hey, sometimes one has to ride a horse to endure extended still sitting periods in front of the computer.
And maybe it's good for one to try out the bow for real if he intends to simulate archery in the game.
So, this also falls into category of in the real world at present-day Savo. Let the bow skill speculations start :D

Let's see you in 2024, with all sort of new achievements, features and adventures to follow in the real and unreal world.

December 17, 2023, 06:46:33 PM
Re: Did anyone ever see a seal for once? Well, well, well....

Set up a bear trap on the small rock jetty where the seals seem to like to hang out.  And my guy only had 15 trap skill... Baited it with 1 roach and 1 perch, just to see if it might go for different types of fish.  a couple days later... here we are!  Time to train my club skill ;)

December 21, 2023, 01:45:30 AM
Re: Cheat a "permanent" companion? Update!

Pietu stayed with me for a total of 66 days. He helped me hunt at least 7-10 elk/reindeer, 5 bears, 2 lynxes, and 1 wolf. He assisted me in finishing up my giant cabin, skinning, and roasting meat. Even though mechanically he didn't, I like to pretend he also helped me harvest my 700kg of turnips  ;D

At the end of our adventures, when time came to reward him, I tested how many goods he wanted. I gave him a northern spear at some point and couldn't get it back because he was wielding it, so I'm not sure if that item counts towards the final value. He seemed totally satisfied with 120 pieces of dried elk meat.

But for roleplay purposes I ended up giving him a fine bear fur, 50 dried elk meat, the aforementioned northern spear, and a bear tooth necklace. I like to think of us as good friends and I'll will be visiting him every once in a while, since he lives in a nearby village.

Next goal is to find another NPC companion and keep them around for a whole year!

January 01, 2024, 02:07:50 AM
Re: [3.82] [minor] climbing across a worldmap tile boundary doesn't update picture Map info refresh thingie missing was missing there. Fixed now.

Fixed - persists in 3.82.

January 02, 2024, 01:38:08 PM
Re: [3.82] You notice a lavaret splashing in the water -- but it's ice Ah. This likely happened if the open water freezes again after the spawning has initially started.
It's fixed now, so that the spawning gets interrupted if the conditions at the spot turn unfavourable.

Fixed - persists in 3.82.

January 02, 2024, 02:09:52 PM
Deer/Elk AI should ignore shallow water and run through it, espceially in mires Hello and happy new year! Coming back on one of my favorite games after a couple of years off and immediately had a lightbulb moment!!

I was trying to hunt these days and i was experiencing complete failure, as it should be. The harder this game is the better, that's what survival is!

But then suddenly, after all these years of hunting in this game, something clicked in my head. The animal AI can't differentiate shallow from deep water (or can it these days? in my recent experiences, it still can't), so i took full advantage of it. I stopped hunting except if i could force them to run in mires... And sure enough i had so many kills, so many poor deer and elk going breathless running in circles trapped between single tiles of shallow water, while i was running straight through them. It was comical. So many hundrends of kilos of meat that i didn't have enough time to cook before it goes stale, felt like cheating!

And here comes the suggestion. Obviously animals in real life can perceive when the water is shallow enough so that they can run through it to get away from a predator. So why not in the game too? My suggestion is that big animal AI should just ignore shallow water and ice on shallow water and just run through it to get away from you. Especially those 1 tile water tiles in mires!

This little exploit of their AI i am describing is such a big contrast with the otherwise amazing hunting simulator this game is, that's why i felt like making a post. I tried to very quickly search the forum, but i didn't find any similar suggestion.

January 04, 2024, 11:23:45 PM