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I'm currently working on an animal sprite overhaul, what do you guys think? Hey guys, I've been working on a couple of animal sprites recently.

I've been a fan of Galgana's creature sprites (incredible, especially when compared to the vanilla sprites) for a long while and I thought I might as well try my hand at making sprites reminiscent of their work. These are still obviously my own creations (thanks MSPaint), but I wanted to create something that could be used in tandem with their mod, to fill the gaps more or less. Who knows, I may even create my own overhaul that covers all of the animals. If any of you have any suggestions on where I can improve or where I've f**ked up feel free to let me know. I've also dabbled with the rain and snow, it's always bugged me that you lose so much visibility in these weather conditions, but that's for another topic.

Here are the sprites, a humble badger, and beaver (already done the full sprites, these are just teasers).

EDIT: I modified the badger/beaver sprites and created two more, the glutton (wolverine) and polecat

December 06, 2021, 11:57:24 AM
Bows need to be unstrung Considering that bowstrings can be detached anyway, wouldn't it make sense to go even further with this game mechanic?
IRL you have to unstrung a bow in order for it to remain in working condition. For many video games permanently strung bows make sense as a way of simplifying things, but I believe that there is a place for this mechanic in UrW considering the game's aim for authenticity and realism.

February 06, 2023, 02:48:42 PM
Re: I'm currently working on an animal sprite overhaul, what do you guys think? It's pretty good. I have a few pointers. Try to limit your palette, it will make it easier to deliberatly place colors. Often you'll have 3 colors that could easily just have been one.

Try to outline the sprites with a darker color, with the highlight on the right side of the sprite. I made an example with you beaver sprite. I limited the palette to six colors.

The shapes are very good!

February 08, 2023, 10:07:52 PM
Re: Blacksmith NPCs and ordering their products In the example picture the "Is there a blacksmith here?" seems to be in the "Ask for help/company" chat mode selection. Would it be more easy to find if it was put under "Ask for directions" like for example "where is your water supply" is?

This is a great quality of life addition. No more travelling from village to village just to find a small knife or a hand axe.

March 09, 2023, 11:53:22 AM
Remove some armor and weapons. Some of the items in the game seem far-fetched in the setting of URW, i think it would be more coherent if some armor and weapons were removed from the game.

Specifically: Iron Coudes, Iron Kneecops, Leather Cuirass and all two handed swords.

March 09, 2023, 10:39:53 PM
Re: Remove some armor and weapons.
Some of the items in the game seem far-fetched in the setting of URW, i think it would be more coherent if some armor and weapons were removed from the game.

Specifically: Iron Coudes, Iron Kneecops, Leather Cuirass and all two handed swords.

I completely agree. I think this topic need more space here!

The weapons of URW is very wierd and far from historical accurate, as the game is set in Iron Age Finland, that mean nothing, but I suppose the game is setted in early medieval times \ late nordic iron age(roughly from 8th to 11h)

Weapon i think shoul de changed or removed:

- 2-handed swords: apperead in europe only around 15th-16th century

- Bastardsword: another type of sword dated around 15th century

- Scimitar: shoud be more accurate to use the name saber, used by eastern cultures like nomadic peoples of the steppes and by the Byzantines in later times. The scimitar was a more curved blade used moslty by arabs as an evolution of the saber, around 9th. The scimitar started to be know in europe from 14th-15th

- Shortsword: is not that bad, but should make more sense to call it skramaseax and to remove the guard, since shortswrod where not used in northen europe until 15th century. Before we used sword (petersen type for example) with lenght roughly between 70 and 100 cm in length

- The CROSSBOW?!? I don't have really sources about it, I know there where primitive crossbow in roman and greek armies in the past, but far as I know, in early medieval northen-central europe, crossbow didn't exist.

- Battleaxe: it's just fine, even if I'm not sure that finnish used two-handed axe in battle. I know some rus and in general slavic cultures used two handed axe, as well romphaia as a two handed polearm to swing, but honestly i think was not a battle weapon, but just two handed axes for timberwork, trasfromed in war weapons. The only I'm sure were scandinavian population that used the famished dane axe, and some druzina. The use in battle was not that easy, and people usually prefer to use a shield with a shorter axe

- shield: not an error, since roundshield made of boards where very common at the time, but would be nice to add more primitive shield, used also by a lot of slavic cultures. A roundshield is not such a cheap equipment as a lot of people can think: you need fine boards to make it, some leather to reinforce the border, and a steel shield boss. In the past, the poor warriors used braided wicker shields, that can be a nice addiction

- Absolutely agree about kneekops, since first we see in europe are dated around 10th in byzantine cataphract, and later in almost all armies in europe around 14th

- Leather lamellar cuirass, i think work just fine, even if there is no evidence for any lamellar being worn by Scandinavian and Baltic cultures during the early medieval period and iron age. But was already used but some eastern cultures (Njerpez), and it is easy to think that warriors who could not afford steel armor, would have used leather instead (boiled in beeswax), which was much cheaper

March 10, 2023, 10:53:26 AM
Re: Remove some armor and weapons.
Some of the items in the game seem far-fetched in the setting of URW, i think it would be more coherent if some armor and weapons were removed from the game.

Specifically: Iron Coudes, Iron Kneecops, Leather Cuirass and all two handed swords.

Yep, there are some of those leftovers, and now that we're working on blacksmith NPCs there's a natural place for cleaning up. For the swords we could basically go with simple classification of shortsword and longsword alone, giving enough difference - and indeed remove the two-handed ones.
The sword terminology is a bit problematic, as even the longsword term would surely bring most of the players in mind something else than, say, "Z-type sword in Petersen typology with edged portion of the blade longer than 70 cm".
But if we cut the swords down to only short and long, I kind of already hear somebody pointing out that there can't be only two types of swords in the world. But we surely can't go for "Sword with X type hilt and 67 cm long blade" item names either. As there are no common names for the iron-age swords that people would immediately understand, we've allowed some generic but era-inaccurate swords remain in place for the sake of variety. But it bothers us too.

When it comes to coudes and kneecops, even though the terms are problematic, this kind of spot protections have been used around the game era elsewhere in the world. And many imported goods have found their way to foreign traders, from many places of the world. These are not local, nor locally produced armours. The same goes for cuirass - which name in a lack of better generic term - unfortunately brings to one's mind a medieval world.
So, in the game we have a door open that this and this kind of items may have found their way to the unreal world, through possible trade/raid routes.

March 10, 2023, 01:15:01 PM
Re: Remove some armor and weapons. Good discussion and suggestions, MHB and Plasmator94. Nice food for thoughts, and we'll be exploring all this along with blacksmith coding.

I just add a little remark here that in our opinion (too) many metal goods, swords especially, should be far more a rare than they currently are.
All the blacksmiths will produce culturally related items to the level of their expertise, and it's likely that (at least some) blacksmith NPCs are able to produce swords too.
In the long run the villages actually should get rid of valuable goods lying around in storehouses and available for trade, and eg. swords had to be ordered from a capable blacksmith or traded from (foreign) traders. This sort of rarity, however, is hard to accept by many players. As well, as the fact that not just anyone can forge themselves an usable sword, or even a knife.

March 10, 2023, 04:09:43 PM
Re: Remove some armor and weapons.
Good discussion and suggestions, MHB and Plasmator94. Nice food for thoughts, and we'll be exploring all this along with blacksmith coding.

I just add a little remark here that in our opinion (too) many metal goods, swords especially, should be far more a rare than they currently are.
All the blacksmiths will produce culturally related items to the level of their expertise, and it's likely that (at least some) blacksmith NPCs are able to produce swords too.
In the long run the villages actually should get rid of valuable goods lying around in storehouses and available for trade, and eg. swords had to be ordered from a capable blacksmith or traded from (foreign) traders. This sort of rarity, however, is hard to accept by many players. As well, as the fact that not just anyone can forge themselves an usable sword, or even a knife.

Sorry for my late reply. I totally agree about the (historically true) fact that there were not so much steel weapons at the time, or at least a sword. Get your hand on everyday steel tools like a knife (in early medieval scandinavia, for example, but as well in other places, a free man , the "Bondi", have always to carry his knife, because was the simbol of a free person) or a axe was quite easy, but get a sword... only a very rich warrior would have a sword, and probably, most of the time, a sword with poor metal. I don't know so much about finland, but in scandinavia, frankish swords were the most precious and were often ordered from great warriors (see the story of the legendary Ulfhbert).

About the fact that not everybody could be a blacksmith and know how to work with iron... that true, but I think in a game like URW, it's ok if someone want to be "the blacksmith" instead of the hunter, the carpenter or the potter... A lot of people here maked mod with smithing. But I see your point and I understand it :)

Anyway I get a try with all this stuff in this topic, and I've tried to make some historical weapons of the time, each one with their own slightly different attack value

From left to right: Bearded axe (skeggox), rus pick-axe, Norman sword, Skramasax (plain sword without guard and pommel), baltic sword, viking sword, and rus saber (there where a lot of straight sabers in rus armies, other than curved sabers)

I hope all this stuff can be good food for your development! Thanks again for your work guys, I love this game!

March 16, 2023, 06:21:35 PM
Craftable fishing nets and more The current version 3.80 is now few weeks fresh and working smoothly.
And we've been working on a new update for this summer.
So how about just a little update about the little something upcoming?
Very well. And let's do it with a sneak preview screenshots.

So, what is to be highlighted now and to be featured in the next release is ...

Fishing nets craftable by the player characte

Player characters will be able to make fishing nets.
Thinking of the mere amount of yarn alone it's not all too simple craft to collect the material for.
You'll also need rocks for the weights, and birch-bark to wrap the weights with and to make floats.
And then there is also a special tool required ...

Netting needle. That's the tool you'll need. It's a wooden tool for weaving the net with proper knots. As a curiosity for history enthusiasts, one of the oldest known fishing nets in the world, the Antrea Net dated to 8540 BCE, was laced with knots that indicate use of netting needle. The same kind of fishing net knots have been used by Baltic Finns in much, much later dates. UnReal World takes place around 800-1200 CE.

Netting needle.

Net weight - a decent size rock wrapped in birch-bark.

Introducing pausable crafting

In the next screenshot our character has started weaving the net.
And after 6 hours of work the progress bar hasn't even reached the tenth of the remaining time...

Now what's that about?
Well, that means in the next version we'll be also introducing pausable crafting for making a net - and for few other tasks. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have a break in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been tested properly it will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting. Which will make quite a difference, you'll see.

So making a net won't be a task of few hours, or even few days, but can easily last for a week or more.
After four or five days of weaving the net our character takes a look at the half-finished work in progress...

Luckily for us all, the upcoming version is already more than half-finished by now.
July 2023 seems like good month for yet another release.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.80.[/i}]

June 13, 2023, 07:44:36 PM