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Re: Vanishing fire. I'll be on the lookout when I start a new character (which will be after the next update). However, for my last character the fire was lit in the "sauna" stove, she went to the trap fence about 3 tiles away, walked around the single tile lake inside the fence, and returned back to to make a stew on the embers that were MIA. The stove was lit with the minimum number of branches.
There wasn't enough items around for an item overflow explanation, and I don't think tracks were removed either (I've never actually seen an item overflow warning, apart from the one for loading watercraft, animals/companions of burden, and the character with items, but that's a different one).
I'm fairly convinced it is a timing issue where the fire has to be in some specific phase when the day (and possibly month/season) ticks over. I'm not convinced the character has to be away, as I believe my character was doing some kind of crafting to pass the time the first time I encountered it, but cannot rule out that the character has to be absent from the tile.
A problem from a fault finding perspective is that the player has a rather hazy notion of what time it is, so it's hard to time the setting of a fire to a precise time (and there's no precise way of passing time to reach the desired time should we be able to identify it. At a guess, a large fire with a large burn time may be easier, if the condition is just that the fire is burning at the cross over time).

September 07, 2017, 02:32:04 PM
Re: Turnip seeds are vegetable, hemp seeds are not For some reason, consistency makes me much happy :P so thanks!
September 07, 2017, 03:57:30 PM
Lazy bull Just wanted to share a funny moment. I'm dragging my bull around packed with trading goods, from town to town, looking for useful masterwork items. I start the day early, and apparently, my bull was not ready for adventure in the early morning. I literally am dragging a sleeping bull in a leather rope   ;D

September 09, 2017, 06:38:32 PM
Just Wow I have never played something like this quite in my life before.

The attention to detail and the realism is actually quite amazing. Being someone who has never played a rougelike (I think thats right), before, once I started I was instantly hooked. I could easily see myself playing this for many years to come. My like character drowned from swimming too far. It was a sad day indeed. But i say walk it off!

Seriously brava!

September 13, 2017, 07:16:21 AM
Re: Pig in forest cover quest Finally.

September 13, 2017, 04:09:50 PM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll Really can't remember how i found the game at first... but found the receipt for lifetime registration dating back to 29th june 2007. ;D

Still playing it from time to time ;)

September 19, 2017, 03:54:07 PM
Re: Time flies, the autumn comes Yay, news! Happy you survived the summer!

Also really beautiful picture! :)

September 30, 2017, 10:31:47 PM
Re: Time flies, the autumn comes this summer did seem to fly, didn't it?  Glad you are well. 
October 01, 2017, 12:37:03 AM
Poems of the Fallen Will post these whenever I get inspiration. Some refer to actual characters/character deaths I've had, some are more general.


The spirits of autumn sang gently on the rain
Easing my worries and easing my pain
But ache and exhaustion had settled bone-deep
So to autumn's sweet lullaby fell I asleep

As I slept under open sky did sweet autumn me forsake
For it was harsh winter spirits that drove me awake;
Icy spirits whistling on a cold windy night
left a thin blanket of snow on open mire wide

Shivering and confused stumbled I 'round in a daze
Unsure where I had been going, where from I came
Confused and shivering in this unfamiliar place
Could I barely remember my people and name

Lost and forsaken in cold winter's lands
Bare were my feet and bare were my hands
So as I shivered and stumbled through open mire vast
In my heart I knew this morning would be my last

October 01, 2017, 08:11:37 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen That is awesome. You've inspired me.

Killing livestock, I'm in too deep,
While unconscious, kicked by a sheep.

October 02, 2017, 01:38:19 AM