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Re: 3.50b2 ram milk + bull milk Fixed now. Milking checks were still based old species properties and not the actual gender of an animal, which is in use now.

Fixed -- persists in 3.50 beta 2

January 03, 2018, 09:24:37 PM
Re: Graphical issue, truetile stuff I've had this problem before.  Macs don't handle the presence of an alpha channel in the tile PNG files well - it'll refuse to remove the background color.  You can fix them with the default Preview app:

  • Open the offending file(s) in Preview
  • Command-Shift-S to Duplicate (make a copy)
  • Command-S to Save
  • Deselect the Alpha checkbox
  • Save over the original file

You can also bug the original authors to get rid of the alpha channels in the files, but for mods that aren't being updated anymore that might not work.

January 05, 2018, 05:06:11 PM
Re: Someone know about Privateer from the old forum? Ah that's a beautiful trout, and the rainbow isn't half bad either! I haven't fished for trout in a while, but I did go fishing for king salmon a few months back and caught a couple that were around 13 kilos (~30 lbs) along with a few decent northern pike, and found some late season dryad's saddle mushrooms; they were tough as leather but the flavour was as good as ever. As a (weird) side note, I've watched a video of yours on YouTube and I must say that after having seen your face on here, it matches your voice perfectly!
January 06, 2018, 05:02:21 AM
Re: Bones Dogs eat them. A dog can eat from a single elk bone about three times.
January 08, 2018, 11:13:27 PM
Healing (the bleeding wounds of) your pets and companions Started to add rudimentary (and probably the most important) stage of healing your pets and companions; trying to stop bleeding of their wounds.
More companion/pet healing methods may follow in the future, but we'll start with the most crucial one.

The mechanics of applying physical skill to your companions are the same as applying them to yourself. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages are the familiar ones, and so on.

How an attempt to heal your companion is started is to face them upon using physician skill. If treatable wounds are found (ie. bleeding wounds) you'll be asked whether you wish to try applying the physician skills to this companion or pet. The wound to treat is then auto selected based on its severity.

January 12, 2018, 03:50:15 PM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? I can't seem to last the first year.

a. killed by wolves
b. fighting one-too-many Njerpezits
c. a new version comes out and I want a fresh start
d. lose interest and want to try a different approach
e. character loses the will to live and walks into the sea

January 15, 2018, 01:05:06 AM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? I think he is two years old, but I forgot how to check that. Is there even a way?
January 15, 2018, 01:43:21 AM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? I have three characters with approximately 300 days of living, most of them died by the thrill of killing njerpez and bad luck (never again fighting someone with a bastard sword a and shield even if it has fur armor) but my most successful char had a nice cabin filled with everything (assorted weapons, a bunch of good quality furs, all kinds of plants for healing, etc) but the joy of combat got me.

As a side off topic note: ¿It is possible to flee from combat from a njerpez by running and manage to slip away or once you are injured enough it means you are good as dead?

January 15, 2018, 02:21:42 PM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll?
I think he is two years old, but I forgot how to check that. Is there even a way?

your char starts at age 16, so whatever age he/she currently has, -16.

my current char is 24y old, so he's ingame for 8 years. he left behind him a trail of construction. it's horrible.

January 15, 2018, 05:56:16 PM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? I just "survived" my first winter.

I actually died at least three times doing things that I was 90% sure were going to get me killed but I backup my saves.

I simply can't play Roguelikes the way they're designed. It's too depressing to lose the "progress" I've made :)

January 15, 2018, 06:00:46 PM