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Re: Little girls as new NPC type Cool!

See, currently the combat skills and bravery of the children may occasionally reach the level of fearless grown warriors.
Can confirm; was once done in by a Njerpez child after killing the warriors of the village.

January 31, 2021, 05:15:03 PM
Re: I love this game The game helped me through some sudden hard times too. The mantra "what do you need, what do you have" from survival skills helped me get focused on surviving/improving.
July 04, 2021, 04:39:15 PM
Re: [Spoilers] Which bow is best? Aiming to resolve confusion around bows
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Yes, I feel a little bad about necrobumping this, but, Im in the mood for it.

Since, we have for granted that all arrows weight the same, as other users mention properly, draw weight sets the energy impact (due velocity).
Also, chance for getting out of the way of a moving target (since heavier to draw, due weight, should mean faster arrow)

Has anyone tested shoot per time? Thinking what has been stated, maybe seems that less powerful bows should shoot faster?
Also, if equally skilled chars with same bow and arrows shoot, the stronger one, should shoot faster?


February 27, 2022, 04:23:13 AM
Zooming in, inserted on thin ice During freezing of lakes, character zooming in, facing water (lake, river, sea) gets often inserted on thin ice.
Zooming in to similar location during open water will insert the character on land.
This during period when Wilderness map travel over waterways is blocked.

see attached

July 18, 2022, 01:23:19 AM
Re: How to heat a building? I think placing dried moss in between the logs is automatically simulated in UrW. Another historically used method was to slam clay on the walls. But cabin building in UrW doesn't explicitly mention all these details - it is just assumed that some method is applied based on materials locally available.

I know a person who, in real life, used to live alone in the Finnish woods, and wanting to minimize boring repetitive tasks he also minimized time spent on making firewood. So in the wintertime he maintained indoor temperature of +8 Celsius, for anything warmer would've required spending more time chopping firewood, but the guy preferred to spend more time playing a flute, or crafting tools and clothes etc. But, to do that one has to compensate by always wearing warm clothes, and having a lot of blankets (or furs) on the bed.

It might sound counterintuitive at first, but in real world a sauna building doesn't need to keep temperature as well as a cabin. In a cabin people would like to maintain a temperature in range +8 ... +18 or so, constantly. But a sauna can be heated up to +120 Celsius, and then allow it to cool down, and since no-one lives there when it is not heated, it doesn't matter if the temperature falls below freezing when the sauna is not in use. So, the sauna stove is built differently than the one used to warm a cabin. And the process of heating them is different - a sauna stove can be heated until many of the stones are red-glowing hot. Because water is applied onto the stones, there will also be a lot of moisture in the air, so it is only good that there is good ventilation - no need to tightly insulate every little gap and crack in the log walls.

November 30, 2022, 08:21:17 AM
A big thank you to the Enormous Elk team Greetings everyone,

I just felt like sharing this story and at the same time, give my thanks to the Enormous Elk team for creating this masterpiece of a game.

I have accidentally stumbled upon this game many years ago, when I was just a kid, perhaps 12 or 13 years old. Considering that I had no income to speak of, and I came from a country that paying money for video games was a luxury that not many could afford (Romania) at that time, the model adopted by this studio in which they would offer a older version of their game for free, with the possibility to donate, was a blessing and a breath of fresh air.

I have many fond memories and cool stories with this little game, and with each update, and as I grew older, I would find myself returning to Unreal World in order to check what cool features have been implemented.

Now, 15 years later, I return once more. Older, with a family of my own, a job and a new house, to repay the debt that I have owned for granting me the pleasure of playing this game.

Bought a official copy off steam, and started a new campaign, and all I can say is that the nostalgia of it all hit me hard, as well as the random wolf that decided to attack me from behind my character while butchering another wolf.

Once again, a big thank you to the Enormous Elk team, and a big thank you for the business model you follow. You managed to make my childhood a little bit more brighter.


December 23, 2022, 01:41:35 AM
Re: Hemp cord experiment
Are hemp cords implemented in UrW yet?
Today I found some dry hemp at the side of the woods so I decided to test how it works in Real World. I made this in like 10-15 minutes and it's surprisingly strong, stronger than some store-bought cords of the same thickness. Definitely enough to hang a kilogram of meat for smoking or drying, I will test with bigger weights later.
While I have done this before with other plants, I'm not an expert and hadn't made wild cords for like 7 years. So a starting character from UnReal World could probably make it too as long as they have enough herblore to identify hemp.
While it is only partially, there is a gameplay question in there so I am happy to classify this thread as so...

In terms of a type of tying equipment that can be produced relatively quickly, in many places, all-year round and can be used to hang meat for preservation, see withes.
Personally you may be aware of withes already but worth mentioning, for others who might see this and are unaware.
Below is a relevant excerpt from the NEWS.TXT file that is distributed with the game and sits in the game main directory.
Code: [Select]
Version: 3.60 (stable)
Released: Oct-28-2019
 - added: tree saplings

          There are now small saplings of spruce and birch trees appearing on zoomed-in maps. Saplings are not
          obstacles for movement like the bigger trees but you can walk right through them. Saplings can be cut
          down like any trees, and they have use in making of withes.

          MIGRATION NOTICE: Saplings can be found only on newly generated maps. If your character has explored
          the world extensively you may want to run map maintenance (key command [7]) which removes unimportant
          previously generated zoomed-in maps.

 - added: withe - a new type of tying equipment

          Withes are tying and binding equipment made from flexible, slender saplings of spruce or birch trees.   
          Your character can make withes from [M]ake-menu under Tying equipment category.

Finally, there is more information on many usages of hemp in the same file, but to answer your specific question: no, I do not think hemp is a tying equipment in the game, as of today (v.3.72-patch1). (Happy to be corrected soon, if I am missing something).

UPDATE: I stand corrected; please see Sami's response in this thread, below, in Reply #4.

Edit1: Just checked the Tying Equipment menu in the game as of v.3.72-patch1. As per screenshot embedded below, I do not see anything about hemp...

Edit2: Earlier version of this message listed game version as 3.72-patch3, which is a typo. Patch level is 1. I will leave the screenshot as is so please ignore p3.

Edit3: I've been corrected & updated accordingly.

January 08, 2023, 11:57:11 PM
Re: Hemp cord experiment For hemp cords and rope take a look at the BAC mod - in released mods. You could just use the hemp recipes if you do not want all the other stuff.

As for rl nettle, as in the game retting is important as that separates the fibres and removes the stinging part, the water from retting is a good food for tomatoes plants as well.

January 09, 2023, 02:21:42 PM
Re: Hemp cord experiment You can make cordage from hemp in UrW. The process is the same as with other fibre plants (nettle and flax).

Just take a look at TEXTILECRAFT entry in game encyclopedia (F1).
You can spin fibres into yarn, yarns into cords, and finally cords into ropes, if you like to.

January 11, 2023, 07:42:01 PM
Re: Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players This project is pretty much alive and progressing. Today's private beta version is 12, at the moment available only for you - the UnReal World players.

Lately the development has been mostly about improving the UI, and fixing fatal bugs found by the test players. Ah, and also implementing many of the suggestions by the test crew. Before going to public beta I'd still like to add ways to interact with your clan other families (once some of your kids get adult and you send them to start new homesteads). At the moment it is so that when they fly out of the nest they are on their own (or, optionally, you continue playing as the young family). I'd like there to be an option to visit and to exchange with your other families - and that will require some AI to determine what the other families have been up to while you have been busy playing our main family - which areas of forest they have turned to fields, have they built new buildings, what new tools they have crafted etc. Hard to say, at least two or three weeks of coding, depending on how much I'm stuck at my main work earning money.

Well, yeah - but we are approaching the first public launch, so if you wish to join the test crew, I'd guess this is a good time to do it. We have versions for Windows and Mac, and then a generic version which should run on any desktop machine which has Java 8 or higher installed.


January 14, 2023, 08:54:01 PM