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Re: Sneak preview of textilecraft system with screenshots and additional insight
Nice to see the metric units have been added.
Will it be a config?

yes it will

May 12, 2021, 07:13:54 AM
Open World Sale on Steam & Dev's life picture feed from the real world A special sale focusing on Open World games has started on Steam and lasts until 31th of May.
We wholeheartedly cherish this special event and celebration of infinite exploration. You know, it's very much our genre, since early 90s, and acknowledged with (debatable) merits such as First open-world survival game (GWR Gamer's Edition 2019).

Anyway, it's a special opportunity to grab the game for discounted price from the Steam. Just venture at UnReal World store page.

Since this is very dear topic, genre and approach to game development for us, we wanted to celebrate the occasion with special content.

Those who have followed the development do know that for Enormous Elk game development isn't actually clean indoors job.
We tend to practise what we code, pursue the traditional lifestyle to varying extent, and draw a lot of inspiration from the real world experiments and adventures.

As a special way to celebrate the ongoing Open World Sale we've compiled you this picture feed of the two man dev. team doing their infinite exploration outside the development chambers. This is an assorted collection of dev's life along the way in the real world. Enjoy!

Erkka (co-designer) on the left with frame drum, Sami (creator) on the right with kantele, at gorgeous Orinoro gorge in eastern Finland.

Sami doing elks calls in the woods.

Erkka walking horses in the woods.

Traditional log building with traditional equipment. Erkka on the left, Sami on the right.

Erkka's sauna warming up on a winter day.

Broad beans are flowering while Sami is cooking something.

Sami takes a look at the open arctic world.

Rowing in the summer evening.

Roasting the catch in the rain.

Sami after threshing rye in the barn in all traditional, and smoky fashion.

Erkka after some muddy work.

Find a dev among the sheep.

Sami is getting a feel of the wilderness.

Erkka chopping firewood.

Sami doing mounted archery.

Breakfast for Erkka.

Summery coffee break for the two-man dev. team.

Skiing with a shovel preparing to settle here for a night.

Sami's bicycle trip to gather a bunch of wild greens was a success.

And so was Erkka's fishing trip.

Happy islander.

It's winter. It's open world.

On Hornankallio cliff Sami takes a look at the familiar landscape - not too far away from his development chambers.

The Road goes ever on and on ...

And if the road goes smoothly the next update, UnReal World version 3.70, will be released in June, 2021.


May 27, 2021, 08:27:58 PM
We're getting closer and closer to new release We've pretty much finished the actual coding of upcoming release, version 3.70.  Or it's more like we have to seize adding new features now if it's going to be released this month.

Few of the initially planned features actually needed to be postponed for later, for example skiing NPCs. However, as there's now snow penalty functioning for NPCs and animals it will be kind of like payback time version. See, NPCs have been trudging through the snow ever so easily for many versions, but our skiing characters really have an advantage - for at least sometime.

It's likely that 3.70 will be first released as beta version, and it will still grow with lesser features as we continue to work towards the final stable release.

If nothing too complicated comes up with our test runs we'll start wrapping the release up in a week or two.

June 16, 2021, 04:11:46 PM
Seasonal Steam sale and Kekri customs Harvest festival sale is on at Steam and in the Far North we do celbrate Kekri.
So let the new adventurers be respected with the discount, and the ancestral spirits with our special Kekri costumes and customs...

During this festivity period you can grab the game for decent discount on Steam.

It's Kekri, not halloween, in the Far North.

Kekri is an ancient Finnish harvest festival celebrated in the fall when the annual agricultural activities were all accomplished and the harvest collected. Kekri meant the end of the crop year, which was a big turning point. It was the time when the souls and spirits of the dead wandered around and visited the living. The ancestors were respected and welcomed. Sauna was heated up for them, and meal prepared too. The living celebrated accordingly, and so do we.

Kekri Goat

Kekri time included tradition of Kekripukki (Kekri goat) figure. People would dress up as horned creatures, wearing furs or coats upside down, and went around in their disguises and were offered food and drink.
So, what does a decent developer of tradition rich game do to follow the tradition?
Yes. He dresses up as Kekripukki.

We wish you happy and haunting Kekri time, or Halloween - if that suits you better.
Celebrate and participate!

October 30, 2021, 07:02:37 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.71] Cordage used for smoking/drying increases in weight As the title says, I have a 3,3m linen cord that weighs 108kg, and several others with lesser but equally unplausible weights. It seems that the weight increases every time the cord is used for smoking/drying.
December 03, 2021, 11:09:57 PM
Re: Cordage used for smoking/drying increases in weight Yes, playing 3.71 , this happened over the course of a long period , there were small increases at first and then it got a lot larger, I've included a screenshot (sorry it's cropped to fit into the file size requirement). I did rejoin the cordage a couple of times, so this might have contributed. let me know if you need the savegame.

December 10, 2021, 05:59:06 PM
The 30th jubileum, 47th birthday, and sort of a year off This year, in 2022, we are celebrating the 30th Jubileum of UnReal World.
The game was first released in the summer of 1992, so the 30-year milestone will be reached this summer.
Now what will this special year of celebration bring upon us, and the game?

When it comes to coding and development, I will be taking it real easy. It is likely that we'll see some updates to the game, but mostly I'll be devoting my time for variety of other things. So I'll kind of celebrate the 30 years of development by taking a year off from the usual coding flurry. This also allows me to better contemplate on the future of the game as there some challenging overhauls in our sight. One is moving to higher resolution and modern aspect ratio. The year is early, and these thoughts are scattered, so more news on this front will follow later on. But yes, it is truly so that I will take a year off from the usual, practical, hands-on development. Planning, brainstorming and a little something easy paced remains, though.

Nevertheless, during this year of celebration we will be bringing you some recreational content from the North, out and away from the development chambers. What it will be exactly remains to be seen, but I'm sure this year off will bring along many occasions, incidents, experiments or artistic projects to share or publish.  There are some ideas bubbling under already.

On this thursday, 27th of January, it will be my 47th birthday. I started working on UnReal World at the age of 15 and two years later,  at the age of 17, the first version was released to the public. Now the 30th Jubileum, or 47th birthday, may feel like an occasion to offer me a drink or something, and for that purpose I quickly created "buy me a coffee" page.
It's a simple support channel I've been asked to allow even earlier.  Now it's up and will remain so at least for this year.  I'll reserve the right to decide the drink to buy with your support :) , but big cheers anyway!
(And surely the regular donations page also works for gifting some squirrel hides.)

So these are the news to start this year with.  Feel free to comment or ask if something comes to your mind.

Sami (UnReal World creator)

The developer is currently out the office ...

He's skiing in the woods following two elks...

He will be back occasionally and eventually.

January 24, 2022, 03:01:22 PM
Going canoeing - from Koivula to Driik, so to speak. The year off from coding has truly brought my way something else than sitting in front of the computer.
Next up is sitting in a canoe instead - and paddling some 120 kilometers through Kokemäki River all the way to reach the sea at Gulf of Bothnia.
Well, luckily I get to stand and walk as well as we'll be camping outdoors.
This expedition is about to start tomorrow, and I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it when I come back.

Everything's packed and I'm off to canoe - for a week or so.

This is is river a route which you can paddle in UnReal World too.
The world map of the game is always somewhat randomized, but you can still find some river floating from Koivula to Driik.
This can be imagined as being the Kokemäki River.
In reality the route is 120 kilometers long, but the game world map scale is smaller.
When put on the game world map the route would be like this.

Our destination is an island in the Gulf of Bothnia about 10 kilometers from the mainland.
If everything goes okay we'll reach it in a week.
And who knows if this inspires me to tweak the paddling code in the game just a little bit - when it is time to sit in front of the computer again.

August 12, 2022, 06:19:47 PM
Re: Version 3.80 released
When arrows break we get broken arrows.

It seems it would be good to have the different head types such as "broken broadhead arrow" to facilitate recovering the high quality ones and not have the low quality ones bumped up to average.

I'd make it so that if the arrow breaks the head might remain useful and recoverable, so we would get arrowhead + broken arrow shaft. The shafts are unsable anyway if they are broken, and can be basically used only as firewood.

June 01, 2023, 08:26:25 PM
Craftable fishing nets and more The current version 3.80 is now few weeks fresh and working smoothly.
And we've been working on a new update for this summer.
So how about just a little update about the little something upcoming?
Very well. And let's do it with a sneak preview screenshots.

So, what is to be highlighted now and to be featured in the next release is ...

Fishing nets craftable by the player characte

Player characters will be able to make fishing nets.
Thinking of the mere amount of yarn alone it's not all too simple craft to collect the material for.
You'll also need rocks for the weights, and birch-bark to wrap the weights with and to make floats.
And then there is also a special tool required ...

Netting needle. That's the tool you'll need. It's a wooden tool for weaving the net with proper knots. As a curiosity for history enthusiasts, one of the oldest known fishing nets in the world, the Antrea Net dated to 8540 BCE, was laced with knots that indicate use of netting needle. The same kind of fishing net knots have been used by Baltic Finns in much, much later dates. UnReal World takes place around 800-1200 CE.

Netting needle.

Net weight - a decent size rock wrapped in birch-bark.

Introducing pausable crafting

In the next screenshot our character has started weaving the net.
And after 6 hours of work the progress bar hasn't even reached the tenth of the remaining time...

Now what's that about?
Well, that means in the next version we'll be also introducing pausable crafting for making a net - and for few other tasks. This will be the start of featuring a possibility to have a break in long crafting tasks and continue at will later on. After the mechanics have been tested properly it will be expanded to cover wider range of crafting. Which will make quite a difference, you'll see.

So making a net won't be a task of few hours, or even few days, but can easily last for a week or more.
After four or five days of weaving the net our character takes a look at the half-finished work in progress...

Luckily for us all, the upcoming version is already more than half-finished by now.
July 2023 seems like good month for yet another release.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.80.[/i}]

June 13, 2023, 07:44:36 PM