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Version 3.61 released on Steam, and for Lifetimers The last update of the year is 2019 is out now as version 3.61 is released.
It's available on Steam, and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.
In addition to fistful of bugfixes this update also features a small bag of new features of which some are long-awaited and suggested improvements.

3.61 changelog

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version.  **

 - added: companions can help you with hauling and pushing items

          Unoccupied companions spontaneously help you when pushing or hauling heavy loads is
          being proceeded.

 - added: fence gate

          Gates can be opened and closed just like doors. They can be also built by player character
          from Make menu under Building options.

 - added: when [C]ommanding animals the animal name is displayed in the menu title

          For example, if you would command a dog called Rekku the menu title appear as:
          This helps owners of multiple animals to be sure they chose to command the desired one.

 - added: target selection if multiple creatures occupy the same location where an action is to be done

          If there are multiple creatures at the location where you proceed to execute certain actions
          you will be asked to select the target creature. This applies to following actions:

          - melee attack
          - packing and unpacking animals
          - looking at the location

 - added: limping and animal size tracking information

          When examining tracks now you can also see if the creature is limping. This requires
          character's TRACKING skill to be 25% or more. Severity of the actual leg injury can't
          be interpreted so crippled animals also leave limping tracks.
               Animal size, big or small, can be also seen from their tracks now. This is so
          obvious that only absolutely untrained trackers will fail to notice it.
          Moreover, the actual track graphics are also shown smaller or larger depending on
          the creature size. Notice that as the young animals smaller in size their tracks pretty
          much always appear as small ones.
               The new information is displayed in tracking messages for example like this:
          "You see here fresh limping tracks of small elk..."

 - added: tree in front of the character automatically selected when cutting branches

          You don't have to specify a direction for cutting and peeling actions if there's a tree in
          front the character you. That tree is always automatically selected for these actions.

 - added: chat option to ask for a sage in the village

          When chatting with NPCs there's now a way to find out ask if there's a sage in the village.
          "Is there a sage around?" chat line can be found from "Ask for help/company" chat options.
          If there's a sage you will be told his whereabouts in the village.

 - changed: need for heated room, fireplace or fire are checked first in cookery recipes

          It's more convenient that way as you aren't bothered with meaningless ingredient selections
          if these requirements aren't met.

 - fixed: failed hideworking with "somebody else got the skin" message diplayed and no skin obtained

          This rare occurrence might happen if the hideworking got cancelled at the very last minute
          of the hideworking process.           

 - fixed: agriculture graphics representing a planted tile disappearing soon after planting certain crops
          This was a result of crops mistakenly entering wintering state if the planting was done early
          enough, and thus the planted graphics was removed. They still sprouted properly though.

 - fixed: wrong inventory weight with certain startup scenarios

          When starting a new character the inventory weight was displayed wrong until you made your
          first move.

 - fixed: gaining skill options during character creation by hovering over encyclopedia hotspot

 - fixed: wrong tying equipment requirements when making patches of items

          This was noted eg. when making arrows. Crafting multiple arrows mistakenly increased both
          tying equipment length and amount requirements.

 - fixed: pushing duplicates items

          The issue was related to ice breaking messing up item data while pushing action was proceeded.

 - typo corrected: "coffing" -> "coughing" in herb effects dialog

Who can have it?

You can have it, but you gotta get it from Steam. There's still one seasonal sale coming up there, so stay tuned if you happen to be looking for discounted price.
Standalone versions of 3.6* are being released at turn of the year, though. The release interval between paid and "donation-based" releases have grown significantly longer than what we have gotten used to in the past. This is because during past years donations have dried out disallowing solely donation-based development to thrive. Donations are still an option, people do it for a reason or another, but your generosity isn't any longer linked to the great perk of most up-to-date version being freely available for everyone. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors, so don't hesitate to eg. e-mail me if you feel like it.



December 17, 2019, 07:27:05 PM
3.61 released (on the homepage) and a happy new year! On my behalf this decade ends with release of version 3.61 out to public on the homepage. Standalone installers are available now. If you're new to this version find your way to downloads section and be sure also to view changelog there as a lot has changed in 3.60 and 3.61.

We wish you a happy new year! (...and happy new version for those who only now get to try it out.)

I'll keep hibernating for a little while, although may occasionally reply to a post or two, but getting back on track for real with coding will have to wait until mid-january.

See you in 2020 - that's yet another decade for UnReal World development as well.

December 31, 2019, 05:27:07 PM
Re: Footwraps needed It's pretty easy to mod footwraps out of any cloth you want, this is from some old mod, don't remember if it's original or my addition. It might need some editing to fit into current conventions:

Code: [Select]
.Woollen wraps. "Woollen footrags" *COMMON* /25/
{Woollen *}   'Woollen Cloth'  #1#  [remove]
{Knife} <Small knife> 'A knife good for fine work'

January 04, 2020, 07:48:14 PM
Re: Frostbitten toes! You could add these recipes to diy_glossary.txt under [SUBMENU_START:clothes]

.Linen footrags.   [phys:hands,one-armed]   *COMMON*   /5/
{Linen *} #.2# [remove] +'Linen fabric'

.Woollen footrags.   [phys:hands,one-armed]   *COMMON*   /5/
{Woollen *} #.2# [remove] +'Wool fabric'

January 17, 2020, 03:41:19 PM
Re: Too many Njerps? I tend to find the amount of them ruins the balance as well. You don't even need to be combat oriented, a solid active hunter build will can dispatch a lone njerp without difficulty (and often before they can even react) and make ridiculous profit in trades from selling off their weapons. My current game is a Owl Tribe hunter dead center of Driik territory, and in less then 2 months I had enough for complete fine knife set, and all masterwork axes, with MW spear and bow.

Frequently I run into multiple warriors on the same day (sometimes as many as 3). A few days ago (real days, not game) i spotted 2 at once in the bog, kill them then spotted 2 more as soon as i went back to world map. Killed the 3rd and went back to the village to rest before the 4th, and saw a 5th warrior on my way. All within maybe a 8 tiles radius and a few in-game hours. This could be explained away as a raiding party on the village, but since they're lone warriors and not moving as a group they're just easy pickings.

IMO other areas of the map except njerp lands or no-man's they should spawn a lot less, and more likely as a raiding party since they'd be in hostile lands. Common robbers should be more frequent then njerps. They're much harder to farm. Lower rewards due to worse gear and because they're a group much more of a risk to engage.

January 26, 2020, 12:23:19 AM
[WIP] Night's GFX Overhaul Started doing a GFX overhaul, just thought I'd share a screenshot of my progress (maybe more later) and get some feedback ^^.

January 29, 2020, 10:59:29 AM
Re: Skin disappearing after skinning is interrupted by fatigue near the end This one is now found & fixed. It's related to map loading, which also happens when the character wakes up from sleep.
So, until the patch is out be sure to be rested, and skin carcasses with one go.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 02, 2020, 11:29:31 AM
[Tool] URWExternalMap v1.0.0 [Tool] URWExternalMap v1.0.0

External window that screenshots URW's map and displays it in a resizable window.

Spoiler: Dual-monitor • show

  • F1: Toggles rendering loop (stop/start taking screenshots of the map)
  • F2: Toggles math for logical resizing. (Also read from Config.txt, you can set it up there as well).
  • F3: Toggles topmost (makes the window always display on top)
  • F11: Fullscreen windowed mode
  • * Note: the games hotkeys (arrow keys, map zoom, etc) must be activated on the game window, not the map window.

Version History:
  • v1.0.0 - Initial release

Please report any bugs to me via this thread, my PMs, or contact me directly on steam:

Download attached to thread.

   Night - Creator/Programming.
   Stefan - Requesting/suggesting the idea.

Requires Microsoft .NET Version 4.6 or later. (Usually already installed)

February 13, 2020, 01:32:14 PM
Re: [3.61 Windows 8.1] Dying animal disappeared while waiting and breaking ice Very helpful save. I managed to reproduce and it's fixed now.

This was related to data entry re-ordering which failed with combination of carcass and ice hole entry placement in a row. I believe this can be quite easy to reproduce so until the next patch is out you want to wait for the creatures to die before making those holes in the ice.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 19, 2020, 09:05:07 PM
Re: Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers?
Hey guys

Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers? If yes, how many dogs to play on the safe side. I know they are not really good for hunting cause they ruin the skins, but I am thinking about trying some kind of dog kennel game :D

I am currently travelling with 6 dogs, 2 big, 2 female I think.
I encountered Kaumi robbers and another robber band, single njerp (twice), single bear and pack of 6 made short work of all threats. I have had to replace a single dog only.

I also saved and experimented with attacking a spotted wolf pack, I knew it was a bad idea (hence the save) just wanted to find out how bad. It turns out pretty bad as wolves screwed up the dogs totally, lost the truck (cow) and all dogs but 2 and I wouldn't have made out alive had I tried to play that scenario any longer.

I rolled back and made a mental note to amass 30 dogs as soon as I can.

February 22, 2020, 11:43:52 PM