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Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll Mandalore's review got me here.
July 09, 2020, 06:38:55 PM
Re: How to Sauna in the Finnish way?
Also I am quite curious about, did the public sauna closed during the time of pandemic?

Well, I live in the countryside and didn't visit any cities while the pandemic situation was acute in Finland. But I'd guess all the public saunas were closed (city dwellers, please correct me if I'm wrong). But that wasn't because of sauna conditions - there is some evidence suggesting that actually the virus gets destroyed in sauna temperatures - but just because of the general social distancing measures.

Wish one day I can visit Finland and try out some of the sauna, preferably the traditional smoke-with-no-chimney one.

Finland offers a plenty of sauna possibilities. One of them is a whole Sauna Village

I wonder if different woods give different aroma in this kind of sauna. 

That I can't really say - but in the old folk culture there have been habits of using different woods for different purposes. Smoke sauna has been a place where people gave birth, and also a place where dead bodies were washed and prepared for burial, and a place for various kinds of folk healing methods. And other kinds of ritualistic use - for example a soon-to-be-married bride had a special sauna before the marriage. And for those different purposes different kinds of wood were used to heat up the sauna, as there were beliefs that burning different kinds of woods has different ritualistic effects of preparing the sauna for specific purpose. Personally I haven't studied those habits in detail, although I do love sauna culture and I'm interested in many of the aspects of the folk culture, but there simply are that much details that I can't adopt it all =)

Quote from: PALU
A technical reason for prohibitions against throwing water on the stones is that there are electric sauna heaters where the heating elements get damaged if you throw water on them repeatedly.

That sounds reasonable. Although I still wonder what is the technical difference compared to electric saunas in Finland. For example swimming halls and other such places have common electric saunas, and in Finland people repeatedly throw water on the stove, all day long, many days a week. I have always thought that it is the sauna stove rocks and stones which take the strain. There needs to be a decent layer of stones on top of the electric heating elements, so that the hot stones vaporize the water thrown on them, and hardly any water reaches the heating elements. The stones then need to be replaced on regular basis, as the constant strain wears them down.

August 03, 2020, 08:50:48 AM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? I can't believe that nowadays you have to prove the correctness of your fantasy world.
August 24, 2020, 10:53:57 AM
Why I carry a rock in real life Why I carry a rock in real life.

Lessons (mostly) from the Unreal World game:

= Its a hammer for building
= Its a digging tool, better than my hands
= Digging can get me to flexible thin roots for cordage
= Roots and plants can be rubbed against an edge of the rock to cut them
= It can be weight to help braid roots into stronger "rope"
= It can bash against branches as a crude axe
= Two rocks can start a fire and I already have one
= It can be thrown to get food, by pinging a squirrel or wounding a rabbit
= It can be put in a fist as a knuckle puncher
= It can be rolled in the fingers as a stress relief mediation
= It can be banded on a rock or tree as a rescue signal
= Rocks can be pets to talk too, I mean its only bad when the rock talks back

Yes I carry a rock. When people ask me why these are rambled off.

Unreal World crafting if stranded and unequipped begins with: a rock.

So I start with a rock!

Get a rock.

Have a rock.

Be one with the earth.

October 07, 2020, 09:33:49 PM
The first snow and back from holidays Hey, it's been a good two months without a word here at dev. news section, so it's about time to break the silence,  although you may have spotted my slowly increasing presence at the forums bugs section already.
We had the first snow few days ago, so the summer season is evidently ceasing.
See, I went on summer holidays quite late this year, in august, and thought "it's likely autumn, or early winter, before I get back to development chambers again."
Looks like that the time is at hand now.
Hunting bugs has always been a good way to get oriented back into coding, and I guess focus on that will continue for a good while. But yeah, the endless to-do lists also awaiting for us. So let's continue from here, and see where we get by the end of the year.

October 23, 2020, 09:16:19 AM
Re: Why I carry a rock in real life Maybe the another rock has reasonably high carbon content, while still being harder than the chert/quartz/flint..?
I don’t think charcoal fits that bill, better to carry a knife and look for a hard rock.

October 23, 2020, 06:34:20 PM
Re: Why I carry a rock in real life
I cheat. I carry a knife. Usually a small folding knife (3” or 7-8cm blade)
Sometimes just a tiny 1.5-2” 3.5-5cm folding knife.
Other times it’s a small fixed blade knife and other times medium sized knife (4” 10cm blade)

And for backwoods camping and large game hunting, I also carry an axe.
Same here.  I never leave the house without my Leatherman multitool.  Then I have a KABAR that I take if I'm going camping, and also a Gransfors Bruks.

I do enjoy collecting rocks though.  I'm especially interested in metals

October 31, 2020, 03:03:24 PM
Re: Why I carry a rock in real life
I used to carry rocks for self-defense as a kid and started bushcraft with knapping rocks. I would like to see how you start a fire with 2 rocks though.

Well yes one is assuming the second rock is flint or quartz.

I like my EDC rock to be igneous, the ones with swirls that usually mean it was made in a volcano or from lava. These are harder than sedimentary rocks, those that look like flat layers that come from sand settling out of water.


I should like to mention a rock isn't the only thing in my EDC (every day carry) but it is there.

The rock can do many chores without damaging the knife leaving the knife sharp and ready for things the knife is better at.

November 19, 2020, 04:42:39 PM
Re: Ancient Savo : A new Enormous Elk game in the making Lot's of potential here, looking forward to seeing it progress. I can see the current design evolving several different ways, so it'll be interesting to see how you go about it :). Even a choice-based story line (or many) could work here and perform well.
January 06, 2021, 06:24:02 PM
Re: Ancient Savo : A new Enormous Elk game in the making
Sounds like fun! Isn't the Kaumo in UrW based on Savo?

I think Kaumo is more like Kainuu. But you are close - Kiesse is inspired by real world Savo.

For a long time I was unsure if I'd like to set this new game in the world of UnReal World. In which case the title might have been "Kiesse pioneers" or something.
But at some point I decided to use the real world name Savo, maybe making the game easier to approach for those who haven't been playing lot of UrW. And also to allow a bit more freedom in another way - yes, I'm somewhat restricted with the historical facts, but then also if there will be a need to do something differently than in UrW world, I can do that.

Anyway, the differences won't be that great. It is around 1200 CE pagan Finland.

Ps. And since we are here, let me mention that the very first early development test version is already available for the project backers. No, it isn't anything like a game yet. But I thought it would be nice to let the backers have a taste of the bare minimum, and then see how the development goes from that zero level, week by week.

January 10, 2021, 03:59:52 PM