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A safe place for cows Hi everybody, first post in this new forum.

Just to share a design for a cow's pen (or any other animal) that seems to be safe from predators. It is like this:

   X X X O X X X
   X X X X X X X
   O X F F F X O
   X X X X X X X
   X X X O X X X

F = free space
X =fence
O = Trap pit with stakes

The idea is as follows. First, build the 1st ring around the free area, where your animal will reside:

   X X X X X
   X F F F X
   X X X X X

This will not stop any predator, so you add...traps!

       X X X X X
     O X F F F X O
       X X X X X

And, to make sure the predators will be funneled to the traps, make a 2d ring in such a way that there are always 2 fences between the exterior and the free space, or a trap. Like this:

   X X X O X X X
   X X X X X X X
   O X F F F X O
   X X X X X X X
   X X X O X X X

It looks like a 4-point castle, and it is amazingly effective. I think predators can only penetrate one fence, so, if they don't realize there is a trap, they try to take the shortcut! A new wolf skin.

It also works with elks and the like, just bait each trap with elk-meth, aka turnips, and you are done. Last time I did this, I got like 4 elks and a wolf, while my bull Benicio el Toro (what else to call a toro?  ;D) just looked on, amused.

Try it and tell me how it goes!


July 05, 2018, 08:32:37 PM
Re: Killing Foreign Traders you have simply been lucky.

keep doing this and see how long you last.

July 21, 2018, 06:43:27 PM
Re: Some new player's feedback  I think the current system is fine; just be a little more cautious on the ice in spring and fall.
August 04, 2018, 11:27:29 PM
Re: How to burn npc alive? Yes. My suggestion is to try a different game.
This game is not intended as a venue for homicidal maniacs, lol.

That being said, what human would allow someone to pile wood
around them and burn them alive?  (Other than one of those monks
in orange robes over in India.)

October 24, 2018, 01:29:33 AM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics Love the new changes, and thanks for the explanation regarding  the lack of chimneys, it actually  clarifies some of the game mechanics for me. I always wondered in the past why even in a large house on the coldest nights, my character still ended  up "sweating a lot" after lighting the hearth. It always seemed unrealistically efficient for the fireplace to produce that much heat from just a few logs, but I wonder if this was sort of simulating the smoky warming up period where no one would want to be inside!

One very small suggested tweak: when there are still glowing red embers, could it be possible for fires to automatically relight just by pushing more firewood onto it? Or maybe make the fire lighting task much faster and easier in those cases to simulate just putting fresh wood onto hot embers and blowing rather than the usual process (which I assume involves flint and steel or a bow drill).

June 11, 2020, 08:40:47 AM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics
- added: smoking requires continuous maintaining of fire

          In the previous versions smoking succeeded if the room was heated once, and the process required no further maintenance. Now the heating must be maintained through the whole process.

Wait, are you saying that covering 400 stale chunks of meat with the thinnest layer of smoke from a tiny pile of twigs in my cabin fireplace, once, in 3 weeks is not enough to ensure that the meat is properly smoked?

June 16, 2020, 07:02:09 AM
Baitseeking for worms mod Hello please enjoy this little mod, dig a pit with a shovel next to a lake or river (No rapids) and then press shift+m and select baitseeking to find a worm in the pit...You can use worm as a bait i caught 6 roaches with a worm it seems to work cheers!

Edit: Thanks a lot to Privateer for the help!

November 04, 2021, 01:01:23 AM
I'm currently working on an animal sprite overhaul, what do you guys think? Hey guys, I've been working on a couple of animal sprites recently.

I've been a fan of Galgana's creature sprites (incredible, especially when compared to the vanilla sprites) for a long while and I thought I might as well try my hand at making sprites reminiscent of their work. These are still obviously my own creations (thanks MSPaint), but I wanted to create something that could be used in tandem with their mod, to fill the gaps more or less. Who knows, I may even create my own overhaul that covers all of the animals. If any of you have any suggestions on where I can improve or where I've f**ked up feel free to let me know. I've also dabbled with the rain and snow, it's always bugged me that you lose so much visibility in these weather conditions, but that's for another topic.

Here are the sprites, a humble badger, and beaver (already done the full sprites, these are just teasers).

EDIT: I modified the badger/beaver sprites and created two more, the glutton (wolverine) and polecat

December 06, 2021, 11:57:24 AM
Re: NFT+Metaverse. This is The Era of Enormous Elk To Shake The World NFTs are a fad.
Like crypto in general few years back.

When govt doesn’t have their hooks on it; it will get regulated shortly.
(China already limits the transfers from accounts to crypto, it won’t be forever when US/CA/EU/rest will follow suite)

Or things go like beanstalk control shares “transfer”. No thanks for me.

BUT, if you have excess funds (fun money, gambling pile etc money that you’re outright willing to lose; then, please do experiment / invest / gamble it
But don’t play your pension on them. And I’d rather invest more in real estate.

April 30, 2022, 05:22:14 AM
Linen undershirt and bear fur shirt vs Bastard sword Started a new toon in a spring, rolled surprisingly high stats and weight. Chose very easy and pumped Axe to 98% from get go.
Harvested 2 bears and 3 reindeer by end of Swidden. Went to shop for some nets and got robber quest.. ick. Sure, whatever, I'll do it.

Lost 3 of 5 party members, hired them all from close to robbers and far from my planned cabin#1.
Took an arrow in the leg. 3 of the 1st seen robbers received broadheads. 2&3 died from thorax hits. And last (#6) robber swung bastard sword in the character's face. From fallen, 2 remaining companions knocked him around and dog tore out his neck.

Asking the grievously wounded companion how he's doing after the battle: "Been worse"  ::)

May 26, 2022, 01:06:21 AM