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Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players Hello!

Hello! As some of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have a small side-project in the works. It is a family-scale survival game, with point-and-click gameplay, designed to be mod-friendly. Since the start of this year a private beta version has been available to some long-term UnReal World supporters. I just released beta version 6, and decided that it is time to widen the private beta audience.

If you are interested in testing the game and / or supporting the development, take a look here:

This is still a private beta version, so please don't post the url anywhere for a wider audience. But if you happen to know a friend who might be interested, it is okay to share the link in a private message.

The game development has been a little bit slower than I was hoping for. This has been for two reasons; my plans growing more ambitious, and me having to spend time at my main work to pay the monthly bills. OK OK, so the game graphics and UI are still far from finished. But they will be the next main focus of the development.

At the moment the game is verified to run on windows and linux, mac testing has been unreliable (and, again, slowed down because I don't have a mac to test with myself). But a mac version will happen. If everything goes well, Android and hopefully iPhone versions will follow later on down the line.

The good old 2D tile-graphics:

But there is also an option for a 3D map: (And it is possible to switch mid-game)

April 01, 2022, 06:02:58 PM
Re: does shutter cause a heat loss? I don't know about kotas, but shutters in wooden buildings don't seem to cause any loss of heat.

What they do do, however, is wake you up more often by hearing some rustle or thinking you caught some movement.  Shutters allow you to see and shoot out, but too many may not be a good idea.  I once had my cabin attacked by robbers, and they filled me with arrows on three sides while I was only shooting back out of one. 

January 05, 2023, 06:30:44 PM
Regional crafting recipes It'd be neat if the player didn't know how to craft everything to begin with. What one knew could be linked to one's culture: a kaumolais character would know how to make more traps, maybe a coastal character would know how to make a fishing net etc. To obtain new skills would require one to travel to different cultures and maybe complete tasks or quests for villagers. Also maybe women could teach cooking recepies and how to fix clothes.
January 25, 2023, 07:07:48 PM
"Safe to walk on ice" trap. I visited one of my trap locations and I found this peculiar catch.
Note how there's a land tile to the left of the reindeer but it still didn't manage to climb out.
IIRC I've seen elk that managed to break the ice on an iced tile, climb on a solid ice tile, and repeat for about 5-10 tiles before drowning.

The trap pits below were baited with a raw meat cut and a turnip and/or a fistful of broad beans, which I'm pretty sure is what attracted the reindeer and the elk that I found in one of the trap pits.
In the future I'll drop a raw meat cut and a turnip on a similar ice tile with tree trunks on it and see if this trap will attract animals. I'll make sure that there isn't any other bait nearby.

Unless you are unable to make trap pits, I think making this kind of trap is not worth the effort. On the other hand if you have made your settlement adjacent to a water tile that is not rapids, making this trap to catch any invading Njerpez might be worth it.

February 16, 2023, 08:22:39 AM
Krutzel's Spirited Sprites
Spoiler: Original Post: • show

Hey y'all, I've been drawing sprites for this game for years, but never really released anything myself.
I contributed to Wickham's Graphical Enhancement Project back in the day, and have a few sprites in the base game now, and did all the sprites for Night's Character Designer. Still working on that one, once in a while.

Anyways, I decided to share some of what I have made up to now, currently I'm working on making animals and NPCs in 8 directional sprites, and I'm interested in what you guys think.

Also, I noticed "Galgana's creature sprites" has a few animals with w after the name, does that enable winter version sprites?

I will update when I have more to share, I hope to have a complete graphics pack one day. Enjoy!

Spirited Sprites is purely a graphical mod with focus on realism and esthetics.
A large portion of the pack is adding 8 directional sprites to the game, both NPCs and animals.
All animals are completely remade with 3d references, while NPCs are based on the original game sprites.

Installation and Use:
Unpack in truetile folder and overwrite all.
Alternatively unpack somewhere else, and copy over the files you want.
Copy over wanted files from Spirited Sprites Optional folder. Note the truegfx images need to be copied to the right folder.

Use "a-SS-summer.bat" and "a-SS-winter.bat" to change back and forth from snowcovered graphics.
Press F9 in game to update graphics.

Content and old changelog:

8 directional animals preview:

Changes has been made in released versions.

Old Preview Changelog:

ter-walls - added a few pixels length to support t-juctions.
ter-prepsoil - new tilled soil sprite.
ter-kotacamp - flipped to fit general lighting direction.
ter-ground - new ground sprite.
ter-gcmoss - new moss ground sprite.
ter-cellar - changed perspective to be top down.
ter-road - changed colors to fit new ground.
gui-horizon - new sprite.
it-skis - new sprite for 8 directional movement.
cur-facedirs - reduced size, as 8 dir. sprites make facing easy to read.
cur-pcdirs - same as above.
ter-firepla - Changed colors and contrast.
flo-heather - New sprite for heather. Shown as large patch, instead of small plant.
ter-ypine - new sprite, fits the spruce trees better in style.
ter-bunk - rotated to fit fallen direction east-west.
Dog changed to look like an Elkhund instead of a Buhund.Recolored reindeer sprite.
Started to convert animals to black outlines, as is looks a bit better when sprites are recolored in-game, and increases contrast between sprites. Not sure about this though..
Included wrong wall files. Fixed.
Minor changes to several sprites.

Old Changelog 1.2:
All animals are now included.
remofire - reused my old sprite from Wickhams G.P.
embers - new sprite to fit burt out fire.
suna stove - new sprite for greater difference between the two.
Pine tree, same as the tall version, but shortened. Included as default.
blood - new sprite, less saturated.
Bird tracks made by Galgana - for black grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie, raven, eagle owl, goshawk and mallard. Thank you!
Tall spruce and completely new pine trees that fits the style better. (optional)
8 directional player characters in 8 directions. (optional)
Snowcovered boulder and evergreen trees. (optional)

Spirited Sprites 1.3.1:

Fixed typo in .bat file. Thank you paulkorotoon!

Npc - all npcs included, same ones as we know and love, now in 8 directional sprites.
Included .bat files as per suggestion of Galgana, to change between snowcovered trees and bloulder + hare winter fur.
Plants - Barley, nettle, sorrel and river reed - More pronounced outlines, and experimenting with multiple plants for plants where it makes sense to grow more dense.
Fire - New sprite in pixel art style.
tahtitaivas - Added northern lights to loading screen. (optional)
logo - added Spritited Sprites logo to main screen. (optional)

Terms of use:
The animal sprites are created by me, and you can use them for what ever you want.
Everything else (with a few exceptions) is derived from the game sprites, and can be used for what ever you want, as long as it is ONLY used to mod UnReal World. (As per the terms stated in truetile readme)
Feel free to contact me if in doubt.
Credits are appreciated, but not necessary.

Due to forum file size limitations, I had to part the zip file in 3. Alternative downloads:

Google Drive

NB, you have to be logged in on the forums to download from the underlying links.

February 18, 2023, 10:26:32 PM
Re: F1 help ought to cover smoking i'm not sure the F1 should give the exact numbers, it should be more like "Light the fireplace once a day with enough wood that the fire stays actively burning for over an hour."
February 20, 2023, 11:26:08 AM
Re: F1 help ought to cover smoking
The changes to smoking of food has made it quite a chore to perform, which is probably a reflection of the reality, but, more importantly, is quite impenetrable to players. There's really a need to explain both how much wood you need to use, how often you need to repeat the burning, as well as for how long you need to do it. None of these steps are intuitively obvious to people not familiar with smoking, and even those who are may well know how to use it as a means of cooking (for immediate/near term consumption) rather than a means of long term preservation.

Hear, hear. All the practical information of these can be found from the news.txt, but that's not the most friendly source - at least for beginners - during the gameplay.
We've now added SMOKING and FIREPLACE game encyclopedia entries, of which SMOKING is highlighted in the cookery menu Smoking option.
We aren't likely to give exact numbers of many firewoods to burn, but it's stated that to keep fire burning for 3-4 hours equals to proper heating, and for smoking a daily warming is preferred. This is largely copy & pasting the news.txt entries with few edits.

February 20, 2023, 01:27:34 PM
Animal droppings - an indicator and a fertilizer The past days have been about poop code and poop tiles... as the many different animal droppings, i.e. feces, will appear into the unreal world.

So, what's coming up is that certain animals will start to leave visible droppings that can be found in the terrain.
We're adding droppings for the commonly noticeable and relevant animals; hare, fox, lynx, wolf, reindeer, elk, bear, and so on.
The droppings of different species look a bit different, and upon looking at them you will be told which animal's droppings it is - and also if it's a fresh one.
Some domestic animal droppings are being considered as well, but we'll have to experiment a bit more to see how/if to implement it.

What is to featured as well, and would be in favour with domestic animal droppings, is that the droppings can be also used as fertilizer on your fields.
It will be possible, but not necessary, as the slash-and-burn cultivation already includes fertilization with the ash from the burned wood.
However, we could see fertilizing with the animal droppings increasing the yields slightly.

Here's some screenshots with different kind of droppings indicating the animal presence at these areas.

These are future additions - not yet functional in the current version 3.72.2

February 21, 2023, 06:39:58 PM
Blacksmith NPCs and ordering their products In the next version we'll be featuring blacksmith NPCs, and possibility of ordering various iron goods directly from them. You order, they'll forge, and you will then pay and obtain the item when it's ready. This will be a fundamental new addition, and although there's still lots of work to do we're hoping to have the new version out this month.

Not all the villages will have a blacksmith, but it will still be easier to find one to make you that knife, axe, sword or tool you need than to run through several storehouses in several villages in a search for a missing equipment. The available blacksmith products will vary a bit depending on the cultural areas, but all the blacksmiths can make at least the most basic and essential iron goods, tools and weapons.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.72.2

March 03, 2023, 06:40:59 PM
Re: Plasmator Expanded mod It looks very cool. I'm a graphics guy, and have a bit to point out.
Your sprites seem to use alpha, which the game does not support.

Heres a quote from the readme that explains how the background color works:
Quote from: Truetile Readme
* Background color (which appears transparent in action) is not fixed and is derived from the upper left pixel (0,0).
  Don't use image built-in transparency, but just make sure that the upper left pixel is of the color
  you want to be transparent.

March 07, 2023, 01:49:32 PM