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Haft them axes, haft them spears Hafting of the axes and spears is underway. This is relatively complex and fundamendal addition and I guess we'll be putting out a new release when it's all finished.
There's still lots of work to do, but let's have a first sneak preview of the upcoming hafting mechanics.

So, axe and spear items now consist of two parts; heads and hafts. Haft refers to their wooden handle or shaft, which can break over time or upon damage.
When a haft breaks the separate head remains, and can be hafted again. Hafting is a process of attaching axe or spear head to a new haft, making it a complete working weapon again.

Now let's meet our test character Terhi and let her show how the hafting in UnReal World goes.

One day the haft of her trusty woodsman's axe broke leaving the head lying on the ground.
For all the different axes and spears their heads now also exist as separate items.
Blacksmiths still sell these weapons readily hafted, so the heads aren't commonly found until the axe or spear haft breaks.

Crafting the hafts and the process of hafting can be found from [M]ake menu under a new [H]afting category.
The first two options are used to craft a new haft, and the latter for actual hafting to assemble a working weapon with the head and the haft.
Terhi now proceeds to craft a new axe haft.

Both crafting the haft and hafting task itself requires CARPENTRY skills.  Terhi has managed to craft a fine axe haft, and then she proceeds to actual hafting.
In this list of hafting requirements there's a new "hammering tool" entry. Axe haft needs to be pounded tightly into the eye of the head, so a hammering tool is required.
The butt of another axe, if available, is the best option but you can do this hammering also with a club, solid firewood or even a stone.

The hafting is done and she managed to assemble a decent woodsman's axe. Let the timberwork continue!

The haft quality and success in hafting has significant impact on the finished axe or spear usability. Poor hafting may result in lowering the weapon quality even below the head quality itself. The finished axe or spear quality thus now refers to overall usability with the used haft, and the success in hafting.
On the other hand, you may also manage to raise the finished weapon quality higher than the head quality itself with a perfect and perfectly fitted haft.

So, this is how 2024 starts feature wise. Stay tuned.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.82.

January 12, 2024, 06:19:14 PM
Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears Ability to get them re-hafted at suitably skilled blacksmith's without quality loss chance would be nice.
January 12, 2024, 08:02:24 PM
Haft wear out and breakage mechanics continued As mentioned in the earlier post we're working on axe and spear haft breakage mechanics and re-hafting features.
To come up with separate spear and axe head and haft items was the easiest part of the process. And that's fully completed by now.
To add mechanics and features to combine head and hafts into fully working weapons, ie. hafting, was a bigger thing to accomplish but it's also done by now.

What's been more tricky was to add active wear out mechanics when these weapons are actually used in the game world.
Be it crafting, building or in the combat. But we've gotten there by now and your axe hafts will actually wear out when the axe is used.
And eventually, when severely worn out, they will break.
(This coding groundwork can be later on utilized for making edged weapons getting dull in use, so that feature is also one step closer now.)

Here's Olaus. He has been using his axe for a long time, and now upon felling yet another tree its worn haft breaks.

It was one thing to make the haft wear out mechanics work for player character, but we also needed to put in effect for NPCs. That wasn't a piece of cake, but it's done by now.
And that opens up an opportunity for variety of new incidents to take place. It's not likely, but theoritically possible, that one day a player character finds an old axe or spear head from the woods. Dropped and left there due to NPC activity.

Here's a bear fighting scene with a companion called Aimo.
Aimo's spear haft breaks at the critical moment, but he wisely proceeds to grab the fallen spear head.
If need be, spear heads can be used as sort of substitute for a weapon, although far less effectively than a proper spear.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.83.

January 27, 2024, 05:01:18 PM
Make Mushrooms Useful Mod (Very unbalanced) Hello!

I played for a month (IRL), really disliked I can only boil mushrooms in a pot.
- Pot is very expensive in the early game
- Pot can hold 6 lbs
- can only boil 1lb of mushrooms at time
- very painful inventory management (must transfer the boiled mushrooms to an empty bowl, too much clicking)
- cant combine different mushrooms into the same bowl.
- Mushroom soup requires 2lbs of mushrooms, but those need to be boiled separately first. Extremely annoying inventory management.

1) At first I created a "pot" item Stones and Wooden Bowl. You can heat up stones a use them to boil water even in wooden containers without burning them IRL. To balance it I made it only hold 1lb.

.Stones and Bowl for waterboiling. "pot" [effort:2] [phys:arms,one-armed]  *CARPENTRY*         /120/         %20%   |-2|   
{Block of wood} [remove] [noquality] [optional]
{Tree Trunk} [remove] [noquality] [optional]
{Rock} (5) [remove] [noquality]
{Axe}       <Carving axe> [optional]   

2) Then I realised this does not help the inventory management at all, I still have to transfer to bowls, or create several "pots" for one soup, which is annoying.
So I decided to make roast mushrooms recipe. Roasting mushrooms reduces their water contains, allowing to reduce weight by cca 66%.
.Roasted mushrooms.    "Flatbread"   *COOKERY* /5/  \10\ |-2|   %20% [patch:10]   :148:
{Mushrooms}      #2.5#    [remove] [roast] [ground] [patchwise]
{Knife}   '+for chopping and peeling'
{Seasoning}   #0.5#   [remove] [optional] [roast] [ground] [patchwise]

3) Then I realised the poison will not get removed since the mushrooms were not boiled in the pot or in the "pot".
My patience ran out. I deleted all POISONOUS statuses from all mushrooms which were edible _after_boiling.
And since I hated there is literally nothing to eat when you spawn in summer time with a new character, I made the mushrooms to be ripe from April to November.
This makes the game very unbalanced, but much less annoying if you like to gather mushrooms

Thoughts behind this
+ Raw mushrooms are heavy and get stale quick.
+ this motivates the player to actually roast them instead of eating raw.
- Food is now very accessible and hunger is no longer a problem.
+ Food does not solve anything in this game. Mushrooms are worthless, will not get you tools or skills. Mushrooms will not give you furs for winter or long-lasting dried food.
+ You have to spend a lot of IRL time to actually pick enough mushrooms. Hunting big game is still preferable and more rewarding than running around a forest with a basket

So if you agree with this philosophy, feel free to inspire from this. Feel free to balance it.
Have fun your own way.
I am sure I will.

Happy gathering and be sure to back-up original files!

March 26, 2024, 11:28:19 PM
[TOOL] UrW Backup: Save Game Backup / Manager Utility (GUI Savescum ) (all ver) I like to make several savegame backups, to the point that I've gone ahead and made a whole tool to do it. I have some potential future ideas, but probably not going to do more work on this for the moment unless I get some bug reports.

Because it's using powershell and copying outside of the game structure, it should work with all versions, current, past, and future.

UnReal World Backup Utility is a PowerShell script designed to streamline the process of managing backups (aka save scumming) for the UnReal World game. This utility provides a user-friendly interface for browsing, creating, restoring, and removing backups, ensuring your game progress is always safe and recoverable.

Browse Backups: Easily navigate to your backup storage location using the built-in file explorer.
Make Backups: Create backups with custom reasons, allowing for organized and descriptive backup management.
Restore Backups: Quickly restore your game from a selected backup to revert to a previous state.
Remove Backups: Safely delete old or unnecessary backups to free up space and maintain a tidy backup repository.

Download from:
github /wdpk / urwbackup

More information and download links on the github site. It's 100% open source so you can read exactly what it's doing.

Please let me know what you think.

March 27, 2024, 06:32:51 AM
Coming soon at Steam Ancient Savo now has a public "coming soon" profile at Steam

Or, to be more specific, "soon" means "September 2024", but if you so wish you can wishlist the game, and share the link if you happen to know anyone who might be interested in a resource management survival simulation focused on raising a family.

April 26, 2024, 09:50:57 AM
Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods Mod collision continues to happen with the 3.83 and 3.84 updates with it going to continue to cause conflicts with large mods like the BAC

If you could give us a single key for a craft menu only for modded items it would help greatly. The large BAC mod could be fired up that way with its existing ways of making axes, bows and so on that date back to Bouddia and Rain.

The existing craft menu could remain the same and modders could add to it like now, though knowing that future updates may cause collisons.

Collisions as discussed before happen when updates add items to menus that cause overflow when the total of (new vanilla plus mod items) exceeds the allowed amounts and in the case of the Hafted menu a letter (in this case "H") already being used by a mod.

There are 3 solutions.
= Tiered menu where you open crafting then choose a master menu A, B, C etc but this hasn't been implemented as a heavy coding change

= Co-ordinating the top menu of letters with a large mode like BAC which has already puzzled out things but clearly with "H" for a couple of hafting items isn't of interest

= Give modders a one letter for a seperate modders craft menu. This seems plausible and with limited coding needs. Simply put instead of the "M" for make another letter is u sed to open another craft menu. A craft menu that the dev >NEVER< puts vanilla items into. Instead the large modders can use this as a safe space to figure out on our own large collections such as BAC.

Frankly the ongoing additions of a few items like hand axes and bow making has been modded since long before BAC dating to Bouddia and Rain years ago. I agree that added pausable crafting is a good thing and in time Saami should integrate many of the crafts into vanilla. What is killing the game of those using large mods, and many do use BAC, is the mod collision along the way.

The "modder craft menu" is a more specific lower coding requirement that would support with the large mods. Unreal has long had a commitment and encouragement to modding, such as the initial webpage hosting. Its been years since the first days. You have the success of large mods. For them to function they need to avoid mod collison.

A single separate menu would work for this.

April 29, 2024, 09:00:53 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods  
No offense was intended. This was about the history of modding which you always made an available part of Unreal World. Many suggestions and possible updates exist for any game. When an update is developed and others not there will always be some different views on which one to do next or how it was done.


On the ancestral mods...

To phrase differently players making axes, bows, lamellar armor was added by mods for years. Rain's ironworking is an example. Since Rain wrote that mod various game updates have made his code not work or miss key changes like the introduction of cord lengths. Keeping Rain's going has been part of the BAC by updating those recipes to the current mod language. 

As an example when the blacksmithing update was added the vanilla game now allowed ordering axes form villages. Vanilla players wanting to a specific axe could now get one likely through more hunting & hidework to get the value. Modded players were already making their own choice of axe, exploring the wilderness for sources of iron, crafting tools for getting ore, making charcoal and so on.

I am overall pleased to see more aspects being added to Unreal world and hope to one day see a vanilla player blacksmithing their own axe far away from a village.


On the number of users

For the amount of community interest the BAC 3.82 version shows 524 downloads in post #1 of :

Each time the game went through major updates so did BAC with a new thread to the new game version. So the total number of downloads is hard to know. Many BAC users would have downloaded the next version so the figure above is can be viewed as the active users.


BAC was sized to have lots yet keeping a couple letters free specifically to allow any additions a particular player might want.

The mod community also has a few career mods like bee keeping which some might want and others not.

Some mods introduce being able to train your combat skills through various token systems. While likely of interest to many players it takes a few menu letters to achieve this so wasn't in the BAC. It could potentially be chosen by a player from the free spaces left by the BAC.


A suggestion was to add separate craft menu for mods to use. Right? Let's make sure I understand the proposed suggestion correctly and then brainstorm as necessary. 
So, let's say we'll make a letter O to open a blank make menu, which you can then fill with modded stuff like the current Make menu. And this would be menu that is reserved for mods only. The game craftings would appear in the exisiting Make menu, like currently. Now, if you would then fill this one modders make menu (O) with one big mod it would be..well..full. If there was a few smaller mods that you would like to put there, with custom menu entries or keys even, they would get messed up and tangled together.
If implemented like this it doesn't sound like a plausible long-term solution, or am I not understanding the suggestion?

Correct. That is the current request.

Modders over the year had requested make menu tiers, that is you open make and open a letter than another letter then the 25 recipes for 15,625 possible craft items. Memory recalls an impression on the complexity being an issue on implementing.

The current make menu has ~25x25 = 625 possible entries. By combining many of the popular mods (Rain etc) yes BAC is running close to that. Certain things have been done to save on space like "iron nails" and "iron rivets" being one recipe as the production is very similiar.

There are some mod swap, letter swap methods that are out there as mentioned by Galgana though I've personally never used them.

The modder's crafting single letter was put forward as a lower coding request. It would mean 625 that a modder can use without the "mod collision" that happens when new features are added to vanilla.

"Mod collision" happens when the vanilla game adds crafting to what the modding already had there is some in game disruptions and confusion. An example is the hafting vs BAC's existing mod code. Yes eventually the BAC would be adapted to the new vanilla standard. Until then here are some things that happen:

- BAC included making an axe thus has both an "axe head" and "axe haft"
- BAC "axe heads" don't work with the new vanilla axe fixing. Players get confused.
- BAC "axe haft" doesnt work with new vanilla axe haft so can't fix a broken axe. Players get confused.
- BAC included a chance of a bad axe mounting and recovering a BAC "axe head"

If the vanilla items and mod items are separate then for the above example what is a "BAC axe head" is kept clearly from "Vanilla axe head" and so on.

Further some item creations involve many steps. BAC has "iron nails" that are double used as rivets do save on menu space. Should at some point Saami add nails or rivets the vanilla/mod make split would avoid confusion between whose rivets are needed in recipes. This is intended as a support not a reducing of the vanilla updates.

In time the mods could update assuming the modder is still around in the community.

As another example. [Bowyer] has been added a skill. I actually think that is great. At the time of the last BAC update there was no such skill so the recipes for bow making it has couldn't use it. In time the  mod could be changed over to it. I also wouldn't be surprised if there a players confused on which bow string to use as some will be vanilla bow strings and some BAC bow strings.

May 05, 2024, 11:20:04 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods As a player, when I'm in the middle of a longer modding project and some of my items are no longer compatible, I just add a new temporary item to convert what I have into what I need.

Like this:

Code: [Select]
.Stoney arrowhead. "Stone arrowhead" [effort:0] *CARPENTRY* |0| /1m/ [patch:5]
// migrate old arrowheads
{arrowhead} [remove] [patchwise]

This bit of code took all the old modded arrowheads which didn't work with the new arrows code, and very quickly converted them all into the new vanilla stone arrowheads.

May 07, 2024, 06:53:42 AM
Re: Is someone stealing my poop? This is exactly whats happening, thanks for the reply and the tip! (I have now dedicated a cow to carry the crap).

However, I set a loop snare trap and baited it with some bull dung. Look who I found..... This Scat scavenger. Poop Pilferer. Guano Gobbler. Fecal Feaster. Manure Marauder.

Can I keep this turd theif? I would love to have him / her as a pet. How long do birds last in a trap? What if I continuously feed it?

May 22, 2024, 07:25:44 PM