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We're getting closer and closer to new release We've pretty much finished the actual coding of upcoming release, version 3.70.  Or it's more like we have to seize adding new features now if it's going to be released this month.

Few of the initially planned features actually needed to be postponed for later, for example skiing NPCs. However, as there's now snow penalty functioning for NPCs and animals it will be kind of like payback time version. See, NPCs have been trudging through the snow ever so easily for many versions, but our skiing characters really have an advantage - for at least sometime.

It's likely that 3.70 will be first released as beta version, and it will still grow with lesser features as we continue to work towards the final stable release.

If nothing too complicated comes up with our test runs we'll start wrapping the release up in a week or two.

June 16, 2021, 04:11:46 PM
Version 3.70 beta now available on Steam, and for Lifetimers Version 3.70 beta is available on Steam as beta-branch you can opt-into at will.
Lifetime members can find the beta version at the designated forum section.
On Steam there's now also Summer Sale going on.
Beta release on Itch will follow next week.

Things are fairly stable already, but as it's beta release the bug potential is higher than usual.
Also, some features are still pending to be polished to their final stage in patches to follow.

The key features of version 3.70 version deal with the moon and the moonlight, fibre processing with new textilecraft skill, snow penalty for all the creatures and snow crust, new character portraits, tying equipment adjustments, craftable fishing rods and usage of baits, option for metric units, and so on.
The list of additions and fixes is long. You can take a look at it here.

Phew! It's been quite a bit of content to add.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the possible beta bugs being minor and scarce. But whatever their size and annoyance level may be, we've got our bows prepared for shooting them down.

June 27, 2021, 06:35:55 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I never thought grabbing skillpoints for knife would save my life against a bear and her cub... I mutilated both of them without being hit ((Thx god)) using a broad knife....I feel like chuck norris
July 12, 2021, 10:26:57 AM
A family survival game (in the making) As many of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have another game project in the making. The game is called Ancient Savo, and it is also keeping your family alive in the 1200CE woodlands of Eastern Finland. The time-scale of the game is so that one turn is 24 hours, and the gameplay is about planning actions. Like "fell down that area of woods", "sow rye", "build a cabin". You don't actually see your family members going around their daily business, so it is more like the old Sim City and such management games, where you hover over the map clicking tiles to plan actions. No fighting; cold, hunger and accidents are your only enemy. And the game is designed to be modding-friendly.

The development has been going on, and at the moment we have most of the basic elements set up. We have 2D and 3D graphics, and you can switch mid-game. You can plan actions and watch your children grow. You can visit a marketplace to barter with NPCs.

In addition to my own coding we already have a few rather awesome contributions by other people - like four original music pieces composed, played, recorded and mastered by Erik Torpström from Rogue Analogue.

Learning to code the 3D graphics took some time, but finally it works good enough. So that for coming weeks and months I'll shift my attention back to the actual game-play, balancing values, adding details etc.


EDIT by Erkka at 26th of December 2021 : Removed some outdated information, and here are the fresh additions;

To be honest, I haven't yet gotten to balancing values and adding details. Instead I've been busy with implementing the basics of a modding system, marriage and ability to continue playing as your offspring. All that kind of stuff took more time than I had thought.

Despite lagging a few months behind the intended schedule, the project is still very much alive. A private beta version is available for a restricted audience, and if no fatal bugs are found, there will be public beta sometime towards the end of January, or in February if bughunting eats away time from the actual development.

Apparently the old screenshot got deleted as I updated the project info at Enormous Elk site, so here is a fresh one:

August 22, 2021, 06:26:48 PM
Wrapping it up for a stable release Seems like all the most critical bugs have been fixed by now and 3.70 beta has been around for such a good while that we don't expect any nasty surprises anymore. So wrapping things up for 3.70 stable starts now, and the release is expected early this month.

The few latest additions to 3.70 that were finally accomplished are craftable cords and ropes from yarn, and whole lotta new character portraits.
Just a little more work and patience is needed and then it's out.

October 01, 2021, 01:53:25 PM
The 30th jubileum, 47th birthday, and sort of a year off This year, in 2022, we are celebrating the 30th Jubileum of UnReal World.
The game was first released in the summer of 1992, so the 30-year milestone will be reached this summer.
Now what will this special year of celebration bring upon us, and the game?

When it comes to coding and development, I will be taking it real easy. It is likely that we'll see some updates to the game, but mostly I'll be devoting my time for variety of other things. So I'll kind of celebrate the 30 years of development by taking a year off from the usual coding flurry. This also allows me to better contemplate on the future of the game as there some challenging overhauls in our sight. One is moving to higher resolution and modern aspect ratio. The year is early, and these thoughts are scattered, so more news on this front will follow later on. But yes, it is truly so that I will take a year off from the usual, practical, hands-on development. Planning, brainstorming and a little something easy paced remains, though.

Nevertheless, during this year of celebration we will be bringing you some recreational content from the North, out and away from the development chambers. What it will be exactly remains to be seen, but I'm sure this year off will bring along many occasions, incidents, experiments or artistic projects to share or publish.  There are some ideas bubbling under already.

On this thursday, 27th of January, it will be my 47th birthday. I started working on UnReal World at the age of 15 and two years later,  at the age of 17, the first version was released to the public. Now the 30th Jubileum, or 47th birthday, may feel like an occasion to offer me a drink or something, and for that purpose I quickly created "buy me a coffee" page.
It's a simple support channel I've been asked to allow even earlier.  Now it's up and will remain so at least for this year.  I'll reserve the right to decide the drink to buy with your support :) , but big cheers anyway!
(And surely the regular donations page also works for gifting some squirrel hides.)

So these are the news to start this year with.  Feel free to comment or ask if something comes to your mind.

Sami (UnReal World creator)

The developer is currently out the office ...

He's skiing in the woods following two elks...

He will be back occasionally and eventually.

January 24, 2022, 03:01:22 PM
A new piece of primitive music by Enormous Elk We're happy to present you a new piece of music and a video.
"Illalla, lammella" (In the evening, by the pond) can be viewed at Enormous Elk YouTube channel:

Like mentioned earlier this was recorded and filmed while I was visiting Erkka last month. You'll also see the authentic setting of the live recording, by the pond.
Post-production took a little longer than expect because my right hand is still in a cast, but even though this was mostly edited with left hand we're happy with the mood and result.


June 12, 2022, 05:30:12 PM
Version 3.72 (beta) for Windows - a surprise release Surprise, surprise!

The autumn has come, and there's hint of winter in the air. The nights have gotten darker and longer, and there's been rainy days too.
Perfect weather for coding, one might say. And you know what, that's what's been happening in the silence of the coding chambers lately.

So here we are, flexing our coding and release muscles with a little surprise release packed with a dozen of new features and a fistful of fixes.

Version 3.72 beta is now available at Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers. For the time being there's only Windows version available, but OS X and Linux versions and more features will follow in time.

You'll find the full changelog later in this post, but let's highlight some new features first.

Random character names

Upon character creation you can now randomize culturally relevant names for them at will. Here a Kuikka-tribe female is being created with a random name of her culture.

Harvest and pick agriculture option

The good old harvest option only cut down the crops, but now there's an option cut and pick the crops to character's inventory at one go.

Watercraft marker icons on zoomed-out wilderness map

When leaving punt or raft on the zoomed-in map the corresponding marker icon is now shown on the zoomed-out wilderness map.

Version 3.72 (beta) changelog

- added: random character name option

Upon creating characters and choosing their name you can now randomize a culturally relevant names for them. Pressing tab or asterisk (*) will bring up random names which you can then confirm with enter, or modify at will.

- changed: name/sex/culture character creation selections order -> culture/sex/name

As the random character name option needs to know the culture and sex to pick up a relevant names these selections now come before choosing the name.

- changed: "quick and easy" character creation mode now randomly chooses also the culture and sex

Previously there was no randomization in that regard, but Kaumolais male was always chosen. Otherwise this character creation mode mode remains the same assigning rest of the options automatically and starting nearby a village.

- added: "Harvest and pick" agriculture option

The good old harvest option only cut down the crops, but this newly added option also automatically picks up the harvested plants to character's inventory. For clarification the existing "Harvest" option is now renamed as "Harvest down" in the Agriculture menu.

- added: domestic animals in the villages will withdraw from player character's way

Moving towards a domestic animal will now make it to withdraw from your way. This is to prevent the character from getting jammed eg. in small buildings with village dogs.

- modding: increased maximum number of character portraits in each category up to 250.

- added: watercraft marker icons on zoomed-out wilderness map

When leaving punt or raft on the zoomed-in map the corresponding marker icon is now shown on the zoomed-out wilderness map.

- enhanced: message about the markers at wilderness location

Instead of given information about each marker with their own message now a summary of all the markers is given in one sentence. For example: "There is a shelter, set traps and a punt at this location."

- added: confirmation to start a fire on some occasions

You will be asked a confirmation to start a fire in the following conditions:
1. There are valuable items to be burned down where you are about to build a fire.
2. You are building a fire indoors at other than fireplace location.
These confirmations will prevent the unfortunate cases of accidentally setting your house or valuable belongings on fire.

- adjusted: party members fire making safety checks

From now on your companions won't ever start a fire at a location with items on the ground. Previously they might accidentally set a pile of items on fire.

- enhanced: rendering of the portraits

Character portraits are now rendered directly to the screen using the available resolution. This makes the portraits appear more crisp and clear. This enhancement affects to various game screen where portraits are being used; quest info display, list of ancestors, character profile, chat screen, etc.

- SDL update: updated to newest SDL 2.24.0

Updated SDL release includes a good deal of bugfixes which may have hampered some systems. - fixed: sacrificing food in a container mistakenly removed the container too

- fixed: auto-cut yarn weights calculated wrong

This bug manifested itself eg. in smoking and drying cookery recipes. After retrieving the auto-cut yarn you found it heavier than expected.

- fixed: extracting fibre from retted but not dried nettles was possible

- fixed: carried weight statistics not updating immediately after cancelled crafting

- fixed: character's height in metric units displayed wrong

This was a conversion issue within character profile screen.

- fixed/adjusted: squirrels won't climb to safety in saplings

Previously they were mistakenly considered being high up in a tree even if it was a mere sapling.

That's all, dear adventurers. Cheers and enjoy the surprise!
And please allow some time for rest of the platforms to follow. You know, my "year-off from coding" still continues :)

October 10, 2022, 08:20:43 PM