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[Fixed - persists in 3.71] Cordage used for smoking/drying increases in weight As the title says, I have a 3,3m linen cord that weighs 108kg, and several others with lesser but equally unplausible weights. It seems that the weight increases every time the cord is used for smoking/drying.
December 03, 2021, 11:09:57 PM
Re: 3.71 Sleeping Animals move about Ok , first time I've seen it happen, it's eerie :D

December 04, 2021, 11:48:18 PM
Re: Cordage used for smoking/drying increases in weight Yes, playing 3.71 , this happened over the course of a long period , there were small increases at first and then it got a lot larger, I've included a screenshot (sorry it's cropped to fit into the file size requirement). I did rejoin the cordage a couple of times, so this might have contributed. let me know if you need the savegame.

December 10, 2021, 05:59:06 PM