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Re: Hillforts and tribal protected areas Yes please.
Should also include a watch tower / hunting tower. And a ladder to climb up and down. To the tower. *

The hill forts should be spawned on the edges of the cultural area (not extending the area like settlements and villages do)and only spawning on hills, cliffs or mountains.

*maybe allow building fixed ladders to caves, cabin roof access et cetera. Notched log type, not 2 beams and rungs.

September 08, 2020, 02:10:57 AM
Re: Nefarious NPC or maybe even take Njerp raiding party to a another cultural area... (how that quest would be given, well, nefarious folks might have their ways?)
Or Reemi/Kiesse/Kaumo group to raid/avenge Sarto/Driik area...?

September 08, 2020, 04:35:24 PM
Re: Which game update you are looking forward to? I’m waiting for travois/sled/sleigh/cart/wagon update the most. Hopefully it’ll have inventory management for rucksack/stuff sack at the same time.

2nd on my wishlist would be advanced crafting: making all bows, smithing broad heads, reusing broken arrows. Rehafting axes, repairing armor. Smithing axe and spearheads, knife and sword blades. Preferably unlocked via quests and not easy or quick to get unlocked or produce.

3rd would be world generation rework: to include springs, brooks, streams, digging ditches, and the narrowing of roads to more realistic width.

September 17, 2020, 07:18:53 PM
Re: Location, Location, Location As an alternative, I would feel like a characters could remember where their traps are.
Just like other fixed world structures: log buildings, shelters, etc are remembered and shown in the grayed out area of the screen; display set&found traps in the grayed out, memorized areas.
Only show them in set mode, don’t show them triggered, don’t show any animals on them. Until seen again.
“I remember setting a trap behind those spruces”

October 02, 2020, 06:40:42 PM
Re: Travelling adventurer: A new discovery? I often avoid Adventurer types. (Robber chance)

But playing vagabond/traveler types, I’ve met Koivula, Sarto, Kuikka, Kaumo, Reemi and Driik adventurers away from their cultural areas.

(If you spot adventurer types on Wilderness map out of Freezing season, drop all your belongings and go say “hi” nothing to lose; if they’re robbers, there’s commentary to leave before getting beat up. And you can always go fetch your stuff and return if honest adventurer)

October 05, 2020, 06:29:08 AM
Re: [3.63] Sliver ring won't be consumed in sacrifice for forest spirits I’ve had silver ring not wear down from sacrifices as well. But since 3.61 they’ve shown wear.
Necklaces have always worn considerably faster. (4 uses from necklace, 12+ from ring)

If you have a save of the non-wearing ring right after sacrifice; I guess Sami could see if it did cause wear and not show it, or not even consume part of the ring.

October 08, 2020, 04:14:11 PM
Re: Why I carry a rock in real life I cheat. I carry a knife. Usually a small folding knife (3” or 7-8cm blade)
Sometimes just a tiny 1.5-2” 3.5-5cm folding knife.
Other times it’s a small fixed blade knife and other times medium sized knife (4” 10cm blade)

And for backwoods camping and large game hunting, I also carry an axe.

October 10, 2020, 04:56:20 PM
Re: Buying expensive items by selling boards, paw-boards, stakes and wooden bowls ? One way to get decent supply of cord for new characters is to build light lever traps. 10 or so in the area where your shelter is.

FWIW: I always start in spring, even with the change of spring having still a deep snow. Just be sure to make withes of some saplings. One might get lucky and kill a deer or moose, then get the meat to dry, as backup food, should last to late summer, by that time should have steady supply of smoked meat and fish as daily nutrition

So the first few days is getting some fish to stay alive, build some traps, fish more, check traps. Make some boards or bowls for trade, javelins for trade or use. Repeat.
Checking those traps will yield decent amount of bird leather, once tanned, make them into bandages if they’re below decent. Then cut a cord of each bandage.
You can also micromanage those 1/2 bandages to even lighter, with meticulous use of tanned bird hide, and then a half bandage to make a cord. Bandage at full weight or 0.05lbs has same wound treating ability...

Trapping birds with light lever traps has the extra benefit of giving great supply of feathers for fletching arrows both for use and trade! (Carpentry is the skill that pays massive dividends here, aim for 50+)

October 12, 2020, 06:36:17 AM
Re: Finding my arrows Maybe Sami could code in Njerpez knocking out the character instead of always going for the kill. And unlike robbers, character would wake up in far south east of the game world map with all (carried) belongings missing and wearing poor condition ragged clothes only.

(additional voluntary challenge: how many times can one get enslaved by Njerpez AND raze their camp?)

October 14, 2020, 07:50:01 AM
Re: Small predators like ermine, pine-marten and polecat much more common Yes and no.  ???
In my years in the woods, I've encountered multitude of foxes, badgers, hares, (whitetail; which was introduced at Laukko Manor in 1934*) deer, roedeer, reindeer; which doesn't really count as semi-domesticated, and quite a few polecats.
I've not seen a glutton, nor bear (live in Finnish wilderness). I've seen two lynxes, less than handful of pine-martens.
Disclaimer: I've not been around since iron-age  :P

* my paternal great-grandmother was one of the milkmaids at Laukko Manor and my grandmother, then a teenager, hand fed the newly arrived animals. Until they decided to bail the jail.

October 21, 2020, 08:40:51 PM