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Re: Rauko Huzzah!

I always appreciated the extra effort for the pics. I'm more of a writer myself (see Novrus etc). Glad you managed to keep it.

Query: Wonder if Saami can archive the thread in such as way as to store the pics? Its a good example play for his game.

September 29, 2019, 03:26:14 PM
Re: Actual completion date instead of # days for x to smoke, dry, tan, etc. Id prefer >both< to be shown if its anything over 7 days (like with hideworking)

Something like

It will be done in 11 days roughly the late fallow season

October 01, 2019, 12:19:44 AM
Re: Does cooking with a quality pot have any benefits? Hope that will be added.

One thing in the BAC Mod is a hollowed wooden stump for a pot. I lowered the quality output on it (IIRC) to reflect its primitive nature.

I also like to think of "fine" and better items to possibly reflect some extra features, perhaps the pot has short legs to make it easier to put hot coals up around it or a loop handle so you can hang it over fires at different heights for different recipes.

In real life you can use such to boil water by repeatedly putting fire heated rocks into the water. As one set of rocks cools take them out and put in newly hot ones.

October 03, 2019, 10:23:01 PM
Re: 3.60 (stable) released on Steam, with Halloween sale & Kekri celebration I like it when Saami makes me update my mod  :P

For reals. It keeps things alive and developing is good.

This one is an easy tune up.

October 30, 2019, 04:30:35 PM
Re: Renovations? Honey is of course the supervisor.


Perhaps you could do a light blue upper wall with large green triangles representing a forest.

January 04, 2020, 11:49:26 PM
Feb 02, 2020 Steam phantom update Steam freaked me out today cueing a 533 MB  :o update for Unreal World and I was twitching in nervous anxiety at the scope of needing to fix the BAC mod for something that extensive  :-\ :'( :-[. Looking for info though there wasn't any news since the archery. Going back to the steam downloads it was now saying the update was done with Zero of Zero downloaded.

So apparently steam did some minor management or something after all.

Mentioning it here for the devs to be aware of or other modders not to gasp for breath while clutching their chests.

February 02, 2020, 02:34:48 PM
Re: [Brygun] Cornan the Barbarian Thoughts skip into Cornan’s head. Where was he? Running toward exhaustion in the wood. He had to get his thoughts under control to live. The slaver’s outpost was now west-south-west of him but where in the world was that.

The boots the slaver gave him looked like Reemi make. The slavers had come from back from the east with those. The cloak had come from the north with the tribe “Kiesse” on the slaver’s lips. That would put the Kaumo to the north east and the Koivula west. Cornan’s home Sartola was far away to the north west.

Shuffling winds stirred the spruce. Hair on the back of his neck pricked up. Spirits, slavers or winds it didn’t matter. Cornan resumed moving. Walking to keep a reserve of energy in case other slavers stumbled upon him.

The frozen pond came to view. He could chip it open to get a drink. Too risky. This was where he had been so many times forced to carry water back to the camp. They would come this way sooner or later.

Next of note was a marsh. Where his weight pushed in deeper ice cold dripping made their way over the top of his boots. Struggling to get them out Cornan realized how deep the foot prints were. Any one could follow these. He had to get back into the forest.

Late morning a tinkling sound of water pouring from a water skin made him freeze. Carefully peeking around the tree he could see who it was.

A man Relieving himself on a birch tree.

Dressed for war with mail under a fur over coat. A battle axe was holstered on one hip with a mace on another. A shield guige strapped to his back and a spear against the tree. Turning the man stepped out view speaking in a foreign tongue.


Fur traders or slave traders?

Cornan approached warily calling out a greeting to what was now two of them.

“Name Farabert,” said one, “Want furs winter. Steel give.”

Fur traders then. A broken conversation found the other to be called Bevisward. They knew little of the area so were glad of the warning of the slavers. It was not their goals to fight only to bring furs back to their head man across the seas. At least though for a moment Cornan was safe.

<Cornan 002 found traders>

April 19, 2020, 02:24:34 AM
Re: [Brygun] Cornan the Barbarian The ease of safety began to fade. Cornan’s mind started to ask questions. What if the traders had come to witness the sacrifice? What if they told the slavers in which direction he fled. Perhaps this was all nothing. It was nearing noon. This time of year there was limited daylight. Best to move away then make a first night’s shelter from the cold.

Withered tiny lumps of berries made their way into his hand as he walked. He had no idea what they were. A few grandfather phrases came to mind like “know a mushroom or it will kill you” and “bog plants have a habit of burying you.” Though in general most berries were safe to eat its not true of all of them. Perhaps if he saw animals eating them.

Like those wolves!


Oh that’s just wonderful! A pack of hungry wolves in winter! Cornan ran for a kilometer. The traders could have wolf furs if they wanted a fight. The slavers might shelter or fight the wolves. So long as wolves didn’t chase him. It was Cornan who was alone from the herd, so to speak. Easy prey for a wolf pack.

He stopped running when the spruce gave way to a patch of heathland. Here he could see better. There were plants here. Young shoots that maybe edible. Certainly not the dangerous bog plants.

This spot was a blessing. A hope that the spirits were with him. Just over there was a birch sapling. Seemingly all alone among the heath pine and spruce. As if placed there for such a rescue as this. With the rusty knife he cut it down then shaped it into a withe. At least he had his first cordage.

How did it go again? The five C plus one of survival.

Cutting. The rusty knife was that. To take things apart.

Cordage. He now had at least the withe to tie things together.

Cover. His clothes, the fur cloak and he could make a lean to.

Carry. A means to carry things. This was a problem. Only doubling over his cloak was doing that.

Combustion. A means to start a fire. This would be desperately needed. Rocks scattered might make sparks. The rusty knife’s back side might too. He gathered whittlings from the withe and dried winter pine branches for kindling.

The plus one “C” was care. This was lacking. Bandages of any sort to clot wounds. He had neither wounds nor bandages. At least battering in fight practice gave a chance to observe bandaging. As a boy before the capturing never was much time spent cooking with mother or gathering with sister. Care also meant herbs he didn’t know for poultices and herbs he didn’t know for teas.

As a slave he had learned sword fighting for when the gladiators games were more lethal. They had also had him fight wood on wood to train the other slavers. One thing he also knew from his youth was archery. He boasted to the slavers of being a better shot than them. It amused them to let him compete with them or with visitors, all with a spear near his back should Cornan think of changing to a living target.

Those young days came to mind. This momentary freedom like a fresh spring wind. Days turning steaming ash into the soil for new fields. Chopping at wood for shapes that could fit together. As a boy he made a low shed for a favored dog. Small it may have been it did take the same joints as a full house would.

A chirping bird awoke him back to the now. He was in a heathland nearing noon. There were “C” to fill out to survive the first night.

He avoided a patch of unknown mushrooms, “know a mushroom or it will kill you.” A few dry grasses nibbled like a crude salad. A few rocks and stones were gathered for crafting. Perhaps to make a stone-axe soon.

Bright colors appear through the trees. Cornan rushed over to lingonberries! This was a blessed heathland he’d run to. Enough moisture form the the berries would make good on needing to find drinking water. He’d need meat in a few days or malnutrition would set in. This was a chance to at least start. Gathering them led to a mushroom he did know, yellow coat an edible for flavor useful in soups.

<Cornan 003 blessed heathland>

April 19, 2020, 03:47:16 PM
Re: [Brygun] Cornan the Barbarian Berry harvesting is inefficient they say. Its true. The slow rate of picking for the nutrition is best done to give variety when you have other food sources. The grasses he was eating and the mushrooms were fairly weak on their own.

Pondering this Cornan looked to the sun. It was already afternoon! Cornan had also become cold. Lacking proper clothing without a fire in Dead month winter risks frostbite. He best get started on a shelter. A few spruce trees would provide the cover and bedding.

Man spruce twigs woven together make a crude matting. It at least keeps one off the ground. The classic three bar lean-to with two upright and a cross bar would be the shelter. A young pine laboriously whittled with the rusty knife provided these. More spruce would be laid along one side to make slanted wall. Twisting the spruce twigs so they arc downward would help shed water, or snow.

Low ground would mean cold air flowing in though blocking of the wind was better. Most important was a place for a small fire that wouldn’t be easy for searchers to see.

This was tiring, time consuming with numbed fingers faltering in their grip. The sun was down without the shelter completed. Stumbling in the evening dark Cornan made a ring of rocks and stone to safe guard a fire.

It was a failure.

He fell asleep on the spruce mat without the lean to made. His staggering mind focused on this task. It wasn’t until the early afternoon the lean to was done. Pathetic Cornan thought to himself. What had kept him warm was the small fire, the fur cloak and the spruce mat. Well the latter two he could carry and make new fires elsewhere.

He was starving now too. The thin diet of lingonberries and whatever grass wasn’t going to keep him going. If he stayed he would soon die here.

A fear crept along his skin. A different fear. It wasn’t the surging fear of swords clashing in a gladiator duels or the pounding of punishments. It was the question of whether he was fit to live. Did he know what he needed to live? Could he figure things out? Did he matter?

Thirst was clawing at him as well. The berries weren’t going to be enough. Weak Cornan gathered a more rocks, stones and branches. He laid out branches for markers. Three singles then a cluster of three to give the direction like an arrow to the shelter.

Another small fire in the shelter with its mat made him sweat in the fur cloak. His muscles were weaker now from a day without meat. One can survive a week or two like that. It was water that was maddening him. He simply couldnt eat enough berries for that. That night he carved a length of pine into a staff. Sleeping with the cruelty of that deep thirst clawed at his soul. Over and over again he woke up knowing he needed to drink.

Finally the thin morning light made travel reasonable. To the east there is a pine mire. Pools of iced over water. Crazed muscles pounded on the ice. It broke through. Like a desperate dog Cornan pushed his face into the icy water. The chill was nothing compared to two days of drinkless berry munching.

He rolled onto his back.

Well, he wasn’t going to die of thirst after all.

<Cornan 004 first drinking>

April 19, 2020, 11:32:31 PM
Re: [Brygun] Cornan the Barbarian The next day was also without birds. The lack of meat was again starting to burden Cornan. He ate beans reducing the reserve he had hoped to keep to the deep winter.

By da 5 of the 8th week to midwinter the starvation was far worse than before. Only one bird in a few days. Crafting took time away from gathering. Traps had been reset with the a few relocated to make a new L like catch zone. With only a few bowls and fox board traps it would have be time to go to the towns for assistance.

The nearest town’s sage told Aimo needed help. Perhaps the sage had taken pity on Cornan. This would be good as the trade items amounted to getting all of three arrows. They are a lighter trade item which is helpful. Without a bow they wouldn’t do much.

Old Aimo wanted to make repairs to the sauna. A stack of thirty stones would be needed. Fetching these from the pastures and fields would also be helpful. It worked out to worth a second bag of broad beans. A crucial need with the first bag’s beans all consumed. Cornan was back to his camp by mid morning. The snow was now ankle deep.

Putting his hands on his hips Cornan had to think. If it was that the bird migration had moved on then he needed to trap land animals. The freeze had already taken the ground even if he had a shovel to dig a pit trap with. Still the narrow between the lakes had been a deciding factor in where to setup. If the thought of the improved camp’s trap as the convenient trap line it was time to lay sets by the narrow. Grandfather might call it a near trap line. One you could walk too in a few minutes with that distance stopping your camp activity from spooking the animals away.

Gathering for this task a black grouse flew overhead. A good sign. Then he saw an anthill. There is legends about anthills though he never learned the proper ritual. So Cornan put on the anthill berries. A gesture to the ant spirits and the forests for mutual feeding. Sadness also came to Cronan seeing that new shrubs of berries he had been eating were now withered from the cold. They could no longer be relied on to sustain him, meager as it had been.

At the narrow half day old ermine tracks revealed this idea would be a good one. Using the ermine’s tracks Cornan could better imagine how large animals might travel across the narrows. Placing traps today was to cut off the alternates. Later they would funnel game to where a pit trap would go. Light lever traps were made into an array along one shore with the other having a larger trap more suitable for an ermine. For bait there was only berries. Cornan’s stomach grumbled in complaint at leaving them. His mind spoke back that this was an investment capable of greater return.

The next morning he returned adding a few more traps. With the ice already thick enough on the lakes he felt for now he should put in a trap in the planned path. It was then that it occurred to him he could make a triple trunk pyramid trap in this place. Such a trap was meant for bears though it might wound an elk that pushed into it.

 An accident occurred moving the third trunk. With the traps arranged Cornan had brought it along the ice. The path was solid only at first. As before when the ice did break he was dumped in. The temperature in the air was just above freezing. Perhaps this is what had thinned the ice. With this in mind Cornan made an emergency fire to continue working. This and his his own exertions soon dried him and got him warm, at least in the milder air. There was now over a dozen traps in this nearby line. Bait was limited though with the heavy dead fall triple trunk being the priority.

<<Cornan 009 traps in narrow>>

April 20, 2020, 09:16:54 PM