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Re: Losing Braincells While Trying to Find Camouflaged Reindeer I've had new footprints appear once when I had to sleep while in the area. In the morning there were fresh footprints that weren't there the day before, so it is possible for new footprints to be generated, but it's also very easy to just miss the ones that are there because something obscured them, or you just passed a couple of tiles too far away from them.
December 04, 2021, 10:22:41 AM
Mangled hand prevents stone throwing [3.71] I created a character who'd been injured by Njerps and left for dead (starting scenario), leading to a mangled left hand. I found a rock and equipped it in the available hand, noticing that a second rock couldn't be equipped (as expected). When encountering a bird I tried to throw the equipped rock at it, but received the message that I couldn't use the left hand for throwing, which doesn't make sense as the rock ought to have been equipped in the working hand. I then tried the unequipped rock and was met with the same message (which is otherwise reasonable, as the working hand ought to be occupied by the equipped rock). After unequipping the equipped rock I could throw a rock, but I wasn't prepared to accept that unreasonable additional difficulty of having thrown rocks take twice as long to throw, so I just ditched the character and created a new one. Unfortunately, this means I don't have a save with which to demonstrate the issue.
December 05, 2021, 03:44:54 PM
Re: Punts on Dogs (or other pack animals) I believe a punt is a rather small craft, not a full fledged canoe. After all, it seems to be designed to be carried between waterways as needed, and if a human can carry it, so should a bull.
I agree a dog carrying it is questionable, though, even if it is rather light, since it's probably too large to fit onto the dog.

December 23, 2021, 10:54:04 AM
Re: Ask about character's fatigue Walking in snow builds up fatigue (as Privateer indicates), in particular very deep snow without crust. On bare ground I think you only build up fatigue while running or hauling heavy items.
January 16, 2022, 11:22:28 AM
Re: Deadly poisoned I'd definitely try medicine. I believe some plants are described as useful to get rid of toxins from the body, which definitely would help, and there may be other effects that might be useful too. A sage would also be useful.
If you've gotten herbal blends as a reward from a sage I'd try that as well. At worst it does nothing, while at best it helps.

Which kind of boiling? There Boil / Herbal beverages, which I think is what should be used, and there's Vegetable Recipes/Mushroom soup which definitely shouldn't work even if the only additional ingredient is water (it looks like flour/seasoning is optional).

After everything that can be done has been done, I'd top it up with a sauna bath (or a few).

January 19, 2022, 09:53:30 AM
Re: How do i move my old character to new world for next version? I've traveled to the NW corner map marker maybe a year ago as a last action with a character (actually a post mortem one, as my character, annoyingly, died about a month before the intended retirement trip, so I brought out the backup and made the trip anyway). There's nothing there, i.e. you reach the edge and get a message indicate you can't travel further, but the in-game "info" that you can move over to a new world is incorrect (at least it is for that corner).
I "probed" the area around the corner multiple times, and each was met with the same message.

February 13, 2022, 10:22:19 AM
Re: Unworthy trade items Not exactly worthless, but definitely much harder to use, yes. If you were to buy something reasonably inexpensive, such as e.g. seeds, the value of your small stacks may be sufficient to reach an acceptable portion of the price. A single squirrel skin can probably be bought with small stacks as well.

It can also be noted that stacking works in both directions, i.e. a stack that isn't sufficiently valuable to be usable in a trade for an axe AND a bag of salt might still be usable in a trade against either object alone.

However, both axes and salt are expensive, so dozens of stacks of 2-3 probably wouldn't be enough anyway.

But yes, small stacks of low value food aren't particularly useful for trade. Skins are much more useful for that purpose.

April 01, 2022, 10:10:05 AM
Re: Feeding dogs Yes, withes are very useful for food processing, in particular very early on when you don't have any alternatives.

If I remember correctly, salmon is the largest fish, followed by trout and then pike.

April 02, 2022, 10:18:21 AM
Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%? Max 3 gains in each skills per day has been the rule for many years, and I have not seen any indication that it shouldn't be valid still.

As far as I know, there is no such thing as skill rust in the game, but if I understand it correctly, the algorithm that gradually reduces the chance of gaining a skill point does not reach zero at a skill level of 100, so you can still "improve" the skill, but the cap of 100 means that "improvement" does nothing, as the skill remains at 100. It does, however, have one application: there's a skill course task to improve a skill (or maybe several such tasks), and this "improvement" allows you to meet the skill course requirement even if you're already at 100.

April 02, 2022, 10:26:42 AM
Re: [Spoilers] Meeting the Forest Spirits While silver can be hard to get hold of early on and is costly, the sacrifice only sacrifices a piece of the silver item, so it's good for a few attempts.

I'd try remaining right beside the ant hill, rather than move away from it, and I'd also try an ant hill away from any construction, which includes post spruces.

I'm not aware of a failure chance for this mission.

It can also be worth noting that the various spirit missions have a much longer timeout than other missions and can also be active in parallel with normal ones, so you can wait until it gets warmer and lighter if you want/need to.

April 02, 2022, 10:36:00 AM